Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop



Class Handouts:



Web Resources

There are so many resources for writers--professional, amateur, beginner, expert--on the Web...

Think about joining the Young Writers' Club.

The Young People's Press (or YPP) is a pretty cool "online news and media service for young people".

Teen Ink is "written by young people for young people," and you can submit writing, photos, and art for possible publication.

Looking for a Rhyming Dictionary?

Want some help with that crossword puzzle? Or your Scrabble game? How about a Pig Latin dictionary? Or a dictionary that will scramble your letters up to form new words? Every kind of dictionary you can imagine is at Langenberg.

Looking for a dictionary/thesaurus/telephone book/CIA Factbook/quotation/atlas? It's at Research It!, with a lot of other stuff, too.

Try Black on White, a site for beginner writers (but not for kids).

Look at all of the resources for professional writers at Writers Write, an Internet writers' magazine.

Submit a poem to the folks at Poetry.com and win cash.

Look at Yahoo's Creative Writing category for a good list of sites for writers of all kinds--from poetry to comic books.

I like some of the tips at Aaron Shepard's Young Author's Page.

Or just try some Brain Food, puzzles for the brain to gnaw on.

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