You receive three grades for Reading Workshop.

1. The first grade is for bringing a book to class to read on the day you have Reading Workshop.
This simply means what it says. If you brought a book to read, you'll get a check in my grade book. If you didn't bring a book to read, you get a zero. It does NOT mean that you grabbed a book off the classroom shelf, or borrowed a book off a neighbor's desk, just because I'm checking and you want to have something made of paper in front of you. It DOES mean you've planned ahead; you knew it was your Reading Workshop day; and you have a book with you that you plan on at least trying to read during the lesson. If I have checked for books, and you then say, "Now that I got my check, can I switch this book?" then my feeling is you didn't really bring a book to read.


2. The second grade is for reading during the Reading Workshop lesson.
If you sit and read for a full 35 minutes or so, the time available, you get a plus in my grade book. If you sat quietly, but it seems like you weren't reading--maybe you drifted off and daydreamed for part of the time, for example--you get a check. Both of those grades are satisfactory.

However, if you did something else instead of reading, like just skimming over the pages, doing your homework from another class, or sleeping, that gets a minus in my grade book.

Finally, if you actually disturbed other readers in the class by whispering, giggling, talking, or otherwise actively being a distraction, you receive a zero for the lesson.

If you want to see your grade for the lesson, you may look at my grade book AFTER the class has been dismissed.


3. The last grade is for making progress as a reader.
Because I don't want you to flip through comic books or magazines for one lesson each week, you do get a third grade for making progress in the book or books you are reading, and having a personal reaction to what you're reading.

How can I tell if you're making progress? How can I tell what your reaction is?

I keep track of by observing you, by listening to your book talk, by sometimes asking you about what you're reading in your journal, and by giving you a variety of Reading Workshop assignments as the year goes on:

  • Quarter One: You must complete any Reading Journal topics, and complete a book talk, if you are signed up for the first quarter.
  • Quarter Two: You must complete any reading journal topics, and a book talk if you're signed up for second quarter, PLUS you must complete a S.M.A.R.T. activity.
  • Quarter Three: You must complete any reading journal topics, and a book talk if you're signed up for third quarter, PLUS you must complete a S.M.A.R.T. activity.
  • Quarter Four: You must complete any reading journal topics, and a book talk if you're signed up for fourth quarter, PLUS you must contribute to our Class Anthology.

It's not surprising that many students earn 100 points, or close to 100, for this part of their grade. It looks complicated, but it's actually easy!

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