Dear Parents,                                                                                 January 8, 2003

     Happy New Year!  I hope you all enjoyed the holidays with family and friends, and enjoyed looking at the crafts that your child made for you.  I cannot believe that another year is gone.  I can only hope that this new year brings the same blessings that last year has bestowed on so many of us.
     The 2nd quarter ended on December 19th.  Report cards will be handed out next Wednesday, January 15th, during the P.T.C. Meeting.  I will be sending home parent conference letters.  Please let me know if the day and time is convenient for you.
     This is another very busy month in 1st grade.  We will be celebrating the 100th day of school next Tuesday, January 14th.  Each child should come dressed as a 100 year-old man or woman.  I hope everyone is enjoying making his or her snow creature.  I can�t wait to see them this week.
                                                                          May God Bless You,
                                                                          Mrs. Miller

Here's what is in store for this month:

Math Minutes with Mrs. Miller:

This month in Math, we will begin Ch. 8, which deals with geometry, fractions, and probability.
In Ch. 8, the students will be able to:
1.   Classify figures as open or closed.
2.   Identify sides and corners.
3.   Classify plan figures.
4.   Identify figures with the same shape and size.
5.   Identify symmetric figures (lines of symmetry)       
6.   Investigate slides and turns.                                                                                           7.   Identify flat and curved surfaces of space figures
8.   Identify cubes, pyramids, and rectangular prisms.                             
9.   Identify cylinders, cones, and spheres.             
10.  Make a bar graph to display data

Extra!  Extra!  Read All About It!:
In Language Arts, we are still reading stories from our Imagine That books.  These stories deal with imagination.  We will be incorporating phonics and grammar skills within our stories.  There is not a word list for this unit.  Our next test will be given during the week of January 27th.  This test will be different from the previous ones because the children will be responsible to read it to themselves without any assistance.

On the Write Track!:

At the beginning of this week, I sent home your child�s writing samples from the 1st quarter.  At the end of each quarter, I will be sending home your child�s writing papers.  There are a few that I keep to put in their writing folders for the 2nd grade teachers.

We will be writing a lot more as the year progresses.  There are a few things that you can do to help your child at home with writing. 

1. Set aside a quiet place for your child to write. 
2. Have different types of writing materials for them (ex. markers, pencils, pens, crayons, etc.)
3. Give your child instructions on what to write or let them have a free writing time.

Your child can write a story.  Their story should include a topic sentence, at least three detailed sentences, and a concluding sentence.  Here are a few examples of story writing from first graders.  This should help you see where your child is.

The writing prompt was:  Tell me one thing that you got for Christmas that was your favorite gift.  Write three things about it.  Tell me why it is your favorite.

The story has a topic sentence, 3 or more detailed sentences, and a concluding sentence.  Capitals and correct punctuation are used properly all of the time.  All words are spaced correctly.  All of the writing is neat and legible.

The best gift I got for Christmas was an air craft careere.  It has litse.  It lanchis little airplanes.  It maks sonds.  I cant wate to go home and play with it.

The story has a topic sentence that makes sense with two detailed sentences, which make sense about the topic sentence.  There is a concluding sentence that restates the topic sentence.  Capitals and correct punctuation are used properly most of the time.  Most words are spaced properly.  Most of the writing is neat and legible.

The best gift I got was a for welr.  It is cool.  I can put down the handol.  I can driv it and stir it.  It has for wells.  It is the best toy I hav.
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