School Assessment

Duration:  3 class periods


To assess the usage of technology in the classroom.

To explore options for improvement of downfalls.

To evaluate the pros and cons of technology in education.

To examine the implications of technology on learning.


Schools often do not have the same amount of technology and there are many teachers that are not trained in the usage of current advances in technology.  Each school may be at various levels of inclusion of these advances in technology in education, therefore it is important to assess where one stands.  Assessment often reveals shortcomings that ordinarily would not be revealed so that they may be improved upon.


How much technology is used at your campus?

What types of technology are used at your school?

What amount of training do your teachers have in the usage of technology in education?

Are these areas in which your campus can improve in the usage of technology?

assessment tools    Link!!!!!   Use two different assessment forms to evaluate your school?

   Click here for Lesson 3 Assessment!!!!!!

Lesson 2
Lesson 4
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