Internet Search

Duration:  4 class periods


To examine the usage of the internet in the classroom.

To research material supporting technology in education.

To learn how to navigate the world wide web.

To enhance research paper writing skills.

To explore various opportunities to improve upon already existing technology.


The internet is one of the most rapidly growing technologies used in schools today.  It is now more important than ever that one learns to navigate the world wide web.  Using the following sites, compile a 3-5 page research report supporting the usage of technology in education.  The paper must be written in  APA format , and at least three sources must be sited.  E-mail me your report as an attachment when you are finished and post to the research report board on the mainpage.


Should technology be used in the classroom?

Do the pros of technology out weigh the cons for its usage in the classroom?

What forms of technology should be used in education?

What are some concerns that need to be addressed when using technology to learn?


 Children and the Media Homepage

 Ethics for Technology in Education

 Media Awareness Network for Students

 Technology in Education


   Click here for Lesson 4 Assessment!!!!!!

Lesson 3
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