Our Story
I had no idea what had just happened in early January 2001 when a nice American guy took pity on me and started chatting about my latest American History assignment.  And that was our first conversation, the first of so many more to come.  We've been together now for almost two years and I can only describe it as the best times in my life, times where we can both connect with each other in a way that defies possiblity.  We have had our ups and downs like any other couple the only important difference is that making up can never be as fun.  There are many obstacles still in store for our relationship, including meeting and shifting to the same country and the same house even, but I know without a doubt it will work out ...

Meeting Jason that day on the net took me completely by surprise and it definately was not something I had planned on.   We started off as really good friends with an instant connection that meant we could talk about anything and everything.   It's amazing when you connect with someone so well so I dont think it came as a big surprise to either of us that a couple of weeks after meeting in January 2001 we were 'officially' together.  It all happened so naturally I can't really pick the time when it happened ...
Sometimes the difficulties involved may seem overwhelming: the distance, the time, the reaction of friends and family, the money involved ... but one saying that I've always liked is that love is an energy it can't be created or destroyed - it just is ... and that's the best way to describe how I love Jason and how I know it will last ...

Now this may seem contradictory but I would never recommend embarking on an internet romance.  Not only is it as challenging as any relationship, but with the added dimensions of time, distance and most importantly the stigma still attached to 'internet dating' the affects on any relationship can be dramatic.  This may sound dubious coming form the creater of a website based on 'internet romance' but you have to be competely aware of the pitfalls and shortcomings before you can have a successful relationship.  I had an internet relationship that did not work out after we met face-to-face, it was honestly more painful for me than any previous 'offline' relationships.  So take my advice and be careful.  Don't jump into anything you're not ready for, don't reveal too many details about yourself at first (such as your address, full name e.t.c) and don't begin the relationship with unrealistic expectations.
'Love never fails' (1 Cor 13.8)
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