[email protected]
It has all the makings of a simple love story  ... boy meets girl, or girl meets boy as the case may be ...  and they fall for one another at first 'site'.  But when that love is thousands of miles away on the other end of a computer screen then love becomes a lot harder ... so this is my personal story of love found through an internet relationship.

This website tells the story of unconventional love, also on the website is some of my interests and goings on so stick around and have a look ... and remember to post me a message in my guestbook!
Included on Our Site is:

     Our Story

     The Latest Updates on Amy

        Faithful Inspirations

     Encouragement for those in an Internet Relationship

     Immigration Tips and Links

     New Zealand Information

     Winnie the Pooh Page

      Amy's Writings

       Favourite Links
I'm currently training to become an English teacher - talk about challenging! 
I don't think I'd still be here if it wasnt for some serious support from friends, family, and of course Jason so a big thank you to all those people - you're the best!
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