<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/msc_75076/userfiles:/user/happy.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Dottie ... Our Little Fur Child
This is Dottie

She's the only little kid in our house.
She minds very well, and has personality with a capital P.
She's a Momma's baby, but what can I say.  I'm the Momma.
Dana and Monty gave her to me and we even share the same birthday!!
She was five months old in this picture.  She's cute isn't she?  Oh yeah, she's matured in eight years, but she still likes to play once in a while.
The photo below is just little Dottie from the rear.  Do you see the "dot" on her neck?
That's how she got her name.  She's a registered rat terrier.  No, there are no rats here to chase, but I assure you there are plenty of crickets and grasshoppers and she keeps the house safe.  Who needs the Orkin man ?
Here she is in all her majesty.
She really is the most intelligent pet that I've ever owned.
She's also the most devoted.
However, she isn't perfect she does have one itsy bitsy flaw ....
please don't tell anyone
but ....
She has absolutely NO dignity when it comes to ... geez, how can I say this nicely.

She totally loses control when you have a miniature marshmellow in your possession.  Just look ... she's begging.   She has NO shame !
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