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The Curtis Homestead in
Okeechobee, Florida
Betty Jo's  Daughter's  &
Their Families
Rick's Mother, Children, and Grandchildren
Memorial Pages
Life is no brief candle to us.  It is a sort of splendid torch which we have got hold of for the moment, and we want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to the future generations.
A good marriage must be created.  In marriage the little things become the big things.  It is never being too old to hold hands, It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once a day. It is never going to sleep angry.
It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.  It is standing together facing the world.  It is forming a circle of love that gathers the whole family.  It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.  It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.  It is giving each other room to grow.  It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.

It's not only marrying the right person ...
It is being the right partner.
July 18th, 1998
Rick's Ancestors
Betty Jo's Ancestors
Our Addictions To Excitement
Happiness does not depend on money, or leisure, or society, or even on health; it depends on our relation to those we love.
Current Photos and Events Page
Queen of our Castle
Rick's Sister and Extended Family Members
Betty Jo's Sisters and Extended Family Members
Click Here To Get Current Weather
Forecast For Okeechobee, Florida.
This is our home in Okeechobee.  We've had a lot of cleanup to do and lots more to go.  We'll get it done ... eventually.  It's nice to be home again.  Just in time for nice mild Winters!!
No ice or snow.  I will miss the snows of Texas.
I do hope that you enjoy visiting the following page.  I've decided to add two more pages to the website.  One will be my monthly Curtis Newsletter and the other will be a poem page, written by yours truly of course.
I hope that somehow those who need it will find some inspiration.  I feel very strongly about certain issues and hope somehow to open the vision of reality to others.  Just because we sometimes close our eyes ... does not mean these things do not exist in our world.   I've written for a long time and my poems were mostly a release of my emotions.  I can't say that they're happy poems because it seemed the inspiration to write came during some of the lowest times in my life.

It is through these words, that I've grown spiritually.

It is through these words, that I've faced my greatest adversaries.

It is through these words, that I remained steadfast and not bitter.

It is through these words that I spoke to my daughters about life's trials.

It is through these words, that I found my true self.

It is through these words that you will hopefully find ...
a self-portrait of me and what I stand for.
Monthly Inspirational
Betty Jo's Monthly Poem
Curtis Monthly Newsletter
Our Hero in Iraq
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard L. Curtis
The Gator Nation
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