May, 2007
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Greetings Family and Friends,

It seems like yesterday that I sent out the April Newsletter and here we are in the 2nd week of May.  I�m thinking, I was late in April and early in May.  I was pleased to hear from several of you after you received the letter in April.  Sometimes, I don�t hear from anyone and it tends to make me think, maybe I�m doing nothing but cluttering up some of your inboxes.  I�ve decided, to ask each of you who receive the newsletter to drop me a short note � like �add me� and I will then send only those folks on the list the newsletter.  I�m sure my monthly rambling doesn�t capture all of you.   If I don�t hear from you by the end of this month, I�ll cross your name off, with no hard feelings.
I�ve thinking a lot about miracles lately.  I�ve came to the conclusion that not all miracles are like �walking on water� revelations.  I know a couple of people who have had a medical miracle.  I know, that�s not many but it�s still a miracle when it cannot be medically explained and even leaves the doctors in awe.
To some of us, an answered prayer is a miracle.  Let�s face it, without that miracle some of us, would still be hanging our heads, shedding tears and still crying out for help.  So maybe, that will fall under a miracle.  Late last year, I was facing two very different and frustrating problems.  One night, I just turned it over to the Lord. Telling him, I couldn�t handle it anymore and He was just going to have to handle it for me and that I knew he could.  The next day � I guess I should explain.  My car was having a big problem and it was going to cost over a 1000.00 to fix it.   It wasn�t that I didn�t have the money, it was that I didn�t have a  job to replace the money.  The next day, the mechanic at a large dealership called me and told me, the car was ready.  I asked him, what was the final amount.  He said, you don�t owe a dime, because you have the 7 yr � 100,000 mile warranty.  I could have danced all over the house, I was so thrilled. I was also praying about a job and two days later I was hired at the office that I�d hoped to work for.  A couple of weeks later, the car again had a small problem and I took it back.  They told me it was 300 bucks or so and I asked if the warranty would cover it.  The woman told me NO that I had the 5 yr.-50,000 mile warranty and she printed it out and showed it to me.  How it changed in a week �I didn�t have a clue, but to me it was a miracle that it was good when I needed most.   I needed the job too and had just hit a low point and told the Lord, I had to have it �. I got it.  Now to me, I wasn�t walking on water, nor was I blind and now I could see.  However, I had an impossible need that was met.
I�m now thinking that all of us probably receive miracles and we just don�t look at them, the way we should.  When we�re down in the darkest valley of our personal lives, we do possess something that drives us forward.  It�s a miracle that we don�t just give up and call it quits.  However, I think miracles dwell in us, if we can allow ourselves to ask and expect a result.  Of course, I�m not going to make you think I have a hot line.  I don�t and I�m usually way in over my head before I ask � and even deeper into the pit of despair before I can totally hand it over � and then pray for a result.  I can�t even say, I�m expecting a result �but at least I�ve reached the point of casting my cares.  I�m really bad at surrendering.  Really bad.  If each of you, could take a moment and reflect for yourselves�. I wonder how many of you might have received a miracle.
I wish I could say that I will turn things over to the Man upstairs immediately from now on, but I know I won�t.  I�ll do my best to handle things my own way.  Maybe for months or years before I finally cave in.  I�m just grateful that He will allow me to use my free will because I do learn lessons from it. I wish my lessons could be shorter and they probably could if I wasn�t so headstrong and pure out stubborn about it.  I�m not so na�ve that I think, I�ll get everything I ask for either. As I said, there are many lessons to learn with the word �NO�, just like there are many when you get the �YES� extra fast.  Maybe we all can feel a little lighter �.emotionally if we can just take a five minute break and thing of our own miracles.  I don�t believe they have to be BIG �I just believe when something is totally out of our control and it�s resolved quickly and completely without our assistance.
Okay, this is my request �. First email me and let me know whether or not you want to remain on the Newsletter list and secondly if you have had  a miracle you want to share, write me.  Major or Minor � it leaves us in awe everytime.

Goodnight and May God Bless You All ���� I do.
Betty Jo
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