There's No Other . . . Quite Like Mother
At the dawn of every life, at the birth of every child, there is always a joyous thought that brings memories of care, affection and also pains and anxiety, but all add up to a poem of love.

Every human being carries with him or her the seal of love and remembers the maternal tenderness which is very hard to remove from the heart.

Over the years even when our hair turns grey, we still desire to go to her again and again.  For she carries the affectionate name of Mother.  Her name is a fountain of peaceful thoughts, generosity, serenity & love.

We look at nature and see so much beauty: 
the People, the Mountains,
the Oceans, Rivers and Trees,
the Flowers, Stars and the Birds ...

But the sun doesn't shine on anyone more beautiful than MY  Mother.
The woman who creates and sustains a home, and under whose hands children grow up to be strong and pure men and women, is a creator second only to God.
This is Mother in her teens.  Even at such an early age you could see the impending beauty of a young woman, beginning to emerge.
This photo was taken while Mother was a teacher in Central Texas.  She majored in Home Economics.
Believe me, you do not want to try to keep up with this lady in the kitchen.
Here she is in her territory.  Slicing the turkey for our Thanksgiving holidays.

She is truly the Matriarch of the Curtis Clan. Her commitment, her loyalty and her unconditional love to her family is overwhelming.
Mrs. Edith Curtis
Here is the most recent
photo of Rick's Mother.

Edith defines elegance
to me.

The beauty of her soul and
her loving and giving
spirit continues to
be an inspiration
for me.

She truly teaches by
example when it
comes to loving and
supporting the
members of her family.

She still reigns as
the ultimate
Mrs. C.
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