Living with Arthritis
Inspirational Stories
This page includes inspirational stories from myself or others.
I hope these help you in some way.
If you have a story of how you overcame a struggle with arthritis,
and would like it posted here, please
email me.

Taking medicine had never been a strong point of mine. I only took med's as a last resort, if nothing else worked. I had recently been diagnosed with severe RA all over my body. I was told I had to start taking Methotextrate pills (5 every Saturday), Mobic pills for pain (as needed, which was daily), and Humira shots (every other week). Just knowing I HAD to take all that medicine scared me. I'd rather let the body heal itself naturally, and I'm not good at taking pills. The 1st few times I tried ignoring the pills like they weren't there so hopefully I wouldn't have to take them. As a result of not taking my pills, I felt worse. So I slowly forced myself to just take them. They are small & easy to swallow, the set-back was just in my head. I told myself it was for the best & would help me. That made it easier to take them. Now the Humira shots. Oh boy. How fun is this to have to learn to start giving yourself injections. My doctor gave me the choice of injecting myself in my thighs or stomach. Not knowing, I chose thighs. The 1st shot is done at the doctors office, with a nurse sitting with you. That was easy. The next 3 times were not. Even though my wonderful boyfriend was there with me, the intense burning sensation of the medicine going in my thigh made the shots almost impossible. Plus I'd get so worked up & freaked out that I'd start shaking, sweating, getting dizzy & short of breath. After some research, I discovered that giving yourself a shot in your abdomen, or stomach, is much easier. And it is. Three months after starting med's, I still have trouble with the injections, but not as bad as in the beginning.
By: Ms Joey
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