In Cat Years
Somewhere between 5 and 7 I got really big front teeth.
This is either 10 or 11. I still had HUGE front teeth and VERY crooked bangs. but I was attempting to grow into them.
Laugh your butts off, I did.
I can't believe that at one point in my life I put my make up on this badly! I looked like this on purpose!!!
A friend of mine sent this to me a few days ago. I laughed so hard I nearly puked.
Thank God you are only 15 once!
I was a cute baby. I admit it. According to my parents I am discovering my legs in this picture and how to kick with them. To this day I still stick my tounge out when I am concentrating.out it
In London at Highgate Cemetary with my mom at 21. It's amazing the changes that can happen over 6 years huh? I have one of my mom way back in the overgrown graves, it looks like a Doors album cover. I wonder if she'd like that picture better than the nose picking one?
This one is from college. I was going out with my roomate and another friend. We were the only dressed up people. What did I expect from a city named Willmar? I think this is 25.
Yes I am holding a Sheep. This is actually how you restrain a sheep to draw blood or find it's lanolin glands. It was so cold this day in that open barn. Sheep are very good for warming purposes. Boy are they dumb though.
I still have this outfit, I don't fit it anymore by a damn sight. If I remember correctly Tracy had to help me into it then! DO NOT TRY TO DANCE IN AN OUTFIT LIKE THIS!!! It just doesn't work. I sat for the majority of the evening and was still stuck to the inside of it when I got home!
I just really like this picture. I believe this is New Years 95-96, but I could be wrong.
At the time I thought my skin matched my make-up and learn I guess.
The evil people in my department in college nominated me for this SnoQueen thing. The did it because they thouhgt it would be funny to get me into a formal dress. Um, Yeah, Whatever. Being a poor college student I couldn't afford to buy a dress so my roomie Nancy made one for me!This is the post coronation picture. The Snazzy guy in the Tux is my friend Brent.
No we did not win.
No I am not bitter.
Here I am at work. I am doing a dental cleaning on a cat. Yup the little guy is out cold.
His teeth weren't to bad if I remember correctly. I actually like doing dentals, especially on bad mouths, there is something really satisfying about getting all that crap off of those teeth. It is kinda gross when you have to extract them however.
This was taken at my friend Trish's house. I am wearing her Stetson and old cattle showing boots. She was out of town at the time so we took it with her camera just so she'd get a laugh when she got her pictures back. I just think it's funny to see me in a cowboy hat.
I think I am about 2 or 3 in this picture. I amholding my first kitty. Her name was Cinderella. Can you tell who named her?? She had a litter of kittens when I was about 4. We had her spayed shortly after that, she ran away the day she was supposed to have her sutures removed.
Are we cute or what? This is one of the family's favorite pictures of my uncles and me. Let's see,I would be under a year so Tony is about 3 and Dan is about 5..I think. We used to get bathed  together all the time when we were babies. I can kind of even remember my dad putting bubbles on our noses and chins.
This silly picture is from the BVH (acronym for where I work) newsletter. I am in the pink, Jenny is in the blue and Br. O'Brien is in the white lab coat. Dr. Warmhold (is that a great name for a vet or what?) seemed to think that we needed to have a picture of the new laser surgery unit in the newsletter. I honestly have no idea how I got elected to model.
Welcome to my 28th birthday. I got cake, balloons and an attempt on my life (Becky is holding a cake knife to my throat).
In the picture above there is Dr. Evans ( aka Kris), Amy, Heather, me, Becky, and Jenny N. Oh and my cake.
In the other picture we have me, my balloons and my cake.
Thanks guys!
I was in my firends wedding Obvioulsly  I was in the line. Here I am pre nuptuials just being dorky. I actually really liked that bridesmaid's dress. It wasn't ugly or unflattering at all...I am being serious about that!
Ignore the man in the picture.
Why Amy and I look so strange in this picture I will never know, I think she was about to say something, and I was trying to smile.
In the bundle of towel we are holding a bunny. I like bunnies.
I am not entirely sure how old I am in this picture but it's somewhere between 18 and 20.
My good friend
Jeff took this picture in what was then his apartment.  I think this is as close to a nude as I will ever get. I am just to shy.. (Stop snickering)
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