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How I Stopped Being Horrifed and Started 'Shipping Forrester/Frank

Notes: Dedicated to Kate

"Have you seen my thermal underwear, Doctor?" Frank asked, "I need it for my ice dancing lesson."

"I haven't seen your thermal underwear Frank." Dr. Forrester said, "Now, for today's invention exchange boobie, I..."

"Are you sure you haven't seen it?" Frank started fingering Dr. F's lab coat.

"Go look in the laundry! Getting back to..." he trailed of as Frank was still intently removing Dr. Forrester's coat. "I said stop that."

"As soon as I find out if you're wearing you're thermal underwear!" Frank whined as he pulled off the other man's tie, "You're always wearing my stuff."

"I do not Frank, and stop that!" Dr. F said as tried to swat Franks from the buttons on his shirt. "You're movie today Joel..."

Frank gave up on the buttons and ripped the mad scientist's shirt off.


"See, you *are* wearing my thermal underwear!"

"I am not, this is mine, and STOP UNDRESSING ME IN FRONT OF THE LABRATS!"

Frank continued anyway. "It's *mine* since it's *white*, yours is *black*, and I need this for my ice dancing lesson!"

"Give me that!" Dr. F grabbed the belt that Frank had just removed.

"Sirs?" Joel asked questioningly over the monitor.

"We're busy!"

The lab assistant had tackled the other man and was making a supreme effort on trying to removing the mad scientists pants - despite Dr. F's efforts to the contrary. Frank appeared to get the upper hand, and Forrester's protests had decreased in volume.

By this time, Gypsy had wandered into the bridge. Everyone on the Satellite of Love was riveted at the scene unfolding before their eyes - it wasn't often that someone was able to take advantage of Dr. F.

Forrestr started to moan.

"Is it too much to hope that he's moaning in pain?" Crow said.

Servo started hesitantly, "Joel? Are the MADS...?"

"I think so." he replied, still staring in disbelief at the screen.


Cambot cut the feed from Deep 13.

"We should do something to get this off our minds." Gypsy said.

"Like sing a song?" said Tom.

"We could sing Everyone Has More Sex..." started Crow.

"Crow, if you finish that sentence you're never going to get a RAM chip again." Joel interrupted.

"Fine." Crow huffed.

They fell into a silence.

"We could scream?" Gypsy said.

"Good idea." Cambot said.

"One, two, three..." Joel counted down.


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