Fanfiction Fan Stuff Images Submissions

So keep circulating those tapes!

So you want to submit something to this site...

Fantastic! There are, however, some hard and fast rules:

1. The fandom must be MST3K. So if what your submitting is a MiSTing, the fanfic that your MiSTing should be a MST3K prose fanfic or a flik or something along those lines.

2. It's gotta be slash as well. There are places to put gen and het material, but it can't be archived here. (But if you're really stumped, we'll point you in the right direction.)

3. Rating and pairing labels are your friend.

4. Spell and grammar check your fanfiction. Or let twincityhacker go over it for you.

5. We'd don't know the best way to send work in, but we suggest that if you're sending an image you host it via a free host like photobucket or their ilk. With text files, a .txt attachment or in-line text it the best way to go. And since computers occasionally have scary incompatibility issues, we might ask you to send it again in a different manner.

If you're not scared off now, send them over to [email protected].

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