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Title: In The Name of Bad Taste
Author: Squally_BunBun
Pairing: None
Genre: Very, very bad failed humor
Rating: G
Notes: A very quick exchange that's not really slashy at all. What would the creative process of Joel's inventing have been like if Mike was crammed up in the SOL with him?


"Mike," said Joel, "think of a country."

"Why?" asked Mike flipping through a magazine.

"Invention exchange thing," replied Joel. "I'm trying to make a machine based on the premise that things could always be worse."

"What does a country have to do with it?"

"You'll see."

Mike smiled. "All right. How about Germany?"

"Germany, huh?" Joel tapped his chin in thought. "Seems a little bit too easy, but why not? Now, Mike, what is the most shameful thing that happened involving Germany?"

"That IS easy!" laughed Mike, turning the page in his magazine. "Uwe Boll!"

Joel went silent, looking at his machine and picking up a wrench.

"... Something wrong?"

"Uwe Boll?!" repeated Joel indignantly. "Mike, that's sick! That's absolutely sick!"

"Back to the drawing board, then?" Mike lowered his magazine, looking up at Joel sheepishly.

"You said it." Joel hit the machine with his wrench, sending a random widget flying. "I mean, if without a moment of hesitation you can think of something like that...! You have a sick mind, Mike." Joel picked up what he had of the machine so far and walked from the room.

"... What?" protested Mike to an empty room.


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