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The White Rabbit

"Go ask Alice, when she's standing tall..."

Mike glanced at the clock, slammed down the snooze button, and rolled over again on his bed. Then he glanced at the clock again. It was working! Ever since the 'bots had used it to set off a cherry bomb a few weeks ago, it had been going off at all hours. It was a fantastic way to start out the day.

As the day went on, it just got better and better. There was actually hot water in the shower, nothing fell on his head when he opened his closet, and there was nothing unpleasant in his shoes when he put them on.

At this point, Mike was just waiting for the other foot to drop. Nothing bad was happening and his life wasn't that good. He anxiously made his way down the corridor to the kitchen. As Mike walked toward the kitchen, he could hear jazz like music growing louder and louder. With great trepidation, he opened the door to the kitchen.

Tom was hovering over the table, which he and Crow had turned into a stage, and Crow sat on the counter on the other side of the room.

"I'm beautiful..." Servo sang, gently rocking in time with the music. "No matter what you say..." He was wearing a flattering white evening gown. "And words can't bring me down..."

"That's great Servo!" Crow said. "But isn't it 'no matter what they say'?"

"No, Crow. It's definitely 'what you say'" Tom retorted.

"No, it's 'they'."

"No, it's 'you'!"

"Look, I taught you the song, it's 'they'!" Crow said and started walking slowly to the table.

"I looked at the lyrics, Crow, and it's most definitely 'you'! And no sooner had this statement left Servo's mouth had Crow lunged at him. They began rolling over the floor, yelling saying that he was right.

Mike closed the door and went to see if there was anything watchable on television. He suddenly wasn't hungry anymore.

As he was walking down another anonymous corridor, Mike heard an odd noise. It sounded vaguely familiar to him. As he walked down the corridor, he mulled over in his mind what the noise could be. Leaky pipe? Broken fan blade? Loose ductwork? When Mike rounded a corner he abruptly found out what the sound was. It was two people making out, namely Dr. Clayton Forrester and TV's Frank. Or it was two people who were kissing, as Mike had knocked them apart when he ran into them.

"Have you no sense of decency Mike! I mean, dear God, would a little sense of decorum hurt? What do you have to say for yourself?" Dr. Forrester irately screamed at him.

Mike could only open and close his mouth in shock, firstly because of the fact that they were there, alive, and then the fact that they were there, macking in the corridor. In other words, he was dumbstruck.

"I though so" Dr. Forrester snarked, and he drug Frank into a nearby supply closet to continue their activities undisturbed.

A very disturbed Mike made his way toward the family room again, hoping he wouldn't find any more surprises along the way. And he didn't find anymore surprises until he reached his destination.

When he reached the family room, he looked around the room. Nothing was out of the ordinary. He sighed from relief, and sank down onto a comfy chair. Mike started flipping though the channels, until Gypsy and Pearl came into the room.

"Normally I wouldn't do this for you, but I just can't turn down a fellow Tatio fan." Gypsy said, "Oh, hi Mike. Could you turn to channel 235?"

Mike nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off Pearl, and did as he was told.

"Thanks, Gypsy. I was so busy punishing Bobo and Brain Guy for breaking the television yesterday I forgot to have Brain Guy whip up another one." Pearl replied.

"It was nothing. You'd probably torture them if I didn't, anyways."

"You're right. Look! It's starting!"

Gypsy and Pearl were soon completely absorbed by the program, and it didn't take long for Mike to make his retreat. It wasn't just being in the same room as Pearl, though that was some of it. It was the fact that Pearl was wearing leather from skin to toe.

Mike was having a very bad day, with no end in sight. The only thing he could think of, besides taking a shower until he felt clean again, was to go back to bead and hope all of this was a dream. As he passed the kitchen again, he considered going in for a snack, but Crow and Servo were still fighting. Mike briefly chuckled; this had to be a record for them.

"Hey Mike."

Mike whirled around to look at the owner of the voice. "Joel?!" he managed to choke out.

"In the flesh." Joel said as he walked over to Mike. "So how are you?"

"I'm... well."

"Are you sure? You don't look so well." Joel lightly touched the side of Mike's face, and Mike leaned slightly into his hand, but quickly jerked his head away. Joel pulled back his hand and took a step backwards.

"Just been a weird today, that's all." Mike answered, swallowing roughly.

"Oh. Well, what's been weird about it?"

"Everyone has been acting strangely."

"How so?"

"Well, Tom and Crow weren't acting strange, but they're taking up the entire kitchen. Two dead people were making out in the corridor, Pearl and Gypsy are watching a television show together, and now your... here." Mike faltered on the last word, then slowly took a step towards the other man.

"And?" he asked as replaced his hand onto Mike's face.

"I don't know." Mike confessed, looking into Joel's eyes.

"Let's just see then." Joel said as he moved into for a kiss. Mike kissed back deeply, and fumbled behind his back for the door handle. He opened the door, pulling Joel into his room.

Mike woke up in his bed with a smile. For all the oddness the dream held, it had a very good ending. He went back to sleep after deciding to change his sheets later.

"Honey?" Joel called as he opened the door, "I made waffles."


All Charecters used therein are not mine, don't sue.

Tatio, it's a yaoi Digimon pairing. Very, very popular slash pairing at that.

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