The scene opens with firework goes off as the smoke fills the air in the Georgia Dome as MSWA Chaos come on the air. The camera pans thru the crowd as signs and screaming fans are shown. The camera slowly zooms into the announcer table were Duk and Dr.John are ready to call the action.

Welcome to Chaos it has been a long time coming,and once again Chaos is back on the air,and we are for some Chaotic action!

Yeah,yeah I can  not wait to see what our so-called Commish Charles Adams has in store for us! I mean he has been signing talent left and right and I want to know just what in the hell does he have instore for us and the MSWA!

Whatever he has in store for MSWA and the fans of the MSWA I can tell you that the buzz around here is something I have never felt before in a long time! One thing is for certain the Commish as he likes to be called is have got a plan,and I like the way MSWA is going!


This match should be a good one here cause we are going to get to see the return on MSWA Hardocre Gangsta Swift,and on the other hand we are going to get the see the MSWA debut of the Gothic Monster DarkAngel!

"One Hitter Quiter" by Three 6 Mafia hits the Georgia Dome pa system,and out comes Swift with a steel chair in his hand.

DJ Bruce: Now coming to the ring  he stands  6'2 and weights 235 from  Brimingham,Alamaba this is Swift! Swift is greeted with around of boo's by the fans in the Georgia Dome.

Man listen to the crowd they don't like Swift one bit,and  I see that Swift has brought out his calling card,and I think he thinks it is going to be a hardcore match!

Well Swift knows he has one hell of a battle with this monster Dark Angel!

Suddenly the lights goes out as Voodoo by GodSmack start to play a blue light hit the ramp and a shadow of a huge man stands in the shadow as he makes his way down to the crowd. As Dark Angel makes his way down the ramp he is also greeted by around of boo's from the Georgia Dome crowd as well.

Man if this was a who is popular contest neither men would win cause the crowd hates them both!! This Dark Angel character gives me the damn creeps I mean talking trying to get into someone head Dark Angel is trying his best to get into Swift's head big time!

DJ Bruce:
Now coming to the ring he stands 7'0 and he weights in at 430 from Death Valley,Texas this Dark Angel!

Dr.John: Both men are in the ring 
(ding,ding) The bell has sounded and we are under way with the first match of  Chaos!  Swift and Dark Angel lock up and right off the bat Dark Angel is showing off his awesome power and he just tosses Swift across the ring,and from the look on Swift face he does not like the way Dark Angel had man handle him!  Now Swift and Dark Angel lock up again but this time Swift rakes the eyes of this gothic monster and now Swift is opening up with hard right hands to the head of Dark Angel now watch out Swift is going down stairs and he just hits Dark Angel with a low and I mean a very low blow that takes the monster Dark Angel down to one knee.

Now you see that is how you take someone like Dark Angel down and that is how you level the playing field now instead of being seven tall Dark Angel is six foot and he is eye to eye with Swift!

Swift seems to have Dark Angel in trouble as Swift takes a running go and he nails a kneeling Dark Angel with a running dropkick! Now Swift keeps the up the offense as he is kicking and punching Dark Angel,but look at the Dark Angel pushes Swift and sends him across the ring ! Man this Dark Angel is powerful and now once again Dark Angel is back up and he is meet with some right and lefts by Swift,and now Swift tries to go with an irish whip but Dark Angel reverse it and shoots Swift off into the ropes and Dark Angel hits Swift with a huge powerslam,and now Dark Angel goes for the pin  MSWA Referee Peanut goes for the count 1...2....and Swift kicks out! That was close now Dark Angel picks Swift up and locks him in a front head lock now he turns it into a stalling suplex,and Dark Angel has Swift some seven feet in the air and brings him back down to earth as drops Swift back on to the canvas! Just look as Swift face you can tell that he is some awful pain after that stalling suplex,and Dark Angel seems to liking it as he is smiling from ear to ear as he continues the assault on Swift! Now Angel grabs Swift and he shoots him out of the ring onto the hard unforgiven flood here in the Georgia Dome,and now Dark Angel goes outside of the ring to continue his assault on Swift and I am for one don't think it is a good ideal cause outside of the ring is Swift place.

Do what! Are you serious? Are you watching the same watch I am watching? Dark Angel is controling the match I say in the next few minute Dark Angel will win this match,and you can bank on it!

  CHAOS pg 2

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