The scene opens with the MSWA logo flashes across the screen as MSWA Chaos comes on the air,and the camera opens up inside the Kiel Center to show the 19,260 screaming fans that have fill the Kiel Center to watch Chaos.

Dr.John:Welcome to the first show of the new year of 2005,and the first show of the week as MSWA Chaos is now on the air! We hope that everyone had a good new year,and I hope everyone is ready for some Chaos!

Duk: Man all week along I have done nothing but sit around my house thinking just what in the hell am I going to do cause could not stop thinking about what is going to happen on Chaos who was going to show up on Chaos,and I was wondering what was "The Modern Day Messiah"Scott Adams is going to do cause you know that he end the show last week!

Dr.John:Yeah I was wondering the same thing cause Scott made sure that everyone including our MSWA Commish he was going to do some serious damage if he did not get what he wanted! It is unclear just what action Charles is going to do about Scott but I am sure he will do something about.

                                                        THE SHOW MUST GO ON!
  The scene opens with Charles on his cell phone as he is talking to someone  as he shakes his head.

Charles: So you are telling me that neither you are Darryl will not be here tonight? I mean you do realize Don that you are my World Champion,and that you have a match tonight? Now I know that it is not a title defense,and yes Don I understand that is it just a tag match! Look Don I understand that family comes first,and yes I am sorry for your lost and that is why I fully understand why you or Darryl can not be here,but I have a show to run and I have to get off here and make my huge announcement about The Chaos Theory so you guys take all the time you need Don and I want you to know that we here at MSWA send our prays and thoughts with you guys!

Scott turns his cell phone off as he rubs his chin and shakes his head as the scene fades to black.......

                                                           OPEN MATCH
                   "The ScotsMan"Paul Geddes vs "The Next Great Saviour"Big Pun

"Citizen Erase"by Muse hits the Kiel Center PA System as "The Scotsman" Paul Geddes makes his way down to the ring to the round of boos from the MSWA fans.

DJ Bruce: Now coming to the ring from Dumfries,Scotland he weights in at two-hundred and ten pounds "The Scotsman"Paul Geddes! 

"Savior"by Skillet hits the Kiel Center PA System and out come "The Next Great Saviour"Big Pun as he comes to a mix round of boos and cheers as he makes his way down to the ring.

DJ Bruce: Now coming to the ring from St.Michael's Cathedral he weights in at three hundred and six pound this "The Next Great Saviour"Big Pun!

( Bell Rings........)

Dr.John: There goes the bell and they lock up and right off the bat Paul Geddes puts Big Pun in a side headlock and Pun reverses it with a Belly to Back suplex now Geddes is back up and he gets hit with a hip toss by Pun,and now Geddes is up and Geddes is back down as he gets Body Slam by Big Pun.

Duk: Wow what a nice set of moves from the newcomer Big Pun but yet Paul Geddes could be feeling Pun out here so let's just wait here! Geddes is back up and he is holding his back as he circles Pun round trying to figure out what to do with Big Pun! They go to lock up and Geddes goes down with a kick to the knees of Big Pun and  Geddes follow it with a chop block on Big Pun now Geddes goes for a Boston Crab on Pun but Pun kicks Geddes off. Pun is back up on his feet and he tries to grab Geddes but Geddes hits Pun with a Dropkick to the right knee of Pun and once again Geddes goes for Half Boston Crab and this time he has it lock in on Pun,and now MSWA Referee Rob Lock is asking Pun if he wants to give it up,but Pun uses his strength to get to the bottom rope and Geddes has to break the hold on Pun.

Dr.John: I think you could be right Duk Geddes might have been just feeling Pun out as he now puts a Spinning Toe Hold on Pun once again MSWA Referee Rob Lock is asking Pun if he wants to call it quits and Pun is shaking his head no. Geddes now puts Pun's leg on the bottom rope and Geddes drives his knee into Pun's leg and Pun is grabbing his leg and he is in some serious pain right now!
    Geddes picks Pun's up by the head and now Geddes has Pun's leg and it is Geddes with a Dragon Screw LegSweep on Pun taking him back down to the ground,and once again Geddes goes for another Spinning Toe Hold on Pun as MSWA Referee Rob Lock checks on Pun asking him if he want to give up and he is telling Geddes that Pun is not giving up and Geddes now puts a Figure Four Leg Lock on Pun.

Duk: Man Pun is in some serious trouble right now as Geddes it putting some serious pressure on the legs of Pun right now. MSWA Referee Rob Lock is asking Pun if he wants to call it quits and still Pun is shaking his head no.

Dr.John: Yeah but look Geddes has position his self near the ropes and he is grabbing those ropes and that is putting some more pressure on Pun's legs.

Duk:Where do you see that? I mean I am looking on my monitor and I don't see nothing but Geddes applying a nice looking Figure Four Leg Lock on Pun

Chaos pg 2
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