Pick An Episode


Episode 1
Welcome to sunny Acapulco, Mexico, the location of The Inferno, the latest Real World / Road Rules all-star challenge. Ten alumni from each show will battle each other for over $300,000 worth of cash and prizes. In a game where even their own teammates can stab them in the back, they'll have to fight and scheme to avoid being eliminated in the dreaded Inferno, a head-to-head battle that will test their minds, bodies, and spirits.
Before the competition starts, Road Rules and Real World do a little mix and mingle and say hello to old friends. But their friendly dispositions won't last for long. After they move into their Jimmy Buffet-style beach house, they meet BMX bad ass Dave Mira, this season's host, who welcomes everyone to "The Inferno."
Here's how this Challenge works. Listen up, cuz it's not quite the same as The Gauntlet. After the first challenge, the teams meet separately to decide which two players from their own team will be nominated to go into the "Inferno." In a new twist, the opposite team will have the opportunity to choose which one out of the two nominees they want to see face off in the Inferno. Unlike the Gauntlet, the elected Inferno representatives will stick around for another round of competition. The game will heat up if one of the Inferno nominees nabs the Aztec Lifesaver in this second competition, which will save them from the wrath of the elimination round. The Inferno nominee who has been saved can then choose a new team member to throw into the fire. After the second challenge, the two representatives from each team must face off in the Inferno, a head to head competition designed to test the limits of human endurance. If a player loses the Inferno, they are sent home with no money and a bruised ego. If they win, they must return to the team that sent them to be eliminated. Each challenge is worth 10K, with the final challenge worth $150,000.
Playfully frolicking around, the kids jump off the roof of their adobe into the pool, but even after a little coaxing and peer pressure, Syrus refuses to jump. He's thinking about how all of his teammates are ripped and he's the old, heavy guy. Christina notes that Jeremy from South Pacific was only on their season for barely a week, so he's got a lot to prove here too.
For their first challenge, they must cross the ropes that are spanned between two buildings. Once they have gotten to the middle of the rope, they must get out of their harness and then their only safety will be their bungee. Also, at this point they can try and knock their opponent off with their hands and arms. The cumulative best time wins. If they fall, they will receive a penalty score, which is the slowest lowest score, plus one minute. While Dave is explaining the challenge, Julie has an evil twinkle in her eye.
Dave and Abe face off first and Abe takes the win. Dave can already tell that whether they win or lose will come down to how the girls perform. Katie is the first to be disqualified and then Mallory is the first Real Worlder to be disqualified. Julie's comments about Mallory's performance seem to indicate that she thinks Mallory, a former soccer star, was trying to lose on purpose. Whatever you want to believe, honey. Up until this point, no one has tried to pull anyone down, but since the scores are close, Ace says he's got to pull Jeremy down to give his team a shot a winning. Meanwhile, Jeremy is determined to prove that he is a worthy competitor, since he only spent a short time on Road Rules South Pacific. Ace gets a little rough and uses his legs to pull down Jeremy, so he's disqualified.
On the last face-off, CT and Mike tell Julie to grab Veronica's arm so she can get her DQ'd and Real World can emerge as victorious. The evil (and partly psycho) gleam returns to Julie's eye. Seventeen stories up in the air, Julie attempts to send Veronica plunging to the ground, literally. But her first attempt, just ends up looking like a bad wrestling match. When they are told they have one minute to get to the finish, Julie still continues to try and get Veronica DQ'd, but this time, she's messing with her bungee and this sends Veronica into a major frenzy. The other team members on the porch are screaming at Julie, telling her to stop messing with the safety harness, but she doesn't listen.
Finally they are both disqualified and the harrowing deal is over. Road Rules wins the competition and Darrell notes that once you get used to winning, it's hard to lose. The teams have 30 minutes to decide who they will vote into the Inferno and each time they will rotate guys and girls. The guys will be thrown into the fire first.
Timmy immediately volunteers to go, but Darrell wishes that he'd just lay low since he's a good player they don't want to lose right away. Timmy explains that he doesn't think he'll lose and he figures if people vote themselves in, they will have a better mind set going into the Inferno and will be pumped to win. Jeremy also votes himself in based on his poor performance that day. Jeremy explains that this competition is all about brains and heart, not brawn.
Things don't go as smoothly at the Real World camp. Queen Coral suggests Ace volunteer himself for the Inferno. But he doesn't have to because when the vote comes down, everyone casts votes for Ace and Syrus. Apparently neither team received the scores from today's mission, so they had no idea who did well and who performed poorly until after they voted.
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Episode 2
Road Rules elects Syrus into the Inferno cause he's over the hill at 30 and he doesn't seem to be gellin' with his teammates. Real World decides on Jeremy. Now they find out the scores and it turns out that Syrus actually had the best time on his team. Coral notes that they would have definitely changed the way they voted. Syrus tells his team that if they let him, he will always work hard and carry the flag to victory.
Mal and Ace cuddle on the hammock and laugh about how Ace smells like chicken. Awww. Mals is relieved that Ace will not be going into the Inferno cuz she's not ready for her schmoopy to go home just yet.
Speaking of chicken, the next day, the teams learn they have to don a chicken costume and transfer a combination of worms and bird feed into a "hungry bird's mouth" - using their mouth. The team that transfers the most weight in worms and feed will win the challenge. The highest scoring team members from each team will also win the Aztec Lifesaver. This trophy can save someone from going into the Inferno.
Everyone agrees this is a disgusting mission, but they do it anyway because they want their money. Well, everyone except Katie, who starts upchucking and gagging before she even gets to the bird's mouth. Before it's even Ace's turn, he starts to gag. Syrus puts on the chicken costume and kicks some serious chicken ass. His teammates are very impressed and he just hopes he is able to save himself from the Inferno. Real World whoops Road Rules' booty. Darrell and Syrus take home the Lifesaver.
Syrus does not want to be the guy who decides who will go to the Inferno in his place. So David suggests they vote on performance over the last couple days and go with their gut. Ace's gets voted into the Inferno and his feelings are hurt. Wah wah. Mallory tries to give him a pep talk, but it doesn't help. Team leader Mike tries to pump him up, but that doesn't help either. He continues to wallow in his bad mood.
Ace's mood does not pick up by the time the Inferno draws near and it grows worse when he learns he's going to have to wear a bug helmet. Their heads will be covered in gooey syrup, while the helmet will be filled with crickets and hissing cockroaches. Yummy.
After only 11 seconds, Ace gets out of the helmet and storms off. He ends up in the pool and when Mike comes to talk to him, he apologizes but he doesn't seem to care that this means he is going home. The rest of his teammates are pissed and surprised that he really had no real desire to be in the competition. Syrus says that the bug helmet was "pretty damn" scary, but he would have done it. Easy for him to say from the sidelines. Meanwhile, Kendal and Katie gush over Jeremy's big win.
Coral wants to make sure that Mallory still wants to be in the game even though her schmoopy is packing his bags. Mallory says she is committed to the game and then Coral launches into Ace and asks him why he gave up so easily. He does not appreciate her attack.
Ace gives Mallory a quick kiss goodbye and he gets on a boat and sails off into the darkness. Cue the orchestra, The Inferno as begun.
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Episode 3
In the Real World bungalow Leah tells the other girls that her pick for Sexiest Inferno Guy is none other than Darrell. Trishelle says CT is by far the hottest with his rockin' body that's on fiyah. Leah adds that "The Miz" is really cute, but she's not attracted to him. Trishelle claims she dated the Mizmeister for his personality, not his looks. Easy to say when The Miz is a hottie. Trishelle admits that she's not very datable and is very hard to tame. Julie just sits quietly and listens.
Apparently not wanting to miss out on any gossip, Julie teleports herself to another part of the bungalow where Mike is telling his side of the Trishelle story. Turns out, the day they broke up, she made out with someone else and instantly had a new boyfriend. Then, she made out with five guys right in front of Mike.
At the club, later that night, Mike gets a little bit of revenge when he dances close with Christena. Trishelle is pissed and jealous about Mike's slow dancing, so she marches over to tell Mike that he's being a jerk. Coral tries to break it down for Trishelle, but she doesn't get it. She keeps threatening to beat up everyone in her path.
The following day, the teams learn they will be participating in the "Wreck and Roll" mission. Each team will have their own "hotel room" and they must smash everything in the room like true, spoiled rock stars. Everything they break must fit in a crate that has an eight inch hole. Special guest musicians Yellowcard will hand out guitars to a guy and girl on each team and when they start to play one of their songs, the trashing will commence. When they stop playing, the smashing must stop.
Abe wants a guitar really badly, but Darrell has a better idea. Give the guitar to the "weakest dude" on the team. According to Darrell, that would be Jeremy, but he's too excited about smashing stuff to be insulted by this strategy.
Yellowcard begins to play and everyone starts to destroy the rooms and let out some pent up anger. Jeremy notes that this mission is a guys' dream. Crazy Julie goes so far to say that this was the best experience of her life and she can die happy now.
Real World and Road Rules are neck in neck and it's going to be a close finish. Darrell worries that they don't have enough debris to win, but whenever there's a little doubt in a team member's mind, you know that means they probably won. Road Rules takes home the money and the momentum. They lead two missions to one.
Now they must decide which two women to send to the Inferno. Katie offers herself up to the Inferno right away and Holly questions why she wants to go. Perhaps trying to make some friends, Katie says she sucks and deserves to go. Holly says she will offer herself up too, but once again, Darrell is not happy because if she loses, then their whole team loses a strong player. Leah and Mallory get some votes on the Real World side, but Mike makes the meeting veddy enteresting by voting for Leah and Trishelle, explaining that the other night, Trishelle told Coral, Mike and Mallory that she was going to beat them up. He didn't really think she was going to start taking her team members down, but he does think that it's bad for team moral. Mallory and Coral vote the same way and Trishelle starts to get pissed. After the vote, Cyrus advises Trishelle to suck it up and not whine like a sore loser because she could potentially go into the Inferno if Road Rules votes her in.
Mike explains to Trishelle that everything would have been different if she just apologized to everyone for her behavior. Trishelle admits that she can't stand watching Mike kiss other people and he agrees that sucks, cuz he's had to see her kiss other people. Like, five people. She doesn't really have a comeback for that one. They end the conversation on a good note and seal it with a hug.
Real World and Road Rules debate, discuss and strategize about whom to choose to send to the Inferno. Road Rules picks Trishelle because they feel she is the stronger of the two players and Real World chooses Holly. Let the games begin. Not wanting to lose a valuable teammate, Veronica hopes that Holly wins the Aztec Lifesaver and then sends Katie to face her Los Angeles roommate Trishelle.
Mike gives Trishelle a pep talk about how she could totally win in the Inferno and Trishelle says she still values his friendship even though he can make her mad sometimes. Meanwhile, Coral is just looking forward to seeing this former Vegas resident with some roaches crawling all over her head.
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Episode 4
Holly and Kendal giggle on a hammock and pray for sun so they can go home with a tan even if they don't go home with the money. Kendal theorizes that Holly is a little more scared than she lets on when it comes to facing the Inferno.
Meanwhile, Julie tells Trishelle that if she could do the Inferno meeting over again, she would have tried harder to convince her team that Trishelle shouldn't be voted into the Inferno. Bottom line, Julie doesn't like that the competition got personal. Bottom of the bottom line, Julie knows Coral has a lot of influence and her next victim could very well be her. They agree that until Coral messes up, she is going to control those meetings.
Today, the two teams will compete in the Climbing Wall challenge where the team with the best time will win the money and the two players with the best score will win the Aztec Lifesaver, possibly saving them from the Inferno.
Shane beats Syrus in the first face-off. Holly faces CT, but he clearly beats her. Julie has trouble and ends up getting disqualified. Veronica does well while Leah struggles and gets disqualified. Her teammates tell her "good job" but she doesn't want to hear any cheerleading and barks at them, saying her performance sucked. Both Christina and Mallory get disqualified and it's looking more like Holly may be the big winner on her team.
Back on the ground, Katie tells her team that she doesn't want to do this mission and Shane questions why she even came on the Challenge. "If it doesn't involve smoking or drinking, Katie doesn't want to do it," Shane says. As Katie rants, rather than encouraging her, her team gives her a hard time. Holly takes her aside and asks her how she can expect to stay in Acapulco if she is making it clear that she doesn't want to be there. Holly encourages her to at least give the wall a try. She agrees and slowly climbs the wall and eventually gets disqualified. But she ends up making it further than other people on her team and earns a little bit of respect. Trishelle's fate is sealed when she is disqualified from the Climbing Wall competition. She will be in the Inferno tonight. Timmy is the last to go for the Road Rules team and scores impressively with 43 seconds. Road Rules learns they win the competition. CT and Timmy receive the Aztec LifeSavers and if they wish, they can save someone from the Inferno by sending themselves.
Back at the Real World house, Trishelle blames Coral for having to go into the Inferno. Julie tries to jump in and defend Trishelle, but Coral will not let her speak. Syrus steps in and tells Coral that Trishelle needs some time to get her head into the Inferno challenge, so she reluctantly gets up to leave the room. Julie way impressed that Trishelle stood up to Coral.
At the Inferno, Holly and Trishelle learn they must eat as many chilies as they can in a one hour sitting. When Dave Mira asks if Timmy will save Holly from the Inferno, Holly answers for him saying, "No he won't." She is pumped to go into the Inferno and come back a winner.
As Trishelle chews on the first pepper, Holly has downed two already. With eighteen minutes, Holly has eaten seven and Trishelle has only eaten three. Her team tries to cheer her on, but soon they are shouting angry comments her way. She gives up despite their contradictory efforts. Real World is now down two players.
Before Trishelle leaves, Mike tells her she did well and he's proud of her. Coral has a different opinion, saying Trishelle just didn't want it that bad and that's why she's headed back to LA
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Episode 5
Mike decides to disguise his flirting with Kendal in the form wrestling lessons. It lets him get close to her and practice his wrestling moves, what a great combo. He calls her sweet and angelic. Even Julie is overwhelmed by the cuteness that oozes form the Mike/Kendal flirtation. She calls them "Ken and Barbie" and "the cutest thing she has ever seen."
In the Real World bungalow, Coral tells her team that they should vote a strong person from their team into the Inferno, so they can finally come back victorious. Syrus narrates that they have a lot of big guys on their team, but not one of them will step up and say they'll face the Inferno. Mike narrates that people are fighting and taking things too personal when it comes to the Inferno.
Dave Mirra informs the group that today they will be playing Disco Domino Derby. Each team will have 110 dominoes to set up so that when they push the first one over, all of them will fall down. The team that does this in the fastest time will win the challenge and $10,000 for the pot. In addition, they will win a home entertainment component from Motorola. For added amusement, each player will wear roller skates and disco costumes during the challenge.
Road Rules want to keep up their winning streak and Real World is thirsty for a win to break their losing streak. While the competition is in progress, Mike accidentally knocks down the back half of the domino line and is worried that mistake will cost Real World the mission. Both teams start their dominoes and while the Real World dominoes continue to fall, Road Rules stops because of one domino that wasn't placed correctly. Holly takes credit for the mistake.
At the "who's going into the Inferno meeting," Mike decides to volunteer to go into the Inferno and David steps up as well.
At the Road Rules camp, Abram decides to volunteer and then there is dead silence. No one else wants to go cuz they are not stupid; they know this could potentially be sent home. Still feeling like he has something to prove and effectively making the other guys look like wimps, Jeremy decides to volunteer as well, even though he's the only guy who has been to the Inferno already. What a guy!
Real World chooses Jeremy and Road Rules chooses The Miz for the face-off. Jeremy is worried. Meanwhile, Christina worries that her Road Rules team is turning into a bunch of wimps--hardly any of the guys were willing to throw themselves into the fire. Mike calls Jeremy's act of bravery "stupid"--obviously confident he will emerge victorious. Everything could change with the next challenge though, because both Inferno nominees have the opportunity to win the Aztec LifeSaver, which means they could save themselves from the wrath of the Inferno flame.
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Episode 6
Kendal and Mike have been hanging out a lot but they aren't safe from RR/RW drama. Mike talks to a friend back home who apparently has heard (from ousted Inferno cast member Trishelle) that Kendal and Mike have been sleeping together. Mike says he and Kendal have done nothing of the sort! Kendal breaks it down for us: one of Mike's best friends is one of Kendal's ex-boyfriends. Mike is a nice guy and is worried about hurting his friend. She appreciates his honesty, but doesn't like his decision to remain only as friends. Boo. We want to see some smoochin'!
Today's mission is called "Balls Out" and each player must pedal on a stationary bike, which drives air through a plastic tube, which will keep a ping pong ball floating in air. When the ping pong ball touches the bottom of the tube the player is eliminated. Each team can use hoses and buckets of water to try and get their opponents out. Last player standing will win $10,000 for their team. Team Road Rules decides to have Katie and Shane immediately begin dousing Real Worlders with water, except Katie has a difficult time with this assignment and ends up throwing most of the water on herself, while giggling. Meanwhile, Coral and Leah have figured out that if you get enough water inside the tube, the ball will not be able to rise up. (That's physics.) This strategy works like a charm and Roadies are picked off one by one. CT wins the competition for Real World and they now have as much money in the bank as Road Rules. Nanner, nanner, nanner. CT and Veronica score the Aztec LifeSavers. After the competition, the Real World team lifts Katie up onto their shoulders and crowns her their mascot because once again, her screw-ups have helped them win. Road Rules is not happy to see this display. While the other Roadies are cursing Katie, Jeremy tries to give Katie a pep talk and attempts to understand her.
Meanwhile, Mike is feeling down because of all the drama from the Trishelle and Kendal situation and is not feeling mentally prepared for the Inferno. He and Jeremy learn they will be participating in the Human Candelabra challenge at the Inferno. Mike and Jeremy have to hold their arms straight out, while also holding candles for as long as they can. Mike worries that all that time spent doing bicep curls might not work to his favor in this competition. But Jeremy starts struggling early on while Mike has very good control. Jeremy is eliminated and Timmy notes that the nicest guy on their team is headed home.
Katie says Road Rules' strategy was to take out the heart of the Real World team, but that's what ended up happening to her team. Jeremy talks to his whole team about having respect for each other and playing fairly. Christena thanks him for not going out with sour grapes and tells him that he has lifted up his team by being so mature. Perhaps missing the meeting, Abe narrates that his team will be scheming to find a way to throw the next mission just so they can vote Katie off.
That night in da club, Kendal tells Mike that she knows there is something between them, but she is leaving whatever happens up to Mike. She says she trusts him completely. Not long after her speech, Mike kisses Kendal. The Miz says he's finally going to look out for himself.
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Episode 7
Julie talks to Syrus about her issues with Coral and how she plays the game. Syrus breaks it down for Julie and explains if Coral launches a campaign to get Julie out, then Julie will certainly end up in the Inferno. Simple as that. Meanwhile, Coral still doesn�t understand why people think she is intimidating. Coral notes that she has been nothing but nice to everyone�but Julie.
Today�s challenge is called the Ultimate Saturn Road Trip. Coming off of two wins in a row, Real World is ready to take down Road Rules again.
Players race in teams of two. Each player must climb a net to retrieve a bag, which contains a car key. Once they find the key, the must put the bag in the trunk, start the car and navigate an obstacle course. The team with the best overall time wins and any player that falls off the net or drops the bag is DQ�d. Road Rules wins the first heat easily, while Julie furiously watches as Coral struggles with getting the bag off the net. Coral and Mike finish with a disappointing time and The Real World team now must catch up. Julie approaches Coral afterwards and asked her what happened, but Coral is not interested in being interrogated.
Leah becomes scared as she climbs the rope, but Coral screams at her to not give up. In a more supportive gesture, Syrus helps her finish the course and Leah is proud that she accomplished something that was so difficult for her.
The Real World team hopes that their good luck charm, Katie, will get disqualified because that is their only chance of winning now. Much to their dismay (and much to Road Rules� surprise), Katie has no problem climbing the rope and Road Rules scores another $10K for the pot.
In the Inferno meeting, Holly suggests her team nominate Katie and one other strong girl, such as Christena, knowing that Real World will never choose their mascot, Katie, to go into the Inferno. At the Real World meeting, Coral volunteers herself to go into the Inferno and asks for another strong girl to join her. Mallory agrees to offer herself. Julie prefers that Leah and Coral get nominated because they are the weakest players. Julie knows full well that Coral has stepped up because she knows that Road Rules will choose Mallory and Coral will not have to go back to the Inferno again because she already offered herself up. The Real World team continues to discuss who to send to the Inferno and Mallory says she�d rather take a vote to see who the team would want to be paired with Coral. David explodes when Mallory reneges on her willingness to �step up.� They are all tired of the manipulation that is going on within their team.
In the second meeting, Real World chooses Christena and Road Rules decides they want Coral around to mess up the final mission, so they choose Mallory because she doesn�t have the will to go through the Inferno. Buddies Christena and Mallory are voted into the Inferno and they are bummed they have to face each other.
After the meetings adjourn, Coral and Julie continue to argue about their issues, with Julie being the instigator. Coral thinks Julie should stop being a baby about the game. �If it�s too hot, she should stay out of the damn Inferno,� Coral cracks.
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Episode 8
Leah and Darrell cuddle on the couch and exchange schmoopies. Yes, you read that right, Leah and Darrell. Even Darrell is surprised about their hook up, "I had no idea we'd be doing what we do." Meanwhile, best buds Christena and Mallory talk about today's Inferno and how it's gonna suck if one of them has to go home.
Today's challenge is all about endurance and is called Don't Yank My Chain. Each team member must hold their arms above their head through a looped rope. If their arms fall, a bucket of nacho goo will be dumped all over one of their teammates. Road Rules decides that they are willing to throw the mission so that Christena can win the LifeSaver and send Katie into the Inferno. This strategy doesn't sit well Holly, and Christena feels a little queasy about it too. Unfortunately, Katie is not as stupid as they think and when she gets wind of this devious plot, she puts on her game face. Her game face doesn't look much different that her regular Katie-face, but we'll see what happens.
The challenge begins and Real Worlders and Road Rulers begin to drop until it is down to Katie, Christena, Kendal, Veronica and Abe for the Roadies and Mallory, Leah and Mike for Real World. Christena finally can't take it any longer and drops her arms. Still holding on, Katie is probably breathing a huge sigh of relief. Mike and Veronica win the Aztec LifeSaver and Katie is super-proud of herself for stepping it up.
This time, the Inferno will have Mallory and Christena standing on a two-foot platform, while listening to annoying sounds like car alarms and crying babies. Whoever goes crazy first will be sent packin'. Sounds easy, but it's a mentally grueling challenge. Oh, who are we kidding, it looks like a cinch. Christena and Mallory both easily make it to the two hour point and then go into "sudden death." They have to balance one foot on a four-inch block while the other foot must not touch the ground, all while still listening to the annoying sounds. Mallory wobbles and is sent plunging down the side of the four inch block. Christena, her buddy, wins, but there are no hard feelings between the two.
Mallory leaves the beach upbeat about the experience and Christena notes that Mallory was the one person there who was helping her enjoy her time in Acapulco. Christena will surely get over that feeling of loss if she wins the big ol' pot of money at the end of the rainbow.
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Episode 9
Coral makes Abe a sandwich and she gives the bread a good lick before she slathers on the mayo and the lunch meat. Syrus witnesses this act and can't believe it. He tries to warn Abe, but Abe eats the sandwich anyway and thinks it's pretty tasty.
Meanwhile, Holly and David work out and it is clear that David is at the challenge to have a good time, enjoy a vacation and get a tan. Winning is secondary. Mike narrates that David is a great guy, but he's been a bit lackadaisical lately when it comes to missions. CT notes that he and David grew up together in Boston and it's great to have him here on the challenge and thinks that David is one of their best players.
For today's mission, each team will be given a variety of items that they must sell to the tourists who are disembarking a cruise ship. The object is to sell all of their items and the team with the most cash will win. The catch is all of the items are not the most "popular" items one might want to buy. One member from each team picks items off the table that they are going to have to sell. The Real World is not happy with what David is choosing, but his team is really hoping to pull together a win.
Syrus notes that David is not much help throughout the selling either and Big Dave even admits that he brought his "C" game to the challenge. Meanwhile, CT is working his ass off, literally. To convince a woman to buy a bikini, CT puts it on and does a little dance for her. David lounges and takes a nap during the mission. Road Rules knows they are behind, so they are offering anything and everything to get the job done.
When it's all over, Real World is completely confident that they have won, but Dave Mirra informs them that Road Rules has won by a couple hundred pesos. Coral is pissed that they lost and is hoping David is sent to the Inferno since he barely contributed.
In the meetings back at the house, Shane says he would rather not go into the Inferno, but he agrees that it's his turn. Timmy and Abe play rock, paper, scissors and Abe gets elected. In the Real World camp, David nominates himself because he knows he didn't perform well. CT is also chosen because he has never been nominated. He's not happy but he'll roll with it.
Real World chooses Shane because they think Abe is crazy and will do absolutely anything. Road Rules puts David on the chopping block. Mike is hoping that the Inferno will be the kick in the pants that David needs to step up and start performing better. David, on the other hand, narrates that he'd rather have knee surgery than go into the Inferno. But later at dinner, he has changed his tune and decides he's going to rip it up in the Inferno. This is the wake up call he has needed.
On a side note, Holly says that Katie had a rough couple of first missions, but her team is definitely going to do things differently from now on and start supporting her.
On a completely random note, Abe has decided that he is now "hardcore" enough to have a Mohawk, so he has his teammates shave his head. His new aerodynamic hairstyle will surely help him win future missions and if nothing else, it will scare his opponents.
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Episode 10
Darrell and Leah flirt and kiss in the pool, but when it comes time to define his relationship, Darrell narrates that he and Leah �ain�t together,� claiming he doesn�t �do� relationships.
Today�s challenge is called Bungee Bound. After each person jumps off a tower, they must pull their flag and throw it into the water below. The team with the fastest time wins. Oh, and by the way, their hands will be tied behind their backs. Oh and another thing, each player has five minutes to jump after a horn is blown. If they don�t jump in five minutes, they will be assigned the lowest overall score, plus a five minute penalty. Abe goes first and scores a 52-second time. As the competition goes on, it appears that Real World will come out on top, but Leah and Katie haven�t jumped yet and they both admit they are nervous. Leah begins to have a panic attack and says she can�t feel her hands. Katie is very hesitant to jump, but finally takes the plunge. She scores and unimpressive 3 minutes and 53 seconds. Real World knows they have pretty much won at this point, as long as Leah jumps. Leah�s panic attack continues and an ambulance takes her to receive medical attention.
As Leah is taken away in an ambulance, Dave Mirra explains that she will receive a DQ, which means Road Rules actually has a chance at winning now. David jumps, but his time is not good enough to win the LifeSaver. Road Rules ends up winning the challenge by only a minute. Veronica doesn�t feel right about winning because of a �mental health thing� but what the hell--it�s more money in their pot. CT and Holly win the Aztec LifeSaver.
In the hospital, Coral sits by Leah�s side. Leah narrates that she doesn�t have any control over her anxiety and wishes it didn�t affect her teammates.
During their pre-Inferno ritual, David and CT swap clothes and Dave just hopes that he doesn�t have to eat bugs. He learns the Inferno will involve consuming milk and cookies and then spinning around on some type of contraption. Who ever tosses their �cookies� first loses. Shane is pumped and David looks like he already lost.
CT decides to step up and go into the Inferno for Dave, which makes Shane�s knees a little bit weak. CT calls this mission the only excuse to cheat on his diet and he goes into the challenge with some shades and an ultra-cocky attitude. During round two of the challenge, Shane pukes up his milk and cookies and he�s seriously bummed he has to leave. As he leaves, he asks his teammates not to let Real World win any more money.
Darrell checks on his girl Leah to make sure she�s okay and he tells her that he wiped her mouth when she was slobbering earlier. Spoken like a dude who�s in a relationship. Darrell finally cops to having more than just a sexual relationship with Leah. They enjoy each other�s company too. Aww.
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Episode 11
If Katie's getting encouragement from her team, she'll work hard to do well in the missions. If she's not getting along with them, then she's a crappy competitor. Katie commiserates with Real World outcast Julie, who says she is reaching her breaking point because she feels Coral has everyone rallying against her.
Both teams will play Twist and Shoot. Spinning from a 20 foot platform, each player must shoot paint balls at targets that have the faces of their opponents. For each picture they hit, they receive 10 points. If a player fires before the horn, 50 points will be deducted. Leah's doctor recommended that she not do any missions involving heights, so she'll sit this one out with no team penalty. The Real World has a five game losing streak and they know they need to step it up.
Both teams do well and end up tying which brings about a sudden death round. The best shooters from each team will have to shoot the center target to score points in this round. Syrus scores 50 points for Real World and when Abe gets up on the platform, he pops off a round before the horn blows, which gives him a 50 point penalty. This means that he must hit the target at least 10 times just to tie the Real World. Abe pulls through and gets 50 points as well. Double overtime will involve one girl from each team battling for the best score. Coral gets 40 points and Christena takes the platform for Road Rules confident that she can pull out the win and she does. Real World is looking very dejected. Road Rules now has $80,000 in their account and Real World has a measly $30,000.
Back at their bungalows, Veronica says she is willing to put herself out there for the Inferno. With some encouraging from her teammates, Katie says she'll go, but she doesn't want to have to go "next time."
In the Real World headquarters, Leah decides to volunteer because she feels it's her turn to step up and go. Only Coral and Julie are left. The rest of the team thinks it's a given that Julie go because she is the only girl who hasn't been nominated. Julie tries to protest, but it gets her no where.
Road Rules debates whether or not they should choose Leah or Julie and finally decide to go for the gold with a last minute decision put Julie in the Inferno. Meanwhile, Julie is telling her team that she is not confident she could win against Veronica. Real World has always felt that it's better to keep Katie on the Road Rules team because she is a great asset to Real World if she keeps messing up missions. Julie gets the impression from her teammates that it's more important for Katie to stay than it is for Julie.
A fight ensues when Julie tells Coral that she doesn't want Coral's "mouth" when she is in the Inferno. Coral gets up in Julie's face and tells her not to talk to her like that. After the plates with the Inferno competitors are put up, Coral begs Veronica to "take Julie out". Mike is not pleased with their behavior.
Julie tells David that she would like to wrestle Coral "like a man" out on the lawn and after wrestlemania is over, Julie wants all the "sh-t" to stop and she wants team unity. "I don't wrestle. I f-ing beat bitches up," Coral barks when she hears about Julie's proposal. Julie tries to call Coral out, but Coral will not have any of it. CT and Mike try to tell Julie this is not the way to solve their problems, besides; Coral would kick her ass anyway. This is all unfolding while Road Rules witness this whole ordeal thoroughly amused.
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Episode 12
Julie, who was last seen acting like a loose cannon and challenging tough-as-nails Coral to Lawn Wrestlemania 2004, admits she doesn't like the way she acted last night. She feels alone out here in Acapulco and that loneliness is makin' her CrAzY. "Hate the game, not the player," David advises Julie.
Anywho, today's challenge involves repelling down a tall building to collect flags from balconies. A 60 second penalty will be assessed per flag that is dropped or missed. Once again, Leah will have to sit this one out.
Veronica calls an impromptu meeting before the mission starts and the Roadies agree to throw the mission so they can send Katie into the Inferno. Coral gets word of this and informs Mike, who then whispers it to Syrus, all while Katie is noticing that no one on her team is looking at her or talking to her as the mission starts. Real World is just psyched they have a chance at winning some money. Holly notes that throwing a mission is not normally part of her competitive attitude, but she justifies it by saying she's a team player. Katie begins to pick up what her teammates are throwin' down when the Road Rules star athletes perform poorly. Meanwhile, Coral races down the building saying she wants the LifeSaver so bad just so she can NOT give it to Julie.
David comes down from the Balcony Swing and Coral is more than happy to get in his face to point out that he missed two flags and dropped two. A dazed and confused David mutters something about losing his BEERings. CT, we need a Bostonian translator! Katie receives a poor time and adding insult to injury, Abe comes down the side of the building yelping like a cowboy, which feels like a big ol' slap in the face to Katie. With nothing else to do, Leah comforts Katie.
Trying to make the situation more dramatic than it is, Julie says something like she's gotta dig deep today because of all the hating that went on yesterday. In the anti-climactic end, Real World wins the mission and Mike notes that it doesn't matter how they won; they added $10,000 to their pot. CT picks up another LifeSaver and so does Veronica.
Later in the evening, Katie is further insulted when Abe decides to wear Real World colors to the Inferno. Meanwhile, Julie is dealing with her own issues and prays for forgiveness before she goes into the Hell that is the Inferno. Still bored from not be able to compete, Leah shows up again to comfort Julie in her time of need.
For the dreaded Inferno, Julie and Katie will be covered in itching powder and must walk on a treadmill for three long hours. Katie notices that Veronica barely puts any itching powder on Julie, while Katie gets a healthy does from CT. During the challenge, Road Rules stays silent, while Real World (aka Coral) begins cheering for Katie. Mike bitches out Coral for her poor sportsmanship, but Coral doesn't give two bleeps. Go Katie! Woo hoo!
Julie suggests Dave Mirra turn up the treadmills so they can jog, which angers Katie and brings out the fire in her eyes. Katie's competitiveness returns just in time for "overtime," where the girls must jump rope for 15 minutes without screwing up. Julie slips up and Katie does the happy dance when she realizes she has won. Both teams are left with her mouths hanging open.
Katie sums up her thoughts, "Ha, ha, in your face. Look what I did. I'm still here and you lost $10,000." Katie is so jazzed that she doesn't care that no one applauded her win because inside, Katie was cheering for herself. In the end, doesn't what's inside count more than what's outside? Oh yeah, BTW, Julie is sent packing, but doesn't mind too much cuz she is looking forward to getting back to the person she wants to be. That's sweet, but does this mean she won't be calling out anymore girls for a "man" fight on the lawn? Boo. Go Katie.
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Episode 13
Leah tells Coral how CT and her have made changes in their personalities since living together in Paris and those changes have made the world of difference in the Leah-CT friendship. Meanwhile, CT talks to David about how they've got to find a way to vote Leah out this week, cuz she's sitting back collecting checks, while not having to participate in the last few missions.
For the Fallen Angel mission, teams will alternate sitting on platforms above the water, while the other team will climb the ropes and dunk their competition. The team that dunks their competition in the fastest time will win. Leah is happy to get the okay from the doc that she can participate in this challenge. But Syrus and Leah have a lot of trouble dunking Road Rulers and eventually are DQ'd. Leah knows she needs to prove herself and her performance on this day is not helping. Timmy has trouble climbing the rope on the Road Rules side, while teammate Katie does really well. "She dug so deep, she's here to win now," Timmy says after the challenge.
The dynamic duo, Mike and Coral, both struggle to make it up the rope and when they don't succeed, they get a second DQ for their team. Road Rules had the better average time and they win more money for their pot. "Real World is a team that unfortunately is good at... nothing," Timmy chuckles after that day's mission.
The teams go back to pick the men who will go into the Inferno. Road Rules makes a quick decision to send Darrell and Timmy because they are their two strongest players. Real World has a tougher decision to make and Coral recommends sending Syrus and David. David and Timmy are ultimately chosen to represent in the Inferno, unless they win a LifeSaver. After this vote, Real World sits Leah down to tell her that they really want to send her into the Inferno because they don't want to risk losing anymore guys. CT goes off on Leah, telling her she has not contributed to the game. "Basically you want me to contribute to the team by leaving?" Leah figures out. Leah notices that the person that she hated for six months in Paris has resurfaced. Or maybe she's just a sore loser.
Meanwhile, Katie asks her team to please play fair the rest of the game. Road Rulers are worried about the possibility of Timmy getting sent home. Veronica steps up and offers to go into the Inferno in his place if she wins the LifeSaver. How noble of this backstabber. After the meeting, Leah utters a long monologue that makes it ultra clear to David she is here to stay. He yawns and looks distracted during her performance. She says she is going into the Inferno with the goal of winning the LifeSaver.
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Episode 14
Veronica, Christena and Timmy strategize about getting Timmy the LifeSaver so that Katie can go back to the Inferno. Their track record of throwing missions isn't very good, though. Meanwhile, Mike and Kendal look all cute and stuff playing video games. Mike narrates that despite his "trust issues", he trusts Kendal anyway. He calls her smart and fun to be around. Kendal giggles, saying Mike's fun and charming and they happen to be compatible kissers. Precious. Just precious.
Saturn Valet Ballet is the name of the game today. The goal is to get the Saturn Ion to the valet stand as fast as possible. Each team member must move five cars to an "overflow" lot in order to get the Saturn Ion out and to the Valet stand. Timmy goes first and gets a decent time. Next up is Abe, who seems to be taking his time, while Katie is trying to figure out if her team is throwing this mission again.
Meanwhile, Real World is still trying to figure out how to get rid of Leah. David hustles to complete the mission as fast as he can and receives a good time. Unless Leah can run faster than David, he is convinced she won't beat his time. Leah is disqualified for hitting another car during the challenge and knows right then and there she'll be in the Inferno tonight. Her honey Darrell tries to comfort her.
Veronica narrates that she isn't sure if everyone is one the same page with throwing the mission. "There is not one thing that Katie does well," Veronica narrates. Kendall apparently does not know about the whole "throwing the mission" strategy, but has a hunch that something is up.
Meanwhile, Leah is getting a taste of what Katie has been experiencing. "You should go back a little bit further, you'll get DQ'd quicker," Leah yells to CT. Leah narrates that her feelings are very hurt and she doesn't appreciate CT's behavior during this challenge. Coral decides to haul booty and win the LifeSaver to save Leah, but she fails. Kendal hustles while her team tells her to slow down cuz she's beating Timmy's time. Apparently, Kendal is not on the "same page" and ends up winning the LifeSaver, along with Real World's David. Kendal is proud that she has done well, but she's not getting any high fives from her teammates. Kendal claims she wasn't informed about this strategy and wonders why no one told her. Holly has a great idea� if Kendal uses her LifeSaver to save Timmy and goes into the Inferno herself, that action will perhaps make up for the fact that she didn't throw the mission.
Before the Inferno, Timmy tells Kendal that he didn't expect anything from anyone and she doesn't have to save him. Kendal tells Mike that she doesn't know what she is going to do. Mike is pissed and says she is being way too nice to her team who didn't have the decency to let her know what was going on today. Mike knows that Timmy can beat Leah in the Inferno, so it doesn't even make sense for Kendal to put herself in that situation and risk going home. "I will throw a tantrum if you go into the Inferno," Mike warns. Kendal promises Mike she won't go into the Inferno, but changes her mind when he acts like an idiot after Dave Mirra asks what her decision is. Mike goes off claiming that he can no longer trust sweet Kendal and continues to berate her while the Brick Laying Inferno mission is in progress. "When a girl lies to me, everyone here will know about it and everyone else in the [bleeping] world will know about it," Mike roars. Doesn't Mike, a team leader, see that Kendal is stepping up, something he has previously admired? What a dope.
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Episode 15
Kendal and Leah continue their Inferno challenge while a drunken Mike continues to spew insults at his former sweetheart. Soon Mike and Veronica are hurling insluts, er insults at each other and then poor Katie gets snubbed in the crossfire. This arguing actually fuels Kendal's ability to transfer bricks across a balance beam quickly. But the mayhem continues when CT decides to yell at Leah to step it up. In true RW/RR Challenge fashion, everyone ends up fighting and cursing at each other. David decides to ease the tension by running naked through the Inferno, but it doesn't seem to faze anyone.
When all is said and done, more was said than done, but Kendal did, in fact, destroy Leah in the Inferno. Kendal's win is bittersweet because she is not happy because someone who she used to care about just spent three hours ragging on her.
"I saw the darkest side of somebody that I didn't know existed," Kendal sighs. She says she doesn't want to date a time bomb and she doesn't want to put herself in a position to be disrespected once again. But soon after making these statements, she's sitting on the edge of Mike's bed on the verge of taking him back. She makes it clear to Mike (and his other personalities) that she won't have any of that behavior again and he's "on trial" for a while.
Meanwhile, Leah is pissed that Darrell didn't stick up for her and he explains that she is a grown woman. Besides, Darrell is aware he has a short fuse and didn't want to go out and hit someone.
Dave Mirra informs both teams that there won't be a new mission, (until the finale one) but each team must nominate a woman to go into the Inferno. This will be the last Inferno. Since Coral is the last women on the Real World team, she will automatically go to the Inferno, unless she wins the Aztec Lifesaver and decides to save herself. Veronica and Katie nominate themselves.
When the Real World sits down to decide who will join Coral in the Inferno, everyone wants Veronica to go, while Coral lobbies hard for Katie. Real World has consistently NOT voted Katie into "Infuernos" because they know she hurts the Road Rules team, which, in turn, helps the Real World team. Coral's teammates know she just wants to go against Katie because she thinks she will have a better chance of winning. Syrus and Coral vote for Katie, with CT and David voting for Veronica. The Miz is the deciding vote and the plates indicate that Veronica and Coral will face each other in the Inferno, unless the LifeSaver comes into play. Once again, Coral thinks Mike tends to lose sight of what is right when he's in a competition.
The Window Washing challenge objective is to reveal six numbers on the way down a side of a building. They must remember the numbers because they are a combination to unlock a lock. The best average time wins.
David gets a bad time and Syrus is disqualified. Katie shoots for the Aztec LifeSaver and does really well. Kendal gets a terrible time, but in the end, Road Rules still has the best average time and now has $110,000 in their bank account. Veronica won the LifeSaver and so did Coral, who is ecstatic. Now Coral must choose who to send into the Inferno in her place.
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Episode 16
"Veronica's just an evil bitch," Katie says to anyone who will listen. Katie is pissed that Veronica has orchestrate it so she never had to go into the Inferno.
Coral is still pissed at Mike for choosing Veronica, but she is not going to be petty and send Mike to the Inferno. She is going to send David because, frankly, he was a space cadet in every mission and deserves to go.
The final Inferno involves dead carcasses. Did you expect anything less? David and Katie will have to endure various disgusting smells and whoever lasts the longest will allowed to stay and compete in the final challenge. Katie and David must lie in a Plexiglas coffin that is filled with fish heads. Every half hour, another layer of smelly funk will be added.
After the first half hour, rotten egg is poured on them and Dave Mirra gives them the good news that they will not be penalized for puking. Spoiled milk is added next, cow tongues and then cow intestine. A sudden death round is necessary and whoever can hold their breath the longest submerged in the nasty coffin will win. Katie ends up beating David and she is very pleased with herself for being a two-time winner in the Inferno. Veronica worries that the Real World team is too pleased to see that their mascot will be competing in the final mission. This could ensure Real World a win.
Meanwhile, Katie says she has never disliked someone as much as she does Veronica. It's not long after the Inferno before Katie snaps in her room and starts screaming at Veronica, calling her all sorts of names. Veronica narrates that she thinks Katie is clinically insane. Veronica finally snaps too and makes her way towards Katie in an aggressive manner. Mike pulls Katie into the next room and tells her to calm the F down. Katie tells him she just wants to slug Veronica. "I want to slam her face into the ground," Veronica says about Katie. Now, there's a lesson for the kiddies.
"The two women hate each other," Christena says. "They're both in the wrong; they're both out of their mind and they're both on my team." How will Road Rules pull together for the final mission?
The day of the final mission arrives and Coral hopes there aren't any spiders crawling around. Road Rules has eight people left and Real World has four. The final challenge is called The Seven Deadly Sins. It is a foot race with seven challenges along the way. The entire team must finish each challenge before they can go on to the next one. Winners will be the champions of the Inferno and win $150,000. Katie narrates that she is going into this final mission hating her team. Will her loose canon mentality intentionally ruin her teams' chance for victory or will she step up and contribute?
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Episode 17
The final mission is here and the team that completes The Seven Deadly Sins course first wins the money and the glory. Lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, greed, pride and sloth are all themes for different challenges within the mission. The teams must run a foot race and complete various obstacles along the way.
Both teams must start off hand cuffed to one team member. Road Rules worries that they have too many people and this will slow them down. Just as things began in Acapulco, the Real Worlders believe Syrus will be their weak link.
When The Real World team gets to the pi�ata part of the competition, their cuffs break off. Even though they are no longer wearing the cuffs, they still must find the key that is hidden in one of the toys from the pi�ata, but they fall behind when they can't located it.
Road Rules heads on to Gluttony while Real World searches frantically for the keys. Katie is a vegetarian and doesn't keep those taquitos down too well. Road Rules and Real Worlders both start puking nonstop.
Road Rules works together well in the Envy mission. When Real World arrives at Envy they do well while Road Rules tries to navigate the cargo rope. Real World catches up and pulls ahead because Road Rules has too many members, which slows them down.
The next mission is the crossword puzzle that contains things they might have encountered in other missions. A challenge veteran, Mike narrates that the puzzle always determines who is going to win the competition. Katie guesses that "cold girl" is Trishelle. "Who would have thought that Katie and Trishelle would have both helped us," Veronica laughs. Road Rules has nine out of 10 answers, while it looks bleak for Real World, who only has four of 10. When Road Rules completes the last answer, Mike's heart just sinks. The Road Rulers successfully cross the finish line piggy back-style
Coral tells the Road Rules that they did a great job and that Real World underestimated their team. The Road Rules team total is $260,000 and the champions are given a plane ticket to Malibu, Calif. where they will claim their grand prize, a Saturn.
Other things you should know: Mike hopes to continue his relationship with Kendall. Darrell enjoyed his relationship with Leah and wishes she had more confidence in herself. Syrus is impressed that he made it as far as he did, knowing he was the "old guy." Katie is extremely proud of herself for beating the odds. "Who's weak now," she says. Veronica admits that Katie did do well and notes that all eight team members had something to contribute in the final mission.
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