synopsis: There will be two teams ('Real World,' 'Road Rules') of 10 (5 boys, 5 girls). After their mission, the two entire teams go and nominate two people to go into the inferno. From those two, the opposite team will choose who will be selected into the iferno. The two people selected into the inferno will participate in the next mission where they have the opportunity to win the ion lifesaver which can save them from going into the inferno. After the second mission, the two nominees compete in a mini-competition. The winner gets to stay in the competition. The prize money will divided by the entire winning team remaining at the end of the show.


The Real World New Orleans
Julie Stoffer
The Real World Boston
Syrus Yarbrough
Road Rules Latin America
Holly Shand
Road Rules The Second Adventure
Timmy Beggy
The Real World Back To New York
Coral Smith
The Real World Seattle
David Burns
Road Rules Semester At Sea
Veronica Portillo
Road Rules Campus Crawl
Darrell Tayler
The Real World Las Vegas
Trishelle Canatella
The Real World Back To New York
Mike Mizanin
Road Rules The Quest
Katie Doyle
Road Rules Campus Crawl
Shane Landrum
The Real World Paris
Mallory Snyder
The Real World Paris
Ace Amerson
Road Rules Campus Crawl
Kendal Sheppard
Road Rules South Pacific
Abram Boise
The Real World Paris
Leah Gillingwate
The Real World Paris
Chris Tamburello
Road Rules South Pacific
Christena Pyle
Road Rules South Pacific
Jeremy Blossom

Other Links:
RW / RR Blog
Bunim/Murray Productions
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