• The Damai Kuang Selangor Orphanage Home Welfare Association has a major mission in safeguarding and caring for the protection of orphans and single mothers in Malaysia.
  • Provide basic and essential requirements to all hostels such as; Food, clothing, shelter and education.
  • Emphasis on education, nutrition, health, and so on in the preparation of orphans becomes an entity recognized by the Malaysian community.
  • Welcoming the call of love for orphans and trying to make them versatile in life's challenges.
  • Provide complete basic and essential requirements;
    1. Food preparation
    2. Clothing fittings
    3. Residence - Complete and comfortable infrastructure
    4. Education - Formal and informal
    5. Health care
    6. Strengthen the spiritual and physical aspects
  • Develop a systematic approach for identifying, measuring and evaluating.
    1. The level of health of dormitory dwellers from time to time.
    2. Educational level of dormitory dwellers who have been left behind in formal education.
    3. Ensuring protection of life to single mothers.
    4. Make Peace Dormitory a center of excellence education for orphans.

Tn.Hj Suhaimi Bin Hj.Dzajuli
Asrama Damai Kuang


En. Khairunnizam Bin Hj Suhaimi
Asrama Damai Kuang