Mulysa's Web Page

This is my pathetic web page. It don't ever plan on ever making it any better.. Sorry about that. I just felt like I needed something, though.
First, some pictures Very old pictures
Some more pictures and various other things can be found here. it's my lycos-thing with all my lycos pics. mostly stuff i have for PA..
I have some sort of journal thing that i sporadically, if ever, update. read if you want. or not
Basic information about myself:
I am 22 (as of april 13, 2003), and live in Colorado.
My name isn;t really Mulysa (look at it backwards ;). But I tend to use Mulysa Sempronius on the internet. Sempronius is from the illustrious Roman gens. And if you have no idea what that means, I'm not telling.
and apparently, some people know me as "susie". no, susie isn't my name, either.
I graduated fromRegis University majoring in chemistry and mathematics.
I am getting my PhD in Physical Chemistry at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Here are some links to other things that I have put online. No, not links to other pages. Just links to other stuff I put online. Some nice stuff, but I'm putting the extra hastle of opening yet another page into the process to keep out people who don't care. I have just finished looking through some of those things, and wonder what the heck I was thinking. Oh well. Now you get to see them and wonder.
well, that's it for now. Hope to put up more links and info soon.
Oh yeah, and here is my email. Please, please email me. I really do love it. I won't be bothered. Unless you're an evil spammer. just something

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