
Here's some internal linkies to various stuff I have online at the moment which isn't included in my main page. Some things
Well, let's start off with the WhaFaq. It was something I made back in the day to be actually informative. It has not been updated in a very long time, so now it is mostly history. As with many things in here, it deals with the Billy Boyd forum, cheeserealm, and other loon pages (If you don't know what those are, just check out the faq..!whee!) :)
Next, random chat transcripts, mostly from cheesechat (now defunct)
here is the infamous beginnings of Dom's disease. Those of you from will know of what I speak ;). Yes, here is the beginnings of that disease that you blame for all of your typos.. enjoy.
here is a chat transcript I just recenly dug up. It's official name is "SheepCheese". There are alot of sheep. And it's from cheesechat.
Here is a chat event that was held in cheesechat. The topic was "Class distinctions in Lord of the Rings". I almost sound intelligent in there
Pants. I actually dug this up and have no idea what is in it. Sorry. Something about pants, though
Oh my, and the worst transcript ever- I was saving it for blackmail. But now you, too, can see how stupid we can get.
OK, enough of the chat transcripts. Next we have something of an entirely different nature: The original part of this webpage. See, I had to make a webpage for a class I was in. So this was it. You can see that here
I seem to have a thing for putitng classwork online.
Check it out, a paper on the Knight's Tale in Chaucer, and the aspects of Venus and Mars as presented it that tale.
A not complete lab report I once did. It's not complete because it deos not contain the pretty pictures I had in the original report..And I'm not about to go looking for some now. The story for how this came online is a long one. One night in chat.. the original version, bmg was talking about a contest that the site might have had. I said that I would write a riveting discussion on how conjugated polyenes were good models of the particle-in-a-box model of quantum physics, and enter this contest. Bmg said that I won the contest. So I had to get this sucker online.. The contest never happened, sadly.. I never win
Ok, not a school paper, is this. This is actually a short story that I wrote a while ago. I have not actually read it in a while, os will not say whether you ought to waste your time on it or not.
Here is just some random france-bashing. See the article on rats and cats, specifically the last paragraph to see what I mean.
Last but not least, look at this picture. That stems from a joke dealing with what PJ's cameo would be in rotk.
Oh, here's a recent rant about my son's school.
Oh boy, well, hope that these links don't suck too bad.
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