Episodes 6 and 7
Episode 6:

When we last left our three heroes Igor was in a coma because something happened to Crepe and their telepathic link was severed. Dave was about to crush some buildings...and TREE SQUIRREL was following crepe...

and now on episode 6 of \-:FIGHT THE FERRET:-/...

Igor has to think fast...Crepe's telepathic link is weakening...crepe is telling him that he has to use his telekinesis powers to get the vial of cum and send it to the Adriatic sea.... Igor remembers the words of wise man Kemosan "To move the object san u must roam into the bare wilderness as a blind man" Igor says that is shit and tries to move the vial on his own. Meanwhile Dave is about to crush the Arch de Triomphe with his huge cottage cheese ass....Igor manages to move the vial but then something happens his telepathic link is being tampered with...its TREE SQUIRREL he managed to get hold of crepe and has strapped him to an evil sodomising device....and he is forcing crepe to misguide Igor....he has inserted all sorts of instruments into crepe. This makes Igor mad really mad only he has the right to sodomise crepe....he gets up picks up the vial, and sits on his magic vibrating chair and sets off to the trandimensional home of TREE SQUIRREL... What happens next?...its up to u Dave.... Read \-:FIGHT THE FERRET:-/ next time...same bsp time same bsp channel
Episode 7: 

Oh no�Dave is just metres away from the Arch de Triumph, in a mad frenzy, Igor uses the vial of cum to send him not to the Adriatic sea but to the home of the TREE SQUIRREL were Crepe is being held captive. Once reunited, the telepathic bond between Igor and Crepe is remade, Crepe feels the strength begin to come back to his floppy pancake mix, whilst Igor suddenly grows 10 metres as a consequence. The TREE SQUIRREL, sees that a fight against a super strong Crepe and a super tall Igor is useless and magically vanishes!! Once freed of the sodomising machine Crepe tells Igor that the new strength he has the the new height Igor has is because they have both gained �amazing power status� Now they can go and defeat the ferret, but how, how do they escape from this world. At this moment Kemosan, the voice that had guided Igor throughout his life appears, an old hunchback man with a cigarette stuck between two yellowed fingers belches and says, Igor I can transport you to Paris, but only you and Crepe can defeat the Ferret and save the world. Igor feels a strange affinity towards this old man and asks him who he is. �igor� he says, �I, am your son, the son that you have not yet had, for in this world, time does not follow the same path as you have been brought up on�. And with that Igor and Crepe found themselves in Paris, well not actaully in Paris, they were unfortunately in the 93 region, and had fallen into the midst of the regional racaille meeting. Shit said Igor.

Tune in next time to find out if Igor and Crepe can defeat the racaille and then THE FERRET.
Final Episode
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