C|U|R|R|I|C|U|L|U|M  V|I|T|A|E
E|M|P|L|O|Y|M|E|N|T  B|A|C|K|G|R|O|U|N|D

Company : MultiScience Systems Pte Ltd
Website :
Location : Singapore
Term : May 1999 - July 1999
Position : Intern Web Designer
Salary : Allowance SG$30.00 p/day
Purpose of Leaving : Ended internship

Company : Matahari Workshop
Location : Selangor, Malaysia
Term : Dec 1999 - Nov 2000
Position : Graphic Designer
Salary : RM1,300.00 p/month
Purpose of Leaving : Move to different state

Company : M.S. Bamadhaj Pte Ltd
Location : Singapore
Term : Nov 2000 - Nov 2003
Position : Sales Manager
Purpose of Leaving : Company relocated

Company : M.S. Bamadhaj Sdn Bhd
Location : Johor, Malaysia
Term : Dec 2003 - Present
Position : Director
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