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"Fight Night"
Site Sections:

Fight Night
Mali Soy
Agent Smith
Passion 06
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Todd Agnew

KY Changers 05

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Old Blogs
This semester I am taking a class in economics.  I really suck in economics, but not as much as in Calculus.  For economics we have to start a company, and each class has a different company and project.  My class has the best project though.  We are having Fight Night ( aka Party Night) at Shawna Corman's house in a couple of weeks.

The cool thing was that I actually came up with this idea (+ I'm humble).  Fight Night (boxing with gloves) has been done before, just not as a source of revenue.  Recently Jordan Kite has had Fight Night at his house a few times.  The championship match between Clay Turner and himself was two weeks ago.

The plan for Fight Night is to raise money beforehand to buy provisions by selling food in the morning.  At Fight Night there will be a cost for admission and a cost for food.  The thing is your money will be well spent.  At Fight Night we will probably have Morning Has Broken, The 95 Theses, and maybe Drew's new band.  The price for admission pays for these things plus a chance to fight.  See ya there.



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