The 9 "Rules" I try to live by

by Ricardo Muņoz

1. Golden Rule

2. As my father says, "In any situation, it's what you make of it."

3. In life, choices are unavoidable. More important than the choices, though, is the willingness and ability to accept throughly the responsibility(s) of your choice(s).

4. If you cannot and / or are unwilling to accept and deal with change, you will most likely be unhappy and unsuccessuful in life.

5. School is to teach you HOW to learn. The process is more important than the material (ex: give a man a fish, he eats today. Teach him HOW to fish, he eats for a lifetime - Native American proverb). EVERYTHING learned in school is utimately to show you how to learn. Bad experiences and profs teach you how to learn in the face of adversity. Good teachers and experiences show you how much you can learn with proper instruction / guideance.

6. School / education is your ally, not your foe. "If you think education is expensive and hard, try living uneducated."

7. As Satchel Page said, "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?"

8. I am an Aristotlean thinker / believer. One should have a BALANCE with EVERYTHING in one's life.

9. You must condition yourself to do the things you want and don't want to do. Notice I said "want" and "don't want" and not "right" and "wrong".

Please...just think about it

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