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Tanmek Amadeus Murray W.K.  (Murray)

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by Debra Marlin (Photographer)



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Here you'll find some useful links about Golden Retriever

  One of Murray's Sponsors: Dogs


Golden Retriever Information Page    Almost everything you need to know about  Golden Retriever   (Casi todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la raza)


The Golden Retriever Weekly     On-line magazine


The Golden Retriever Club Of America      The Biggest Club of Golden Retriever owners, breeders and trainers   (El mayor club de propietarios, criadores y entrenadores de Golden Retriever)


The Golden Retriever Review   Another on-line magazine


Perros de México  The best information about dogs in Mexico   (La mejor información sobre perros en México)


Murray is member of The Golden Buddies Club and...


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Last updated: March 13,  2000

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