Thoughts Of A Great One
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Jan. 8, 2004:
k well this is my first journal entry... here at least.. ne ways.. the other site is officially dead now.... let me catch u up to speed...i ... dont know wha to write.... oh well... ne ways... ok this  site has pics.. one for now.. lol.. it has info on adema... the best band ever... there lyrics... and lots more coming soon.. check back frequently.. ok bye for now..
Jan 10, 2004:
as u can tell i have been hard at work on my page... i am still going to add some more pics and i am always having new ideas so as they come to this genius mind of mine i will post them up... ok well g2g and work on the page more. Bye
Jan. 12, 2004:
hey well, i got some bad news.. i am grounded from the comp for a month.. so i am not going to be able to upload any pics for a month... aww... ne ways.... i am only going to be able to update a couple of things,,,, well i g2g and take care people..... oh wait... i heard some good news too... smile empty soul is coming... yeah i wanna go but we'll see... ok bye for reals now...
Jan 16, 2004:
hey well, its been like 5 days since i have been grounded so i have three weeks and 2 days left... awww... incase ur wondering.. i am updating my pages at school.. lol i finallly found out what school is good for.. to use the computers when u are grounded at home... ne ways.... i also started a livejournal.. so i will add that link in a bit... ok i gotta go update some more crap... well bye for now freaks....
Jan 21, 2004:
hey well whats up freaks? i havent been up to much... 'cept that i finally saw freddy vs. jason... yeah! umm... i wanna go see the butterfly effect... i might go this weekend... if i dont spend all my money by then....wait i can make 50 bucks last 5 days... i hope... i get paid on monday... oh oh i have updated my live journal.. it has some of the same stuff i write in here but i also add some more crap.... so check it out and talk to ya psychos later... caio... ps i hate french....
Jan 23, 2004:
hey, well whats up? as for me just here at school... being dumb... oh ok on sat...(2morrow) it will be two weeks left until  i can add more pics and other cool things... i have some ideas that i have been meaning to get to work on but i havent had lost of time on the comp at school like maybe half an hour max... ne ways... work has been fine... BUT on sunday... (pray for me) we have a employee meeting... i think its just a nice way of saying im firing most of u... but oh well on tues... ill have the update of what happened at the meeting..... today brenda, claude, rosie and i are going to go eat lunch at quizno's.... im actually craving it.... it sux tho cuz i have to go to work later on also... but ill be working with nana so that'll be cool. i havent seen many people from work in a while... like nancy, dee [for like two weeks :-( ], jennifer, amparo, and many others.. ill see them all at the meeting sunday tho.. ne ways... i g2g and work on my live journal crap... go visit it now!
Jan. 27, 2004:
hey whats up? i only have like 2 minutes to do this so i am gonna not write alot.. so much for that ne ways... i updated my thing. go check it out... ok bye......
Jan. 29, 2004:
hey whats up? well as for me just here in my dumb comp class and being stupid... well i had to work the other day, i worked for chocolate le blanc.... i needed the hours i have only 6 this week. ne ways... so i havent really been up to much, i have some crap to do for some classes but i dotn want to.. ill make my partner rosie do all the work... jk im not that mean... ne ways.. check out my journal crap im gonna update it right now,
Feb.2, 2004:
hey ppl! whats up? well im in class right now.. i only have one more week then ill be posting up some more pics and other crap... so what all of u been upto? i went to go see the butterfly effect.. pretty funny stuff. its not supposed to be funny but ashton makes even the worst thing seem funny.... "what the fucks this?" if u have seen the movie u know what im talking about... ne ways.. thanks vero for the pics of adema.. gramma gave them to me sunday... they rocked.. the articles too. if u have more save them for me.. ok i have a question... i heard a rumour that the guy from blues clues is in a band called thrice... is this true? i have a pic of them but no blues clues guy..?!?!? so i guess not right? ne ways.... super bowl sucked.. who won again? i saw like the last ten minutes but then i got fed up and left so i missed the last minute which i hear won the game or some crap like that.. lol . from now on i am going to be adding some of my fave lyrics from songs on this journal thing.. k? here goes:

"i was so much an outcast, noone ever liked me, cuz i wasnt wanted, i was so different from the rest of em all, fucked up on the drugs, from all the speed, and i never got no sleep, cuzi kept on trippin over what they said, and everything that my mom said made me mad and everything that my dad said made me sad, why am i even trying? im freaking out"
- "Freakin' Out" Adema

ok back to my journal crap... i rented some awesome games over the weekend... i rented fatal frame II... i sucked at it but it was pretty cool... oh my dog adema ate my headphones!... she ripped them up bad... so i made a chain thing out of it... it look pretty weird cuz its made out of a wire but its ok... i liked it... well i g2g cuz i am running out of room... soon i am gonna have to make another page for my journals.... ok bye
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