Thoughts to Ponder On
First Page
Feb. 4, 2004:
hey well i updated the adema page with some new info i had heard... i also have some pics to post up buti cant find my cord for my digital cam.... i think my mom threw it away... bastard... ne ways... im allowed to get back on the comp at my house so ignore the whole week thing from my last post... ne ways.. thats all for now... bye
y-not                "lifes a game so dont complian" - Marky Chavez
Feb. 6, 2004:
hey well this hasnt been a very good week for me... alot of shit going on that i cant take.. but oh well.. i g2g .. brenda better be here today... bye
y-not                   "living life aint much with out all this shit" -Marky Chavez
Feb 10, 2004:
hey freaks... well whats up? im doing better.. much better.. my parents still giving me slack but oh well.. this weekend was cool i went to the movies.. with my cuz and brenda... they each have their own sites check them out... ill link them later.. im listening to speculum right now.. if u havent heard the song i suggests i do cuz its a really good mellow song... it soothes me.. even tho it is kinda depressing... ne ways... i better get going.. bye for now pyschos...
* ( my nickname cuz im to lazy to write y-not)            "we chase misprinted lies"  - Marky Chavez
Feb 12, 2004:
hey freaks.. whats up? well as for me just here at school being dumb... ok i know i said i was gonna put some pics up but being that i am grounded again... i wont be able to do so for a while.. my parents are being gay... so ne ways... i updated some crap... like my music page....i put some new songs i like and i also am going to work on a new page... i dont know what its gonna be.. probally some artist section where i will put some info on the bands i like... well g2g for now.. bye

"lifes a bitch then u marry one"
"life sucks then u die fuck it lets get high"
- Dee

those were some quotes told to me by dee from work.. lol
Feb. 16, 2004:
today is gonna be the best day ever... i am going to go see smile empty soul and puddle if mudd... it would be much much better if i was going to see adema but they arent coming anywhere close by ... aww ne ways.. im gonna go and poke my ass now.. bye
Feb. 21, 2004:
hey ppl!... well whats up? well as for me just here listening to the SOTY CD.. it pretty good.... i think they are beating SES in my favoritism.. well ima work on the page and add some pics and junk k?
caio for now freaks...

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