ninja: so..
ninja: i spent the last fifteen minutes reading horribly written fanfiction about OC's and kurama
nanime: oh yay!
ninja: abundant with spelling errors
nanime: oh, aren't they all? are you on
ninja: and bad authors notes
nanime: *coughs*
ninja: and stupid "i can do role play and you CAN'T at the end of the stories"

ninja: i love going to people profiles and reading things like those
nanime: why?
ninja: it' boosts my ego
ninja: :D
nanime: :-P
nanime: it's FREAKING LONG!!! *keeps scrolling*
ninja: I KNOW!
ninja: ahaha
ninja: i can't believe they would actually waste time to write about their "alternate egos."
nanime: *shakes head*
anime: dude! look! a yoko kurama- daddy fic!
ninja: HAHA
ninja: that's what i was reading
ninja: it..
ninja: it..
ninja: was..
ninja: they KILLED kuronue
nanime: =-O
nanime: *goes to read*
ninja: no
ninja: lmao
ninja: as in
ninja: they killed his character
nanime: ...
ninja: as in...
nanime: ...
nanime: *dies*
ninja: it's the same as him being an OC
nanime: how can they do that?
nanime: HOW?!
nanime: ahahaha!
ninja: i was like what IS this!? *shakes fists*

nanime: ....
ninja: ..i told you
ninja: it burns my eyes
nanime: my eyesssss!!!
nanime: *hisss!*
nanime: YOKO HAS A WIFE?!?!
ninja: I KNOW
ninja: I WAS LIKE
ninja: WHAT IS THIS!?
ninja: HE FAINTS
ninja: LIKE 2362626 TIMES
nanime: Yoko.... faints?
ninja: yeah
nanime: ...
ninja: it's terrible
nanime: *stabs fic*
ninja: he faints...because he's like a little PANSY
nanime: omg, and he purposed.
nanime: oh-em-gee!
ninja: it doesn't WORK that way
nanime: but he PURPOSED!
nanime: *laughs maniacally*
ninja: HAHAH
ninja: I KNOW
ninja: AND THEN..
ninja: she spells midget
ninja: like.
nanime: ... Hiei's her little bro?
ninja: ..he is?
ninja: �Not as small as Hiei. He's a might.
nanime: Yoko, *S*, and Kuronue were spared for they were freeing *S*'s younger brother, Hiei from everlasting ice.
nanime: might!
nanime: woot!
ninja: HAHA
nanime: The yin-yang bracelet was from a story long ago witch he would not speak of.
nanime: ....
ninja: ..
ninja: ......
ninja: oh man
ninja: i wish you were standing next to me
ninja: i've laughed myself ABS
nanime: HAHA!
ninja: *clutches onto her stomach*

ninja: i could..
ninja: totally make a sequel to this story
ninja: if they ever need one
ninja: they'll call lorene
nanime: hehehe. >:}
ninja: and then..
ninja: and kurounue was like
ninja: and siu was like
ninja: and then we all die
ninja: :D
nanime: HAHAHA!
nanime: *dies*
ninja: ew
ninja: it's sad that i can immitate it so well
nanime: hahah!
nanime: His tale wagged happily.
ninja: ...ewww
ninja: lmao
ninja: his "tale"
nanime: *laughing her head off*
ninja: wagged happilllyyyy
nanime: omg! don'tcha know it!
nanime: By now Kuronue was very board.
ninja: because we ALL turn into carboard
ninja: you don't even know
nanime: and started slapping each other...
nanime: *sides hurt now*
ninja: lmao
ninja: i have a six pac now

ninja: oh i've got the rest of the story right here for you
ninja: and because somebody up there has a fastforward button NOBODY see's the fight AT ALL
ninja: and so in the end siu lies on the ground gasping in PAYNE!!!
ninja: and yoko was like
ninja: and kuronue was already dead 'cause somebody slaughtered him a while ago
ninja: and then some OTHER character because we need even MORE
ninja: pops out of NOWHERE
ninja: and heals her
ninja: right here.
ninja: right now
ninja: and then they kiss
ninja: and THE END
nanime: gasp!
ninja: that's pretty much how we do
ninja: oorr
ninja: alternate ending
ninja: siu dies
ninja: yoko goes on to be a depressed maniac and kills EVERYBODY
ninja: just dead
ninja: the kid crawls off into who knows where
ninja: and then yoko finds the kid millions of years later
ninja: and they UNITE!!!!
ninja: and then we all
ninja: die
ninja: AGAIN
nanime: yeshhh!!!
ninja: ew
ninja: so gross
ninja: Yoko looked scared
ninja: ew no.
ninja: that doesn't happen
ninja: ever
nanime: nope. this whole fic is just... ><
ninja: hmm
ninja: lets see
ninja: rated just in case. I suck at summaries, so just R&R! about two girls named Yami and Emmy, and there adventures, has a bit of romance towads the ending. HieiOC and KuramaOC, non-yoai, kinda boring at first, but gets better, i promise!
nanime: .... i am SOOOO freaking reading that.
ninja: yah baby
ninja: ew
ninja: it's a literal eye sore

nanime: AUUUGHHH1!!!!!!11ONE!!!ELEVEN!!!
nanime: oh lookie!
nanime: japanese slang!
nanime: ... Yoko wears shirts?
ninja: no
ninja: hell no
nanime: woot!
nanime: wtf is an anger mark?
ninja: i've been trying to figure that out for a while
nanime: She looked tierd and it took him a wile to figure out why. ^^is this even possible?
ninja: ...NO
ninja: wtf

immah ninja: The SD fall right into my living room! Their dimension's in trouble, but Koenma's looking for a way to get the guys back, but they end up having to find the yoko in my dimension whom can create dimensional tears in the timestream.HieiOC
ninja: euuw
nanime: GASP!
nanime: ... yoko... but it's HieiOC?
nanime: wth?
ninja: HAHA

ninja: A normal girl named Kaida has just discovered that she has special powers. With Hiei under her control with a necklace, Kaida will become the fourth, and the second girl, Underworld Decetive. This kind of follows the YuYu Hakusho espoides.
ninja: sometimes..
ninja: i like to laugh at bad fanfictions
nanime: Kaida will become the fourth, and the second girl, Underworld Decetive.
nanime: ...

ninja: *falls off chair laughing*
nanime: all OC's are Mary Sue at
ninja: ahaha
ninja: �Wait a minute, Kaida. I�ll like to speak with you.� I turned around and looked at my old white haired math teacher before I walked over to his desk. �You are one of my best students,�
ninja: ahah
ninja: how..
ninja: CLICHE
nanime: e_e
nanime: i hate the stupid POV things
ninja: me too
ninja: -__-
ninja: i can only read first person in like real books
nanime: Blood came out of my mouth as the punch connected with my stomach and other organs around that area.
nanime: yeah. and they don't go from blah'sPOV to normal POV
ninja: HAHA
ninja: *is not even bothering to read entire chapters*
ninja: E
ninja: W
ninja: IT'S LIKE
nanime: Yea-uh.
nanime: necklace
nanime: hiei, under her control
ninja: how disguuuuuuuuuuusting
nanime: mmhmm
ninja: right well i'm off to find even MORE retarded ones
ninja: The daughter of the great Shadow tigeress demon Kakashi, is being searched for. A girl with an abusive father is the only one with connections to the actual Kakashi, could it be her daughter? Alot of cross overs.
nanime: i hate cross-overs
ninja: where in that summary does it even MENTION any of the yu yu characters!?
nanime: *Sigh*
ninja: that could totally be in the naruto section
nanime: ;-)
nanime: dude. hiei is tall in this fic
nanime: stoooopid
ninja: no
ninja: NO
ninja: ...NO
nanime: *laughs*
ninja: (an ooold YYH fic I found in my hard drive o.O;;-) Miki is an agent. Her job? Protect the main characters in anime. The rule? Don't fall in love with a character. But what if this rule is broken...? (yaoi later on, of course! ^_~)
ninja: what? did you understand ANY of that?
nanime: yaoi!
ninja: Kaila is your average teenage, punk girl. No one knows about the power she holds within, not even her. Until she met the rekai tantei. Secrets revealed, past uncovered and the death of a close person. Can she handle it all?HieiOC
ninja: eww
ninja: HPYYH xover Mysterious attacks plague England, demonic figures roaming the night. It's no wonder the Spirit Detectives were called on the case, but what about 'magical' Hogwarts and the new girl they meet? ninja: what IS this crap?!
nanime: *sobs in hands*

ninja: The boys and turtles are captured by psychic witches and it's up to the guys' girlfriends and the new ninja turtle girls to save them! YusxKei KuwaxYuk HieixBotan KuramaxShizuru LeoxOC RaphxOC MikeyxOC and DonxOC
nanime: A troubled teenage girl is transferred to Yusuke�s school, and Kurama�s soon after. Can they help her overcome her darkened past or will she be overcome by her shadows? HAS BEEN COMPLETELY REWRITTEN

Kira was an just ordinary girl, going to school, hanging with friends, until a strange group happens upon her and changes her life forever. [Features Inuyasha characters as well as some from many other shows.] In progress

[HieiOC] She always seemed to be the differnt one. The odd one. The girl in black. A loner that didnt seem to care about anyone. Full summery inside. My first time! Please be gentle
nanime: ninja
nanime: turtles?
ninja: LMAO
ninja: i was
ninja: rotflmao
ninja: What Karama has a sister? What are Koenma and her hiding from everyone? And what does Hiei think about it? HxOC please R&R I'll post another chapter if you do!
nanime: *muffles screams of laughter*
nanime: i...can't
nanime: oh. oh. ohohoh
ninja: HAHAHAH
ninja: i love how they spelled kurama
ninja: Three girls move to japan. And they are american sd's! Our favorite gang now has three knew additions and they're causeing conflicting emotions with our favorite fire apparition, fox, and oaf! Hiei oc, Kurama oc, Kuwabara oc!
nanime: CAUSEING!
ninja: MUSTREAD STORY OF THE CENTURY! Disclaimer is definitely in effect. Summary is pretty much inside as the first paragraph. Basically, 3 girls have taped what they learned during training. Warning: Very funny material inside.
ninja: PUH-LEASE
ninja: must read?
ninja: i think not
nanime: ..... okay, what's the summary?
nanime: why the heck would i wanna read something where i don't even know what it's about?
ininja: i know!

ninja: Another mission for the YYH gang...but this one will be a doozy! will the girl they need to rescue follow them out or will she refuse to be rescued? HxOC and MAYBE KxOC with another character...
ninja: a mixed story of three different things yu yu hakusho, harry potter, and inuyashait is an actionslight love storyi hope you like it
ninja: inuyashait?
ninja: *falls over laughing*
nanime: exactly!!!
ninja: With BlackfireKitsune and HotaruEmi. When the YYH gang, as well as Kassnadra, fall through the well, and interrupt a mischevious inuyoukai's plans, what will happen? Then, when a Shadow magic mishap bring the YGO gang into the mix, crossover chaos ensues!
nanime: inuyoukai? that's a word? O_O
ninja: NO
ninja: hahahahah
nanime: *sighs*
ninja: Mission: find the densetsunian's heir a girl living in human world. Kurama has an idea who it might be and befriends her. What happens when they have to take her to her origin? And feelings entwine. She's a densetsunian, one of the most intense creatures
ninja: a WHAT?
nanime: entwine?

ninja: She was your ordinary, every day girl who has just moved to Japan from America. But she isn't all what she seems. She meets someone who is completly abnormal, and agrees to help him. But with every clue she finds, comes another mystery.
nanime: densetsunian?
ninja: i can see where that ones going
nanime: omg
nanime: it seems every ordinary everyday girl is NOT ordinary
nanime: exactly!
ninja: if you people were "normal" we'd have the same personalities!!
nanime: yeah! all mary sues are normal, though
nanime: ..

ninja: The yyh gang as to go to America to protect 4 kids.HOw can they gain the kids trust if all of them don't trust anybody? Drama arises, love blooms, missions could never be easy could they? r&r
nanime: i saw that one
nanime: oh. man.
ninja: oh how i laugh

ninja: lets get back to making fun of things
ninja: :D
nanime: teehee
nanime: any new crapfics?
ninja: i haven't checked yet
ninja: Two girls are givin a wish and are pulled into YYH. Forget about who they are, they become thieves and strange things happen to them. They fall in love with Hiei and Kurama and it's all downhill from there.
nanime: e_<
ninja: how ..
ninja: typical
nanime: forget about who they are?
nanime: i know!
ninja: Kira was a normal girl until she learned of her old life. Now she must find her sister and stop an unspeakable evil or die trying. SECOND STORY! R&R
nanime: oh my gosh
ninja: 1363161376172
nanime: jeeez!
ninja: i don't think anything has topped the teenage mutant ninja turtle fic though
ninja: i love how the turtles were paired up with OC's
nanime: ohemgee.
ninja: *thought that was the funniest thing*
nanime: that was so funny
ninja: She is what some would call a 'punk'. She'd rather be at the arcade or beating the crap out of some guy then at school who wouldn't?. She's rude, sarcastic, stubborn and as her mother says 'needs an attitude adjustment'. So what do you expect when a toddl
nanime: A twist enters four teenage girls lives as a certain fire youkai makes an appearance. Makain soldiers have begun to invade the living world for unknown reasons. He comes to one of the girls asking for help, because she's hiding her own secret..about him.

ninja: When a old friend from Hiei's childhood stops by to help the Spirit Detectives, she gets them mixed up in an ancient war. Rated for sexual innuendo, violence, blood and gore, and some romance. please R&R!
nanime: ancient wars! wooo!
ninja: lmao since when did hiei have friends?
nanime: dude. like Yoko wearing shirts, right?
ninja: hell yah
ninja: Syria grew up as a normal child, But since her mother died, her past has been none above a whisper. Secrets unfold as lies become truth. Jealousy rises and romance begins. What truly lies behind these crystal eyes?
nanime: oh my gosh! i think i've got something here!
nanime: they are NORMAL people with terrible, angsty pasts! Maybe that's why WE'RE not normal! we don't have angsty, death-ridden pasts!
immah ninja: I KNOW
nanime: She's the 2nd heir to Raizen's throne and Yusuke's younger sister. With powers she can't control and demonic blood now pounding twice as strong in her veins, will the worlds suffer, or celebrate the return of the little princess?
nanime: another Yusuke-sister fic!
ninja: euuuwww
nanime: Yusuke and his gang have to face a number of attacks focused on Chikara, Yusuke's younger sister. Eventually she develops trust in the team, mainly Hiei, to guard her as she deals with demons and her newfound powers and abilities. HieixOC a little bit...
ninja: eww
ninja: EWWW
nanime: Once a killer, I used to weild a blade with skill. Now I command a geisha's fan with seductive grace... Ask me which one is deadlier and I will answer with a mysterious smile... Under a Geisha's cover I remain an assassin, will you believe me?
^^that could easily be a Rurouni Kenshin fic(*and I found it on!*)
One is dead on the inside. Really only died twice. She has a power over words and nightmares that make horrible things come forth. But what happens when she brings forth our farovite spirit detectives and can't send them home?
nanime: To live is to kill, to kill is to live. An assassin from a young age with no hope of or desire for escape. That is my choice.
ninja: lmao hahaha
ninja: ew
ninja: these are TERRIBLE
nanime: -_-()
nanime: Kurama has a colorful past. But will one of his old friends gone enimes seek revange? Or some thing happon...some thing worse? some of these might actually be good... i wouldn't know, though-- i'm too busy trying to figure out what the heck they were trying to spell.
ninja: happON
ninja: that's SO asian
nanime: Autumn, a 15-year-old assassin, gets a new assignment. Her target? Shuichi Minamino. Can he discover her past before she destroys his future? KuramaxOC�not a Mary-sue (hopefully).
ninja: ..
ninja: OMG
nanime: *laughs maniacally and points*
nanime: EXACTLY!!
nanime: *laughs more*
ninja: dude
nanime: Genkai is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There she makes friends, enemies, attends classes, and duels with some of the darkest wizards of all time. 1st in an 8part series. TITLE CHANGE
ninja: ..
ninja: *snorts*
ninja: *falls off chair*
ninja: GENKAI!?
nanime: exactly. *holding her sides*

nanime: Nibara, Shinku Metsuki. Red Rose, Crimson Eyes. Hiei had no intention of falling in love. Neither had Nami. But when these two meet, its like the world spilting....Kurama finds happiness...but is he allowed to enjoy it? HieiOC
nanime: This is a story about a boy named Kurama Samanella who wants to be a policeman. Yes, I know, it's written by ZZF, but even I need a breack from the routine!
nanime: Samanella....
ninja: lmao!!
nanime: [HieiOC] Sakura found Hiei hurt one day and since then they've been well aquainted. But Sakura's been hiding something, and now a demon wants her dead. How will the Rekai Tantei cope? Please, R&R
I think Sakura is the most used OC name EVARRRR!
ninja: I KNOW
ninja: OMG
nanime: duuude
nanime: They ran away after gaining powers. They are opposites in everyones eyes but in their eyes they are sisters. One day they meet the gang and are taken in. What will happen as time passes by and who is it that is after them. NykeraxKurama and AkiaxHiei
ninja: my gosh
ninja: *slams head on desk*
nanime: The Reikai Tantei are sent to find an unknown artifact possessed by an unkown demon, but what happens when they actually find it and it's owner? Will they be able to defeat the demon? Will they find the truth? Will they convict the true criminal?
nanime: eh?
nanime: What happens when you have an assassin with no soul? Well the guys are gonna find out. Because that's just what they got with a girl named Phoenix. Maybe with the guys she'll learn to feel more then just pain and hatred.Better then it sounds.
nanime: Dude, I think I need to add a few more things to the Mary-sue Traits
nanime: 11. Has a tragic past
12. Usually has an interesting/sexy name
nanime: A young girl sees her family massacred, and hears her cousin kidnapped. Now she has nowhere to go, can a shadow help her, or break her heart for the last time? hieixoc
nanime: This was just somethin I did for fun For all of you that like Yu yuharry potter crossovers, here's one, read it, it's funny. Hiei goes to hogwarts with everyone else. Ch 3 up
nanime: A long-forgotten threat from thousands of years ago is once again threatening the human world, and only one gang of spirit detectives and a mysterious lady stand in it's way
ninja: ew
ninja: ew
ninja: get away from mee *shields eyes*
nanime: my eyes are seriously already starting to hurt.
nanime: Kurama is feeling lonely now that his friends have gotten together. That is, untill he met HER. [OCC]
ninja: HAHAHA
ninja: ewwwwwwww
nanime: JasJm and her sister are the only ones left of their race: the lighting wolves. In the demon world, they�re just pups at the ages of 119 and 115. JasJm and her sister come to Youko�s village, hoping to join it, being that the dogs who killed their race ar
ninja: ...
ninja: HAHAHA
ninja: I TOLD YOU!!
nanime: i know!!
ninja: OR FOXES
nanime: *laughs*
nanime: and they're usually the last or outcasts
ninja: Me and a few friends go on an adventure to find the meaning of life. Better than sounds. Oh, yeah, a lot of different anime's are going to be in it, but I put it here because it'll have a lot of Yu Yu in it, mainly becaus its my first and favorite series.
nanime: The YYH gang run into a human girl who is being chased by demons. It seems they want to kill her for an unknown reason. What will happen when Hiei starts to have an attraction to her? Will he be willing to sacrifice everything for her? HieiOC!
nanime: i saw that one

nanime: [linnked]
my eyesssss!!!
nanime: it's so... soo....
ninja: EW
nanime: dudeeee....
nanime: dude. she's bitchy and then she's all shy and blushing
nanime: *hacks fic with knife*
ninja: =__=
ninja: it's like perpetual pms
nanime: oh-em-gee. don'cha know.
nanime: REVIEWS WELCOME Hiei has never embrased positive feelings before and never really cared for them. What would happen if he found a reason to embrase these feelings? No flames please
ninja: ew
ninja: i hate it when people say "no flames"
nanime: There has always been a rule, that Bodyguards and their assignments never fall in love. What happens when the Princess of the Spirit World, breaks the rule and Falls for her body guard? I do no own Yu Yu Hakusho, I do own the plot idea and the Character C
ninja: makes me wanna flame their asses off
nanime: i know
ninja: character c?
ninja: wtf?
nanime: nooooo idea
nanime: it must've cut off their typing
nanime: eve finds out who her real bro is and falls for hiei......
nanime: that's it.
nanime: omg.
ninja: ewwww
ninja: i mean honestly
ninja: if I ever met hiei
ninja: i wouldn't be like OMG i hatess youuuuuu but then on the inside like *omg omg he's sooo hot. or like OMG i cant' belive i just said that!!!!!!!!!!*
ninja: i'd just be like
ninja: oh. hi. *rape*
nanime: LOL!
nanime: yeah baby! ;-)
nanime: When four girls left to die in the wilderness are found by the Reakai Tentai they are soon to find themselves facing dangerous demons to find the people who are behind all of their misery. R&R
nanime: Reakai
nanime: ....
nanime: Please people
nanime: if you're going to use Japanese stuff, LEARN HOW TO WRITE IT!!!
ninja: I KNOW
nanime: This is a story I wrote when I thought Genkia was dead. Pleas Pleas read and review! It's after the dark tornment. An old threat has come to the teams new team mate. Her past comes to threaten her futer can the boys help stop this? Also I suck a spelling
ninja: it's called..
nanime: even spell check doesn't work for stupid people.
ninja: ugh dumbbuttssss
nanime: AU Kurama has been adopted by his stepfamily, since his mother recently died. But his new poor family seems so religious and makes him do lots of chores.Hiei is a demon and hates ningens...well, until he meets a cert
okay, that annoys me.
ninja: ..WHAT!?
ninja: since when was kurama an ORPHAN!?
nanime: yeah.
ninja: last time i checked he had a family
nanime: and this person has no freaking idea what she's talking about
nanime: AU... alternate universe?
ninja: yeah
ninja: WHo would know that our favorite little fire demon Hiei is actually a servant for Susaku ! Read on to find out what happens when the yu yu gang finds out! KuramaxHiei
ninja: WHAT!?
nanime: ><
ninja: i think
ninja: i should write a one shot
ninja: and totally own all the other yu yu fics out there by getting more reviews for one chapter than they can get for 10
nanime: oh yeah. ;-)
nanime: you've done that, i think
ninja: ahaha
ninja: i have?
ninja: Serena and the YYH gang put on a play for the fans, but it turns out as a complete disaster!
nanime: ><
ninja: oh
ninja: OMG
ninja: and then they insert themselves!!!
nanime: woot!
ninja: and it turns out like this
ninja: ashley: OMG hiei trooth er daer
ninja: hiei: hn. whatever. stupid human
ninja: ashley: i'll take that as a dare. i dare you to..KISS KURAMA! ..immahz suuuu oreeeginaulxzzz
ninja: or even better
nanime: *holds head in hands*
nanime: people have slaughtered Hiei's vocabulary
ninja: seriously
ninja: and he doesn't need to say HN every second
nanime: Every... sentence.... Hn. Hn. HNNNN!
me: Is there something wrong, Hiei?
hiei: Hn. Hn. Hn.
me: *dirty thoughts*
ninja: HAHA
ninja: who knows what he could be doing
nanime: *coughs*
ninja: *ahem*

ninja: people are so funny
ninja: i like how..
ninja: they're like way older than me
ninja: but they can write such horrible fanfictions
nanime: oh dude.
nanime: people just don't write/read much, but they want to tell their story
nanime: Ariana does not know she is a demon she was switched at birth and soon finds out that the human life she has been living is a lie and the spirit detectives will help her on her quest to find not only her family, but her future.
ninja: WTF i'm like only 12 and i can write better than theM!?
nanime: and it's so funny how people rave about totally terrible fics: "OMG!!11!!ONE!!! I LURV THIS STRY! PLZ UPDART S00N!!
ninja: HAHA i know huh!? i'm how can you actually leave comments like that?
nanime: it's so hard for me to write like that... ><
nanime: [WIP] Yusuke's having weird dreams about Kurama. But does he realize that they are more than just nightmares? non yoai. please no flames, im new : P Ratings are for later chapters.
nanime: people can't even spell yaoi.
ninja: ahaha
nanime: Mary sue and rated Teen just to be safe. Autumn is a normal girl, yadda yadda yadda. I think you just might have to read to understand.
atleast this person is truthful
ninja: i know huh?
nanime: Four Spirit Detectives plus one insane Foxcoon chick equals an adventure of a lifetime. Join Kijo, a young foxcoon demon, in her quest to figure out her past and fulfill the future of her and the SD team.
ninja: foxcoon?
nanime: yeah
ninja: what in the world is THAT?
nanime: nooo idea
nanime: fox racoon?
nanime: Yusuke has a twin sister named Avigayil or Avi, for short. It's YYH from the begining how Yusuke and Avigayil become Spirit Detectives. But will Avi be able to become a Spirit Detective? R&R plz.
nanime: hi me again. well Rachael and Hiei are going back to Hogwarts, but there not alone there are lots of transfer students coming this year like one with blond hair a metal arm, leg and a short temper about his height. the summary sucks so enjoy. (i just realized this must be a YYH/HP/FMA crossover)
nanime: Ayame is about to find out what it's like to face your past and fears when a certain katana wielding fire apparition lands in the woods not to far from her house. Rated for violence and slight swearing. HieiXOC
ninja: Avigayil
nanime: yeah
ninja: how do you even PRONOUNCE THAT!?
nanime: like Abigail only Avi?
nanime: What happens when three girls and one boy ecape from the demon world to the human world and the Yu Yu gang have to send them back to the demon world in a week. Especially since they are the last surviving members of a dangerous gangfrom the demon world. k
nanime: I think most fics start with "What happens when.... girls..... blahblahblah"
ninja: or
ninja: WHAT IF...mary sues ate babies
nanime: Hotaru and her friend Tsuta have escaped to the Ningenkai, to live their dream of being free, not having to hide anymore. But Hotrau had done some questionable things in her past, and now the Detectives are after her. Hiei x OC . . . Kur x OC
nanime: and molest people in their sleep?
ninja: yes
ninja: and have creepy dialated pupils
ninja: that pretty much sums up mary sues
nanime: oh dang
nanime: After a couple of unexplained events, Hiei and Kurama dig further into an investigation that leads to four dead demons who have come back to life. Can you love something dead and almost emotionless? KXOC HXOC Please read and Review!
nanime: The team is sent to Hogwarts to protect the people that lie withing it, but who's planning the attacks? Who or what are they after?
nanime: oh my gosh. it's amazing how many YYH/HP crossovers there are!
ninja: i know huh?
nanime: It's the end of the school year and on the night before final exams, Solaris has a nightmarish premonition. When she and Kurama find their friends stolen away, what are they to do? And who is the shadowy stranger? T just in case
nanime: I always wondered how good I was at writeing poetry. If you like it R&R
not very, i reckon.

ninja: A demon has breeched the barrier and its Team Urameshi's job to catch her, but what will they say when they find out she is linked to Kurama's past
ninja: ahahah not at all
nanime: oh noes!!
nanime: PASTS!!
nanime: NOOOOO!!!
nanime: Hell has broken loose in demon world and its turned into total anarchy. With decaying bodies and blood staining the battlegrounds. HieixOC KuramaxYukina

there seems to be a lot of "horror/splasher" fics(or atleast to be horror/splashers)... gothemo kids...
ninja: hahaha
nanime: Betrayal, lose, love,& new friendships. A new girl has wound up on Koenma's desk, litrally,& is taken in. What lies in her past,& in her future? please R&R
ninja: ahah PLEASE
ninja: give me a break people
nanime: Oi,it's me again! Here's another OC story for Yu Yu Hakusho. Who are these new girls who just moved into town? They say they don't believe in youkai but what if they really are youkai themselves? Please, R&R! [HieiOC, YusukeOC]
nanime: i don't want to read fics where they can't even spell little words like that
nanime: what's up with all those commas, too?
ninja: no clues
ninja: Slight YYHRurouni Kenshin cross-over.What happens when Kurama sends Hiei to learn Latin? And what happens when someone gives him some candy? And what is a drunk Sano doing with a drunk chibi Saito? Interested? It's COMPLETE! RXR!
nanime: Her heart is broken by the one man in the world she has ever loved. He finds out at the worst time that he had made a mistake. These are the letters between them. HieiXoc
oh noesss!! Hiei broke her heart!
nanime: why is Hiei learning Latin? Latin is a dead language.
ninja: lmao
nanime: This is my second fan fic and I'm horrible with summaries. This is about three girls who could travel through time as in they are Time Detectives and due to everyone's carelessness the YYH gang has to help them retrive stolen artifacts to prevent the worl
ninja: ...
nanime: Sequel to Love Blossom. Three happy years of marriage have passed for Yusuke and Kurama, and now they decide they want to adoped a kid! But just as their lives seem to be soaring high, an old enemy returns with new means to get what he wants...
sometimes i really hate yaoi
ninja: time detectives
nanime: dude
nanime: :-P
nanime: Rayne Minamoto has been treated as a slave nearly all her life. Can the others help her out of her depression before it's too late? how can japanese girls have over-westernized names like that?
ninja: no clue
ninja: how can japanese girls have big boobs and a slim waist?
nanime: i can understand getting named that by parents, but.... how many japanese people LIVING in japan have a name like that?
ninja: how can ANY asian person have big boobs and a slim waist?!
nanime: I have NO idea!!!!!
nanime: i've often wondered that!
nanime: 15 year old Sakura and Alex, two normal teenage girls get mixed into something that they have no knowledge of, funny, they are smart, what will happen? I really stink at summaries, better then the summary Read and Review Thank you!
nanime: Okay, how old is Alex?
ninja: lmao
nanime: i'm going to start sending that to people as a puzzle. "If Sakura is 15 and Alex is her friend-- they are smart-- how old is Alex?"
ninja: HAHA
ninja: people'll be like..
ninja: get away from me. i don't even know you
nanime: >:}
nanime: Ayano, a 14 year old girl gets kidnapped by demons and meets The Yu Yu Gang. What adventures will they meet? And what is this about a red gem that enhances spirit power? Better then it sounds.
nanime: you can't even spell THAN!!!
ninja: HAHAhA
nanime: The gang are all 18Yuseke, 18Kuwabara, 19Hiei, and 20Kurama years old now. But what will happen when they get a new teammate who is FOURTEEN! Is she really what she claims to be? Or is there more to her 'phantom' path? Read and REVIEW! Yuseke OC, Kurama O
ninja: ew
ninja: is this child sex?!
nanime: As title suggests, the gang goes to Hogwarts, but there's someone new with them. Can they survive the school year and help Harry defeat Voldemort? For now Voldemort has demons... Tfor violence in later chapters NOT ANOTHERRRRR!!!
nanime: yes!
nanime: The boys are no longer Spirit Detectives. What's the world going to now? Look to Kimi, Koenma's newest recruit. Hiei's gone missing and Kimi's upset as hell about it! And now the boys know and all hell is going to break loose. OCxHiei
nanime: When Kurama and Hiei are sent on a mission to find two demons hiding out in Kurama's school, they get more than they bargained for. rated T just in case, Its better than it sounds.
ninja: that totally means it's terrible
nanime: oh yeah
ninja: (ON HIATUS) Two months to train before the arrival of the Dark Tournament, and Kuwabara is suffering with a broken heart. Things take a different turn when Koenma discovers someone strong in their midst. KuwabaraOC (My first YYH fic!)
nanime: Kurama bumps into an old friend and gains some old memories from a memory orb. In the past Yusuke got a new case, watch out for a female demon. A new girl came to Kurama�s school. Could they be the same person? Hints of: HieiOC KuramaOC complete!
he bumped into her and the memory orb started working?
ninja: kuwubara...oc?!
nanime: dude
nanime: ><
ninja: Three very special girls get the chance to travel with Yusuke's gang to the dimension of YYH. But when Hiei's �partner� is found to have a secret power sought after by demons, can she trust her true love still? Ch5! Betsu-Chan's past is revealed!
nanime: Kagome is a midnight kitsune with a problem. She has just taken over her grandmother's bar, a certain silver kitsune theif seems to have an interest in her, her life is being threatened, and on top of all that, she's engaged to an egotistical gold kitsune
nanime: hmm
nanime: when I see fics like that, I read a bit and see if they knocked off my SpiritHoe idea
nanime: She is afraid, but no one knows. No one but him. She is captured and sold in Makai and when he sees her,he is instantly drawn to her. What will happen when Hiei finds out why his angel became a dark angel a what she is truly afraid of. HieiXAkia
ninja: ..ew
ninja: ew
ninja: ewwww
ninja: EW
nanime: there's quite a few slave fics, too
ninja: mm slaves
ninja: slaves are only fun if their man slaves
nanime: yea-uh.
ninja: Ok so this another one of my stories but instead of hiei u get KURAMA! but i don't really have a summary cause i'm writin this as i go along ne wayz read and review hope ya like!
nanime: ....
nanime: *barfs*
nanime: What is the team suppose to think when Koenma introduces them to a strange girl who says she is here to test them in their ability to be spirit detectives? How does this bode for the Yurameshi Team? And what trials is this beautiful girl going to impose?
ninja: Umm I am so bad a summaries, but it's about two demon girls and you're just going to have to read if you want to find out more!
ninja: how bout we DON'T read it
nanime: exactly.
nanime: you can always make up something sucky or write no summary at all
nanime: the REAL sequel to Rescue Hiei. After years of peaceful living, Koenma makes a descion that turns Hiei out to kill him. But what about his love,and his family? Hieixoc16chap
nanime: Sequel to The Princess and The Protector. The girls return to Japan on a school trip. Little do they know, it's about to become more then that when old eneimes reappear.HieixOC maybe KuramaxOC. Please R&R. Chapter 20 finally up.
ninja: KuramaOC. Third in the "Angel" series. We all know Medra's past. So why has a letter turned up from people that say they know where she came from - and why she has wings? And why is it from the Makai? Confused? I sure am. Read and review, people!
ninja: i don't know her past and frankly i don't care
nanime: dude.
ninja: AHAHAHA
ninja: OKAY
ninja: OKAY
ninja: A Smart pre-teen hacker. A prissy little yarou. A vixeny girl. A tough Black girl. And finally a Sexy seducetress. What does the Tentai have to do with them? Alternative to New Team members, new missions! Might turn out to be a lemon or has limey substanc
nanime: seducetress?
nanime: ...
ninja: I yawned. It had been 7 months I captured Kurama and Hiei Koenma was being such a....well...Baby. I was on the Roof. The door flew open.
"Yusuke! Boy, do I got a BIG mission for you," Botan exclaim. "What now.
nanime: ....................
ninja: BDaughter
ch 4, signed Okay...this is very,you need to do some serious updating.

nanime: oh... my head
ninja: Ic
ch 2, anon. *blink blink* *Tear tear* Why'd kurama attack her? *Wah* Kuramas the nice guy :-(...YAY update :D
ninja: bit-Bmage
ch 1, signed Hey I'm all for this!
ninja: how about..
ninja: NO
ninja: Ic
ch 1, anon. YAY! there arent enough girl (fighter) stories! which is why I am in the process of writing one, BUT its nice to see others! um, YAY keep going! YAY!!!
nanime: i think is filled with little 10 year old girls who can't tell someone they suck because they know if they do, the author will come and flame them
nanime: i know!!
nanime: *laughs*
ninja: ew lmao even when i was ten i didn't write like that!!!!
ninja: ..
nanime: i feel so sad
immah ninja: ...SHE HAS YOU ON HER FAV. LIST!???????
nanime: yeah
ninja: aww *hugs carmen* I'M SORRY!!
nanime: *sobs*
nanime: i feel so dirty!
ninja: It's a YYH house party hosted by Kia, Kilala and Moi! Lotsa Occness! Beware!
ninja: When Kurama was 13, he had a special girl. She ran into some demons. Unfortunatly, he had to erase Her memoirs of that night. Now 2 years later, She found Kurama, knows who He is, but dosen't have a clue about what hapen tha night...
nanime: what's the point, then? All you have is the bodies of the characters if they're OOC..... OCC.... OMG!!
ninja: I KNOW
nanime: MEMOIRS!
nanime: exactly!!
Kilala: yay!
Kilala: *dances around*
Alexa: Well aware
Kia: ...*sweatdrops*
Kilala: =^^=
Kilala: i'll calm down
Amerie: Ummm people try to stay friendly ^^
Kilala: *sits*
Kilala: *shake hands with Kia* nice ta meat ya! *bounces away*
Kia: Uh...likewise? ^^;;
Kia: *innocent grin* I'm friendly...
ninja: WTF!?
ninja: i can't even say ew enough
nanime: *sighs*
ninja: oof my head hurts
nanime: Aara is a rare kitsune and the sister of Youko Kurama. She is also the girlfriend of Kuronue who survived the murder of the Spirit Fox clan and Komori clan. The danger still isn't over because Kuronue's brother, Kellis, wants her for himself. KuroOC
nanime: so does mine. :-\
nanime: Yumiko is one of those irregular humans who know know the Tantai, the Shinobi, of the three worlds, and sadly Rando, and is of the Ningen Clan of Asassins. Normal? THAT's overrated KuramaOC, mostly censored, rated in case. CHAPTER 19 PLEASE READ
ninja: what?
ninja: that doesn't even make sense!!
nanime: oh... my head....
ninja: girlfriend of Kuronue
nanime: mm
nanime: ?
nanime: Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama are sent to Hogwarts to protect Harry Potter. But they have to keep it a secret. R&R
ninja: too bad he's DEAD
nanime: dude. yeah
nanime: We all know Kuronue died that day right? But what if he did the same thing as Kurama and fled to the ningenkai and merged his soul with a soulles human embryo? And what if after 17 years they meet again but don't know it?
ninja: PLEASE
ninja: that's about as likely as me going into yu yu hakusho and molesting yoko
nanime: mmm.... molestation....
nanime: This is about two girls trying to get through life without problems. What happens when they find their true love? It should be fun as they try to make their life better as they go. I would also like to put in that the story is not gothic. And if the chapp
nanime: Aurora,S.K,Zeph,and Kit cause destruction whereever they go so what happens when they meet the Yu Yu gang ? Mass caous and world domination thats what ! I won't update until I have 10 reveiws ! And same will go forevery chapter ! So R&R !
ninja: caous
nanime: woot!
nanime: wtf was she trying to write?
nanime: Amara is a murderer and a thief. Katie is her partner. What will happen when they meet up with Team Urameshi? HieixOC and KuramaxOC First Chapter is a preview to Amara and Katie
nanime: ReWRITTEN to fix mistakes! Harry Potter has had a hard life in the magical worldit's about to get tougher. This year new students from Japan arrive and they seem to be hiding something. Plus they always seem to be around him, Hermione, and Ron. Also, his
ninja: ooh how these hurt my head
nanime: mine too
nanime: Ari took her obsession of Hiei to a new level..She kidnapped him. She has to hide him from her parents, and the Reikai Tantei, on top of trying to gain Hiei's trust. Can Ari pull this off? Or will Hiei rip her lack of self esteem apart?
nanime: Except she froze a moment later, recognizing who he was. YYouko! she gasped, and pulled away. Well hello to you too, Harper. he grinned, Long time, no see. How long has it been? sixteen years, since you toyed with me then got my body killed?
ninja: ..where are the quotation marks?!
nanime: AUThree princesses of neiboring countries are best friends. When the countries go to war they send the princesses away but little do they know they are going to be in a lot of trouble. Rating may go up....
nanime: no idea
nanime: She was selected out of nowhere. Selected to help the Devil himself for a beatiful evil. Alas, the Spirit Detectives meddled. She hid. But not even the snow can save her from him. He hunts her. He wants her.
ninja: what?
ninja: what?
ninja: WHAT!?
nanime: :-P
nanime: Problems of your average teenage girl: Boys, school, appearance, and popularity. Kalmia's problems: powerful gems, cute foxes, werewolves, and evil vampires out to destroy the world. Nothing unusual here! Oh, wait... nanime: Natasha is your average YuYu Fan girl. She's obssesed with Kurama and what happens when she finally meets him and the crew? What happens when she figures out that she has the power to destroy the world and he's the only one who can save her? KuramaxOc Hie
nanime: When four girls in the Nigenkai are being hunted and no one knows why it is up to the Rekai Tentai to help them and find out what they're hiding inside. R&R!
ninja: ...
ninja: AVERAGE!?
ninja: do these people know the defonition of AVERAGE?!
nanime: Remember in Of Archways and Apparitions, when Harry asked Shinobu how he and Itsuki got together and Shinobu said that that was an awkward story? Ever wondered WHY? Here's why. ONESHOT! Can stand alone if necessary.
... where'd harry come from?
anime: don't think so
nanime: Average Marysues!
ninja: LMAO
ninja: harry!?
nanime: Harry.... asked Shinobu something....
nanime: Crystal never believed that the Reikai Tantai existed. But when they whisk her and her friend off to the Reikai, can Kurama help her get over her past?
nanime: Kristy was just an average girl... that is until the day she found out she was a demon! Now her world has been turned up side down, but what will happen when the Spirit Detectives come into play? Read to find out! HieixOC KuramaxOC
ninja: but..where is harry come from?
anime: maybe it was a sequel with an OC?
nanime: i'm going to have to split my website with all the AVERAGE girl summaries.
nanime: Kurome is a teen witch who tends to like to be alone. How will her life change when she finds someone injured on her lawn. PG13 for language. Kurama X OC MUCH later, if ever, some humor.
ninja: HAHA
ninja: averragge girliess
ninja: ew
ninja: these people wouldn't know humor if it came up and chomped their face off
nanime: AUGHH!!! MY FACEEEEEE~!!!
nanime: Jinny and Kii are twins that thought they were normal. That was until the 4 Sacred Objects started falling into their hands, unlocking their powers. One thing is for sure, two mega demons and their goones are after them, and they can't win the war alone..
nanime: COMPLETED Three new girls enter the YYH boys life, and Hiei's determined to figure out who they really are. [I know the summary sucks, but it's my first fanfic!]
nanime: A tragic and romantic tale about a demon who is in denial, and a human girl who tries to show him the way. HieiOC R&R Please read the story isn't as corny as the summary!
nanime: when did Hiei get all angsty?
ninja: NEVER
ninja: ..unless he's going as teenangst
ninja: that's a different story though
nanime: A teenaged girl is alone in the deep world. Stuck with only memories she never had. Until she meets a redheaded boy. Will she change? KuramaOc
nanime: An ancient legend. Two girls, one of which who has connections with Kurama, the other who is searching for her family that she doesn't remember. An evil being from the past... Will the Reikai Tantei be able to survive the newcomers and keep the peace? By
nanime: Spirit Dectectives exist to save the world. But what do they do when they're the ones who need saving? When the famed Team Urameshi learn that they aren't alone, can they heal the scars of another's past?
ninja: ..-__-
nanime: what is it with the fekking TRAGIC PASTS?!?!?
ninja: i happen to have scars that need healint too
nanime: woot
nanime: who knows?
nanime: i have scars!
nanime: i'm creating scars now!
nanime: my eyessss!
ninja: i don't even have eyes anymore
ninja: they burmed out yesterday
ninja: they MELTED
nanime: heheheh. you have abs, though. that makes up for your loss
nanime: Ever since he became human, Kurama has tried to run from his past. There was too much pain, too much sorrow. But what happens when his past comes back as the girl he loved and lost? Will he forsake all he cares about to save her? Kur&OC R&R
nanime: Crappy title, so if anyone has a better idea, please suggest it. Sequel to Abuse. Yusuke and the gang get a new team member who has some pretty cool powers, and her father's after her.. PLZ read, peoples! Oh, and the pairings are: KuHi, and KoYu so far.
ninja: -__-
nanime: this is the p.o.v. of Hiei wife as she remebes how she met Hiei and fell in love.
ninja: i don't even have the energy to read them anymore
ninja: ..hiei..
ninja: does
ninja: not
ninja: have
ninja: a
ninja: WIFE
nanime: hahahah!
nanime: i'm on..... pg 13 of 573
nanime: .................560 more pages of THIS?!?!
ninja: ..ewwwww
bobbinanime: New mission folks! this is no time for cake! The world must be saved...again! Will Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei figure this one out? Or will it all depend on this...girl? Shadowland, however, is at her beck and call.
nanime: 4 girls that are abused have only each other and their favrit show YuYuHak.but after their near death encounter with one their abusive gaudens they wake up in Genki's temple,Buteven if this is beyond their wildest dreams,can they keepit aliveand themselve
nanime: Okay this is a story about Hiei of course. It's HXOC Anyway, it's going to have a prequel I just haven't made it yet. Girl use to know gang, lost memory, story about getting it back. ch 9 up and author's note! Yay, action!
nanime: theres more and more and more!
nanime: i ... can't... stop.....pasting them!
nanime: A thief with a past with an ancient Pharaoh and the King of Thieves... An Egyptian God longing for a rare neko demon. Sanura isn't your average kitty cat off the streets. Tough and independant, she's got everyone on the run for their money...Literally! RR
ninja: ...
ninja: what?!
ninja: when did EGYPT come into play?
nanime: NO idea
nanime: HieiXOC Meet One-Eyed Riley, Bounty Hunter extraordinare. When her bounties become too elapsed and starts taking away the boys' jobs, Koenma is interested in this wolf demon. And she's catching the eye of our fave little fire demon. R&R!
nanime: She was the Princess of the Makai. He Kuronue was the son of a peasant turned thief. heir worlds cross when a pendant owned by the princess is needed to save the Makai Theif's dying mother. When they see each other, a flame sparks, only to consume them bo
nanime: okay, NO more.
nanime: page 13 is the end for me

ninja: HieiOC. Sequel to Vixenous. Let me do a breakdown - dark powers, dying ningens, premontions, and Ash is just s tiny bit off her rocker. Care to know more? RR
nanime: plbbbtt... *blows raspberries*
ninja: um..
ninja: no i dont' care
ninja: at all
nanime: ningens...
nanime: *sighs*
ninja: that sounds like..
ninja: a brand of french fries
ninja: o.o
nanime: =-O
ninja: :D
ninja: Hiei finds himself watching a girl from Yusuke's school. When the gang tells him to actually talk to her, Hiei feels different. And things get worse in this actionadvantureromancecomdey with a bit of mystery.
ninja: wtf is up with the whole i bunch up words like no tomorrow?
nanime: LOL!!
ninja: HAHA
ninja: they could have just mixed it into one whole word
ninja: *is really good at it
ninja: advectiomance
nanime: ADVANTURE!
ninja: hahaha
nanime: *just noticed how it was spelled*
ninja: Millennia�s ago a godly powerful demon wandered the lands, slaying all who got in their way. Fortunately this demon was captured and imprisoned long ago, but somehow they found freedom and is now wander as once before. What will become of the world?
nanime: Millennia's WHAT?!
ninja: i like how people try to conceal the fact that they have mary sues
nanime: Godly powerful!! mooo! ph33r me!
nanime: oh dude
ninja: by just not saying it in the summary
ninja: but then when you go in
ninja: the first 10 chapters have nothing to do with the series
nanime: those are obnoxious
nanime: their using "their" and "they" make it sound like there's twenty of 'em. not just one gender-less creature
ninja: JinOC KurOCHi Two girls with mysterious powers join the YYH gang in another Dark Tournament. Countless demons and humans alike are after them because of their dark secret, one even they don�t know of. Will the gang be able to protect the girls?
nanime: one even they don't know of.
ninja: lmao
ninja: how about just going
nanime: *stabs self with pencil*
ninja: "Warning. I add 10 new characters every chapter."
nanime: "Warning: The contents of this message is deleterious to your health. And sanity. And just about every other bloody thing."
ninja: A cat youkai and wolf youkai are causing a disturbance in ningen schools, the reikai tentai then confront both of them, what will happen? damn I suck at summarys. Hieixoc Kuramxoc
don't we know it
nanime: you're telling me
nanime: cat and wolf, huh?
ninja: pretty much
ninja: colf
ninja: wat
nanime: wat!

ninja: i found the ultimate mary sue today :D
nanime: seriously? there's an ULTIMATE?!
ninja: =D
ninja: it was terrible
ninja: i read the summary
ninja: and i was like..
ninja: ew
ninja: wtf?
nanime: dude
ninja: omg
ninja: lmao
ninja: what is this
ninja: The boys and turtles are captured by psychic witches and it's up to the guys' girlfriends and the new ninja turtle girls to save them! YusxKei KuwaxYuk HieixBotan KuramaxShizuru LeoxOC RaphxOC MikeyxOC and DonxOC ninja: okay anyways
ninja: Kurama x OC:: Jekyll is the most talented artist in Tokyo University, not to mention the most beautiful girl. After being asked out on a study date by Kurama, bad things begin to happen. Can they be resolved? One of my better fics.
ninja: um..
nanime: HAHAH!
nanime: one of her better?
nanime: wtf?
ninja: lmao

bye bye beautiful says: HotaruKuramaYouko.Holded in the arms of the one he promsied to protect,he feels how life leaves his body and he he brought happyness back into her eyes...Rated for later,no lemon,just when Youko appeares...
bye bye beautiful says: HOLDED!
FudgeBunny says: holded
FudgeBunny says: ....
bye bye beautiful says: oww my stomach
bye bye beautiful says: hahaksgjsagl;ksghaha
FudgeBunny says: *trying not to laugh... sounds like a horse... >>*
FudgeBunny says: ohhh. i wish my throat were working right... *would laugh her head off*
FudgeBunny says: happyness
bye bye beautiful says: lmao
FudgeBunny says: oh man. this is totally going into the archives!!

bye bye beautiful says: ...
bye bye beautiful says: oh
bye bye beautiful says: my
bye bye beautiful says: GOODNESS
bye bye beautiful says: I'VE HIT THE JACKPOT
FudgeBunny says: what? where?!
bye bye beautiful says: KURAMA'S FIRST HOBBIT GIRLFRIEND
bye bye beautiful says: ASKGJKSAGJKASG
bye bye beautiful says: HAHAHAHAHAHAAH
FudgeBunny says: ....
FudgeBunny says: ...
FudgeBunny says: ...
bye bye beautiful says: OWOWOWOWOW
bye bye beautiful says: OWOWOWOWOW
bye bye beautiful says: AHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA
FudgeBunny says: you've got to be freaking kidding me
FudgeBunny says: give me the link
bye bye beautiful says: *I'M NOT!
bye bye beautiful says: Kurama is in the shire for now 8 years, A hobbit lass has feelings for Kurama, and kurama also for her but how will he tell her? This is the 2nd part of Kurama Become a Hobbit. COMPLETE!
FudgeBunny says: she comes up to his... knee...
bye bye beautiful says:
bye bye beautiful says: oh my god
FudgeBunny says: "Why hello you sexy little hairy thing, you."
bye bye beautiful says: my stomach
bye bye beautiful says: HAHA
bye bye beautiful says: that is so my new personal message
Random Yu Yu Hakusho fic-stuffs taken from
Gotta problem with it: fix your story.

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