


     Season One

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Season 2, Episode 7

Written by Tim Minear

Directed by Tim Minear

Original Airdate: 14 November 2000


"Drusilla, the camp. Go on, kill things."





  • Zitto Kazann as Gypsy Man

  • Bart Petty as Security Guard


  • Coming Soon


  • This episode features appearances from Juliet Landau, Mark Metcalf and James Marsters, reprising their roles as Drusilla, the Master and Spike respectively. This episode feature some of the same scenes as the Buffy episode Fool for Love, but while those scenes were from Spike's perspective, we now get them from Angelus, Darla and Drusilla's point of view.


  • Angel is sketching Darla at the start of the episode. We saw his capability in art during Passion.

  • The whole episode covers Angel and Darla's 150 year long relationship which was first mentioned in Angel.

  • Some of the flashbacks take place directly after Darla's rejection of Angel in Five by Five.

  • Cordelia mentions that Darla has been in Angel's bedroom for weeks, first seen in First Impressions.

  • Cordelia asks Angel if his plan involves kidnapping again, which he did to Darla in Dear Boy.

  • Wesley tells Gunn about Darla's resurrection in To Shanshu in LA.

  • In 1760, Angelus mentions that he'd never live in a "rat infested stink hole," which he did in 1996 during Becoming (Part 1).

  • Darla refers to Angelus' murder of the townsfolk in his home town seen in The Prodigal.

  • Angel mentions that he's been to Hell, which is where he went after Becoming (Part 2).

  • Holland mentions that Lindsey is often confused, a reference to his confusion in Blind Date.

  • Angel mentions that a heartbeat makes you feel truly alive, which he was briefly in I Will Remember You.


  • When Cordelia tells Angel it's 1 p.m., the clock on the desk reads 6:45.

  • Holland's tie is off-centre as he steps out of Lindsey's office, but it jumps to centre instantaneously when the camera cuts to a new shot.

  • When Darla cuts Angelus' throat, she inflicts a high cut. Then the cut vanishes entirely in the next shot, then reappears lower down in the next shot after that.

  • The cut near Angelus' left eye vanishes and reappears throughout the scene.

  • Darla is shown dying in Jamestown, Virginia in 1609, when the Master turns her into a vampire. First off, this is historically inaccurate, because women weren't brought over from England to the colony until around 1619. Also, the attempt to excuse Darla from her inability to use a British accent by making her "American" is inaccurate because settlers did not start developing the "American" accent until the later 1700s.


Judgement | Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been | First Impressions | Untouched | Dear Boy

Guise Will Be Guise | Darla | The Shroud of Rahmon | The Trial | Reunion | Redefinition

Blood Money | Happy Anniversary | The Thin Dead Line | Reprise | Epiphany | Disharmony

Dead End | Belonging | Over the Rainbow | Through the Looking Glass | There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb

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