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Season 2, Episode 17

Written by Ty King

Directed by Michael E. Gershman

Original Airdate: 24 February 1998


"It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we can live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dark. Without passion, we'd be truly dead."





  • At the Bronze, Buffy and Xander are dancing while Angelus watches from the background. Buffy, Willow, Xander and Cordelia leave the Bronze hand in hand as Angelus watches from the shadows. That night in Buffy's room, she cautiously checks around and then goes to sleep. Angelus appears in the window and then comes to sit by her side. He strokes her face and watches her sleep. The next morning Buffy awakes to find an envelope by her. She opens it and sees a charcoal picture of herself as she sleeps. The next morning Buffy goes to Giles for a way to keep Angelus out of her room. Cordelia overreacts and gets worried because she invited him in her car.

    They leave the library and Buffy ponders telling her mother the truth, but Giles urges her not to. In Jenny's computer class, Jenny asks Willow to cover her class if she happens to be late. Willow is happy, then worried, then happy again at the thought of all that power. Buffy and Giles enter to get Willow and an awkward few words are passed between Jenny and the others. As the girls leave, Giles remains to talk to Jenny. She gives him a book that should help keep Angelus out of Buffy's house. Jenny apologizes and Giles attempts to tell her off but their feelings for each other make it difficult.

    That night, Willow is talking to Buffy on the phone as she gets ready for bed. She goes over to feed her fish. She notices an envelope on her desk and opens it. She pulls out a string with her fish hanging from it. Willow ends up spending the night at Buffy's with garlic adorning the bed and weapons in their hands. Early that morning in the factory, Drusilla presents Spike with a puppy to eat. He refuses to be treated like a child. Angelus arrives and worsens the vibe between him and Spike. Drusilla has a vision that someone is going to harm them. That day Jenny goes to a store where she asks to get an Orb of Thesulah. When asked why she needs it, she tells the store owner that she plans to restore a friend's soul. At school, Willow and Buffy arrive together and meet up with Xander. Willow leaves to teach her class just as she sees Jenny arrive. Buffy confronts Jenny, but can't get the words out right away. She works her way to telling Jenny that Giles misses her. Inside, Buffy meets up with Giles and is relieved to find that he has found a spell to keep Angelus out.

    That night, Jenny stays late to work on translating the text for the spell to bring back Angel's soul. Giles interrupts and they agree to meet later at his apartment. While protecting Willow's house, Cordelia finds a picture of Joyce drawn by Angelus. Meanwhile, Joyce drives up to the house to find Angelus out front. He confronts her and scares her by telling her how he can't live without Buffy. Then he accidentally mentions the passionate night he spent with Buffy. Her mother rushes inside and he tries to follow but Buffy and Willow have gotten there first and Willow is just finishing the spell. Later on, Giles comes over to get the book and questions intervening on Buffy's "talk" with her mother. Realizing he has nothing to say, he leaves.

    Jenny translates the text to English and quickly saves it on a disk. Then she prints it. As she looks over the printing text, she sees Angelus in the back of her classroom. She realizes he got in by the welcome sign out front that welcome all that seek knowledge. He takes the Orb of Thesulah and smashes it against the chalkboard. He also smashes her computer and burns the printed text in the fire created by the damaged machine. Jenny tries to escape but is thrown against the door. She quickly gets up and runs, searching for a way out. Many of the doors are locked and she finds herself trapped. She finally finds a way outside and runs from Angelus. He gets closer and she doesn't know what to do. She rushes to a door but it is stuck. As he gains on her she pushes it open and runs for the nearest escape pushing anything she can into his way. When she finally believes him down, she flees up a flight of stairs, only to run straight into Angelus. He taunts her and without pause, he snaps her neck.

    Giles arrives at his apartment to find a rose on the door. He enters and finds champagne. He follows some candles and the rose petals upstairs. As he looks on the bed, he finds Jenny dead and drops the champagne. He remains in awe as the police arrive and ask him to come with them. He requests a phone call and he calls Buffy at her house. She receives the news as Angelus watches outside. Willow picks up the phone and bursts into tears. A smile comes over Angelus' face. Xander and Cordelia drive up to Buffy house and then they all head to Giles' place in hopes of saving him from getting himself killed. They arrive to find that he has taken all of his weapons and has headed out.

    At the factory, Spike questions whether Angelus is ever going to kill the Slayer. Suddenly fire spills over the dinning table as Spike and Drusilla back up and Angelus moves to find out what's happening. A crossbow arrow is shot into his shoulder. Giles comes walking in with a stick with gasoline at the end. He lights it with the fire on the table and proceeds to attack Angelus with it. After several hits, Angelus grabs Giles by the throat. Before he can do much damage, Buffy takes him and throws him into a wall. They fight, but then Angelus distracts Buffy with the thought of Giles dying. She is thrown off the edge of a platform and rushes to his side. As they escape, Giles shoves her off. She hits him and then bursts into tears. She tells him she can't do this alone and she doesn't want to loose him.

    The next day, Buffy and Giles go to visit Jenny's grave. Buffy apologizes for not being able to kill Angelus. At school, Willow takes over for Jenny temporarily until the new teacher can get there. As she tries to clear the desk, she knocks Jenny's disk off the table, where it slides between the furniture.


  • Angelus kills Jenny by snapping her neck in the school. It's a shocking moment, made sadder by Anthony Stewart Head's sweet performance as Giles, and the voyeuristic Angelus watching Buffy and Willow discovering the news on the telephone. Jenny's grave has no year of birth or date on it. It simply says "Jennifer Calendar". This isn't the last we see of Jenny and she reappears in Becoming (Part 2) and Amends.

  • Alyson Hannigan had this to say about the death in this episode. "Angel...had to kill somebody we loved - we were all warned about that. Actually, I think it was supposed to be Oz that was killed, then they decided they'd keep Oz around and they killed Jenny." It wouldn't be the first major death in Buffy history: Joyce and Tara would follow in The Body and Seeing Red, respectively.

  • Robia LaMorte had been informed of her character's death, but reveals that shooting the scenes were not especially easy: "The filming of the confrontation in the classroom was one day in itself, that took probably four or five hours because of all the fire and explosions...On a separate day we did the the point of my death. A lot of running in high heels! The good thing about TV is, as soon as the camera goes to those tighter shots, put those sneakers on."

  • The factory set was torn down after this episode to make room for Angelus' mansion for the end of the season.

  • When a vampire is invited into a home once, it can enter again at any point, unless a reversal spell is done, as in this episode. A vampire can enter a public place such as a school or hospital. Angel says the sign outside the school says 'Romatia transicara edicatorum' which translates to 'Enter all ye who seek knowledge' (see Goofs). The last words of the incantation (read by Willow at Buffy's house) are "Hicce verbis consensus rescissus est," which translates into English roughly as "By these words permission is rescinded." The spell is done at Buffy and Willow's houses, and Cordelia's car. When Giles leaves Buffy's house, he takes the spell book containing the spell to uninvite vampires. He says to Willow, "I suppose I should do my house next." Angel has never been in Giles' flat onscreen however.

  • Anthony Stewart Head performs the vocals on the music at Jenny's funeral.


  • In Becoming (Part 1) , Giles says to Willow that he has an Orb Of Thesulah which can restore Angel's soul - he uses it as a paper weight. In this episode, the owner of the Occult shop says to Jenny that someone bought an Orb but the person that bought it was going to use it as a paper weight, so he must have been talking about Giles. This comes as a sharp twist. If Jenny had informed Giles of her plans, then she would likely still be alive.

  • Jenny's fallen computer disk isn't found until Becoming (Part 1) and is used by Willow to restore Angel's soul.

  • Willow becomes a temporary teacher in this episode and through to the season's end.

  • Cordelia remembers that she invited Angel into her car in Some Assembly Required and eventually swaps it with her grandmother so he can't get in it. Off course, it's all pointless.


  • Vampires need no invite into public buildings, so why does Jenny ask Angelus how he got into the school?


When She Was Bad | Some Assembly Required | School Hard | Inca Mummy Girl | Reptile Boy

Halloween | Lie to Me | The Dark Age | What's My Line? (Part 1) | What's My Line? (Part 2) | Ted

Bad Eggs | Surprise | Innocence | Phases | Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered | Passion

Killed by Death | I Only Have Eyes for You | Go Fish | Becoming (Part 1) | Becoming (Part 2)


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