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Lover's Walk

Season 3, Episode 8

Written by Dan Vebber

Directed by David Semel

Original Airdate: 24 November 1998


"You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood… blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."






  • Willow complains about receiving a 740 on Verbal for her SAT's. She and Xander offer the idea of a double date to Cordelia and Oz. Buffy shows up, fearing her high score, a 1430, on her SAT's since it means she may have an actual future. That night, Spike drives through the "Welcome to Sunnydale" sign again, but this time he's dead drunk, falls out of the car and passes out.

    Spike returns to the old burned down factory and surveys the damage through his drunken state. He starts yelling and crying while destroying some of Drusilla's dolls. It seems she's finished with him and he's determined to win her back somehow. Back at school the next day, Xander manages to persuade Cordelia to go on a double bowling date with Willow and Oz, to which she agrees. Oz presents Willow with a cute Pez Witch as a theme gift. She feels guilty, partly because she has nothing to give him, and because of her relationship with Xander.

    Giles is packing for a retreat and he seems to be taking everything he owns with him. When presented with Buffy's SAT scores and her option of college, Giles suggests that she should consider it. He warns her about seeing Angel and she promises that nothing will happen between them and that they're just friends. Meanwhile, Xander and Willow are discussing the bowling date that they've made with Cordelia and Oz. They try to avoid falling victim to their lust while on campus, but find it hard.

    Spike visits Angel at the mansion where he yells at him for taking Drusilla away and for making her insane. But Angel has left the room and can't hear Spike's drunken rants. Spike ends up falling down and passing out in the garden. The next morning, he wakes up when his hand catches on fire as the sun hits him. He runs to his car to tend to his wound and get even more drunk.

    Back at home, Joyce is still strongly pushing the idea of going to college, although Buffy doesn't want to. Even though Faith could take over slaying for a while, Buffy's not sure if her reasons to stay are strong enough to keep her in town. Buffy visits Angel who, as a friend, suggests that she go. Unhappy with his answer, Buffy leaves. Spike goes to the Magic Shop, later that day, in search of a curse for Angel. Willow walks in, looking for ingredients for a "de-lusting" spell. When she leaves, Spike kills the shop keeper, having gotten the idea of casting a "love" spell on Drusilla.

    At school, the night of the double date, Willow is in the chemistry lab, working the ingredients for her anti-love spell. Xander shows up because he has to be present for the spell, and when he discovers what it is they begin to argue. Spike comes in, still very drunk, and attacks Xander, wanting to borrow Willow for a while. Xander's knocked out with a nasty head wound and they are both taken to the factory. Spike threatens Willow's life if she doesn't do the spell and then tells her all about his break-up with Drusilla. Apparently, she thought he'd gone soft and told him that they could still be friends.

    When Willow tells Spike that she doesn't have enough ingredients, he goes to get some. At the library, Buffy is working out when Cordelia and Oz show up, worried since the lab is in disarray and Willow and Xander are gone. Joyce calls Buffy, and Buffy hears Spike enter the house over the line. At Revello Drive, Joyce offers Spike some tea and he tells her his sob tale. Angel spots them talking in the kitchen as he's walking around, and tries to get in, but he's not invited. Buffy arrives, invites Angel in and together they threaten Spike. He tells them that he's got her friends and the three of them leave to get the supplies so that Willow can do the spell and Spike can set Buffy's friends free.

    On the way to the shop, Spike revels in the pain of his hangover and reminisces on the past he had with Drusilla. Meanwhile, Oz and Cordelia, having been on their way to get Giles, back track to the factory when Oz smells Willow thanks to his werewolf senses. Elsewhere, Xander wakes up with a bad head while he and Willow are locked in the basement of the factory. At the shop, Spike, Buffy and Angel are getting the supplies they need when Spike tells them that they can never be just friends. They'll love each other until it kills them. As they leave with the supplies, a group of Trick's vampires, sent by Wilkins, attack them. Meanwhile, back at the factory, Willow and Xander kiss just in time for Oz and Cordelia to come down into the basement and find them. Cordelia is mortified and runs up the stairs, but she falls through the wood and is impaled on a metal pipe in the floor.

    A huge fight ensues out in the streets of Sunnydale as Spike fights against the gang of vampires with the help of Buffy and Angel. After killing a few, they retreat back into the shop and barricade themselves in. When the vampires start to get inside, they fend them off. A particularly verbal one makes the mistake of going after Spike and ends up getting himself staked. Eventually, with the help of some holy water and a broken chair, they scare off or kill all of the vampires. Spike then comes to his senses, realizing that the only way he's going to get Drusilla back is if he reverts back to his old self, and he leaves to find Drusilla with the intention of torturing her until she likes him again.

    In the basement, Cordelia is in pretty bad shape, but she survives the fall, not having any vital organs hurt. Buffy and Willow talk about the relationships that have gone wrong: Oz isn't talking to her anymore. Meanwhile, Xander goes to visit Cordelia in the hospital, but she tells him to stay away from her. Buffy visits Angel, and tells him that they aren't friends and, because he doesn't need her help anymore, she's not coming back. Spike's words were very effective on her and she's come to the conclusion that she can't see Angel unless he tells her that he doesn't love her. He can't say it. Now, everyone's broken up and moping in their own ways, while Spike is on his way to find Drusilla, smoking and singing along to the lyrics of "My Way."


  • This is Spike's one and only appearance in the third season. He last appeared in the season two finale, and next appears in season four's The Harsh Light of Day. James Marsters had huge blisters all over his hand after filming the scene outside Angel's mansion.

  • When this episode was aired in the US it was followed by an advert for the phone service 1800-COLLECT, in which Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz, as Buffy and Angel, offered a prize of a walk-on part on the show.


  • Xander mentions to Willow that he has bad luck with love spells, a reference to the love spell in Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered.

  • Spike mentions that he and Drusilla went to Brazil after they left Sunnydale in Becoming (Part 2). He also mentions that he got Drusilla 'making out with a Chaos Demon' who he then describes as 'all slime and antlers.' We see in Fool for Love that that was a fairly accurate description.

  • After being smacked around the head with a microscope by Cordelia in Bad Eggs, Spike does the same to poor Xander in this episode.

  • Mayor Wilkins talks to Finch about the events of last season, indicating that he knew about the vampire's presence in Sunnydale and all of the schemes that he cooked up, which presumably makes him aware of a lot of the things regarding Buffy.

  • Spike crashes into the Welcome to Sunnydale sign again in this episode, echoing his entrance into town in School Hard.


  • At one point Spike grabs Willow and threatens her by shaking her. In one shot, her hair covers her face and in the next it's smoothed back.

  • When Buffy pins Spike down in her house, her hand changes position on his chest several times in different shots.


Anne | Dead Man's Party | Faith, Hope and Trick | Beauty and the Beasts | Homecoming

Band Candy | Revelations | Lover's Walk | The Wish | Amends | Gingerbread

Helpless | The Zeppo | Bad Girls | Consequences | Doppelgangland | Enemies

Earshot | Choices | The Prom | Graduation Day (Part 1) | Graduation Day (Part 2)


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