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Bad Girls

Season 3, Episode 14

Written by Douglas Petrie

Directed by Michael Lange

Original Airdate: 9 February 1999


"Whenever Giles sends me on a mission, he always says "please". And afterwards I get a cookie."





  • Alex Skuby as Vincent

  • Wendy Clifford as Mrs. Taggert


  • While out slaying, Faith asks Buffy if she's ever done it with Xander and Buffy says that they're just friends. They're attacked by a vampire with two blades, one short, one long, and then kill it. The next day at school, the gang is looking into college and they discuss future plans. Wesley, Buffy's stuffy new Watcher annoys Giles in the library while both Slayers do their best to ignore him as much as possible. Buffy is instructed to go and retrieve an amulet that once belonged to a demon named Balthazar before he was killed.

    That night, Buffy finds the amulet, but a group of Balthazar's vampires enter the crypt before she can take it. Faith arrives and the two slay some of the vampires before taking the amulet back. After handing over the amulet to Wesley, Buffy leaves to take a necessary chemistry test, but she can't stop talking through the whole test. Faith shows up at the window and she and Buffy leave to destroy a vampire nest. The two go dancing afterwards at the Bronze where Buffy meets up with Angel. She's acting very strange and he tries to ignore it and tells her that Balthazar isn't dead and he's looking for his amulet. When Wesley comes looking for Buffy, she takes the amulet from him and gives it to Angel.

    Buffy and Faith go out and find Balthazar, a very heavy and ugly demon that must live in a large pool of water and constantly be kept wet. At a loss for weapons against a large group of vampires, they break into a hardware store and steal some. The police arrive and arrest them, but in the car the two Slayers kick down the metal gate separating them from the cops, causing the car to crash and the cops to be injured. The following morning, Buffy checks the local newspaper for any news regarding the accident, but finds nothing.

    Balthazar asks for the two Watchers to be brought in and the Slayers to be killed so that he may get his amulet back and his strength may be returned. Willow presents Buffy with a protection spell and is ready to go slaying that night, but Buffy tells her that it's too dangerous and that she's going with Faith instead. The two run into several vampires and stake them but then Allan Finch, the Deputy Mayor, walks out and Faith accidentally stakes him too. He dies before anything can be done and both Slayers flee the scene of the crime in separate directions. Buffy runs into Angel and he tells her about Balthazar taking Giles, while Faith returns to where Allan was killed and just stares at the body.

    With the two Watchers in his possession, Balthazar searches for answers as to who has his amulet. Wesley, being the coward that he is, is willing to give up anything in exchange for his life. Angel shows up with Buffy, frees Giles and everyone fights. When Balthazar captures Angel, Buffy tosses live wires into his tub of water, electrocuting him. In his office that night, Mayor Wilkins performs a ceremony that makes him invincible. He is now unable to be killed. Buffy confronts Faith about the killing but she lies and says she doesn't care that she took the life of a human.


  • Alexis Denisof makes his first appearance as Wesley in the franchise. After nine episodes of Buffy, he graduates and becomes a series regular on Angel from the first season onwards. Not bad for someone who was supposed to die after a few episodes. The original pitch for the character of Wesley was for him to be a bit like Michael J. Fox, and so to get on Giles' nerves. The writers eventually decided to try and make Giles look rebellious by making Wesley strait-laced. Joss's original stage directions for Wesley were: "He thinks he's Sean Connery but he's actually George Lazenby."

  • When Xander runs through the list of colleges Willow has applied to, one of them is Wesleyan College in Connecticut, which is also Joss Whedon's Alma Mater.

  • An internet rumour claims that at the end of this episode, when Buffy goes to talk to Faith, she was supposed to have discovered Faith dead, having hung herself.


  • Wesley Wyndam-Pryce arrives in Sunnydale in this episode, and nothing will be the same again. He's a replacement for Giles, although to be honest, he's useless in every single way.

  • Finch, the deputy mayor, is murdered by Faith in this episode. His body is dumped, but it's found in the following episode. The murder will haunt Faith for years and she'll eventually end up confessing her crime to Kate Lockley over in Los Angeles in Sanctuary.

  • Buffy tells Faith that she hates it when they drown her, which is a reference to the Master's murder of her in Prophecy Girl.

  • Faith's bow and arrow, stolen in this episode, is used again by the renegade Slayer in Choices and Graduation Day (Part 1).

  • Faith tells Buffy that they can't save the world from jail. She ends up in prison until Angel's Salvage.

  • Faith asks if Buffy has ever slept with Xander, a reference to the fact that she has, in The Zeppo.

  • The Mayor mentions that he's invincible for 100 days and Balthazar mentions that when he rises, they'll all regret not being killed. These references are about the Ascension, which takes place during Graduation Day (Part 2).

  • Wesley and Cordelia are instantly attracted to one another, but never go beyond a very bad kiss in Graduation Day (Part 2).


  • When telling Wesley about the three vampires she and Faith killed, Buffy says, "One of them had swords. I don't think he was with the other two." All three of the vampires were dressed in the same Eliminati uniform, so why would she think they weren't together?

  • In the underground fight scene, there are a few visible shots of Buffy's stunt double's face.

  • When Buffy breaks the glass case for the dagger, the weapon falls and she catches it between her index and middle fingers. In the next shot, the dagger is between her thumb and index finger.

  • When Faith and Buffy are in the squad car, Buffy is on the right and Faith is on the left. After crashing the car the left side door is open and Buffy is helping Faith out. Why would Buffy climb over Faith to get out of the car first?


Anne | Dead Man's Party | Faith, Hope and Trick | Beauty and the Beasts | Homecoming

Band Candy | Revelations | Lover's Walk | The Wish | Amends | Gingerbread

Helpless | The Zeppo | Bad Girls | Consequences | Doppelgangland | Enemies

Earshot | Choices | The Prom | Graduation Day (Part 1) | Graduation Day (Part 2)


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