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Season 3, Episode 7

Written by Douglas Petrie

Directed by James A. Contner

Original Airdate: 17 November 1998


"Faith, a word of advice: you're an idiot."
Gwendolyn Post




  • Serena Scott Thomas as Gwendolyn Post

  • Eliza Dushku as Faith Lehane



  • The Bronze is packed and Oz and the Dingoes are playing on stage. After a song wraps, Oz goes to stand by his friends and Willow and Xander act all jumpy. They discuss briefly the idea of Buffy and a new boyfriend, but Buffy lets them know she is seeing someone, Faith, but just as friends. The two Slayers go out and slay, and finally kill two vampires. A new woman, who identifies herself as Mrs. Gwendolyn Post, criticizes their Slaying techniques and then introduces herself as Faith's new Watcher.

    That night, Gwendolyn tells the Slayers and Giles that she was sent to Sunnydale to take over as Faith's Watcher and to also report back on the entire situation in Sunnydale. She tells them about a demon that has come in search of a glove, Lagos, and wants both Slayers at full strength to kill it. Buffy then goes to the mansion with Angel where they're practicing Tai Chi. One thing leads to another and they end up very close to a kiss. Buffy mentions Lagos and then leaves, knowing that she can't get too close to Angel again.

    At the library, Giles is frantically searching for information on the demon, and he's taking his anger out on Xander and Willow. The two are both very tired but go back to researching. Willow has a headache and Xander rubs her temples to help her relax. They kiss and are almost caught by Giles, but stop before he sees anything. Feeling guilty, Xander offers to go and check out the tomb where Lagos will most likely go.

    Walking on the streets, Buffy and Faith talk about guys and Faith tries to get information about Buffy's relationship with Angel, but Buffy is still too confused about it all and doesn't want to talk about it. Faith offers to take a final sweep through one of the cemeteries while Buffy claims to go home, tired. Faith runs into Lagos and gets beat up pretty bad, but she'll recover since she's the Slayer. While looking through the cemetery, Xander sees Angel coming out of a crypt and follows him back to the mansion where he finds Buffy and Angel in a passionate kiss which they later break when Buffy feels bad about it. Angel shows her that he has the glove that Lagos wants.

    Giles and Post are at Giles' home researching. Just as Giles starts to pour some tea, Xander runs to Giles and tells him about what he saw. The next day at school, Buffy's friends hold a sort of intervention for her after finding out about Angel's return. Everyone expresses their feelings, while Buffy does her best to defend her case. After everyone leaves, Giles reminds her of all the pain he's been put through by Angelus and tells her that she has no respect for him. Meanwhile, Gwendolyn visits Faith at her motel room and, after a brief lecture, they train.

    Buffy confronts Willow about her situation, but discovers that she's not mad at all - which has a lot to do with her own secret relationship with Xander. Later that night at the library, Giles calls Post to come in and he tells her that a friend of Buffy's is holding the glove until they can get there and destroy it. He tells her where the mansion is and then, when he's not looking, she hits him over the head with a statue, knocking him out. Buffy asks Willow to accompany her to a night of slaying since no one else could be reached. They talk and Willow is just about to tell Buffy about her relationship with Xander when Lagos shows up. Buffy fights him and kills him with his own weapon.

    Meanwhile, Xander is playing pool at the Bronze when Faith shows up. He tells her about Angel's return and she decides that she should kill Angel before he has a chance to use the glove. They arrive at the library and get weapons, but just as they're leaving, Xander discovers Giles knocked out in his office. He calls 911 as Faith jumps the conclusion that Angel did it. She leaves and he stays with Giles - he's not convinced that Angel had anything to do with it. At the mansion, Angel has performed the spell for the living flame that will destroy the glove and Gwendolyn arrives, claiming to be a friend of Giles' wanting to help with the spell. Angel goes to get the glove, and then she hits him over the head with a shovel.

    Buffy and Willow get back to the library, only to find the paramedics there. As they leave, Giles tells her that she has to destroy the glove with the living flame. Xander tells Buffy that Faith knows everything and that she came to the conclusion that it was Angel that hurt Giles. Buffy rushes off to the mansion, asking Willow to find out how to destroy the glove. Back at the mansion, Angel gets up and fights with Post who finds out that he's a vampire. Faith arrives just in time to see that Angel's beating up on her Watcher and then they fight. Before Faith can stake Angel, Buffy stops her and tries to reason with her. After that doesn't work, the two Slayers start fighting. Buffy sends them both crashing through some French doors and they keep fighting. Willow and Xander finally arrive and Xander unsuccessfully tries to break up the fight between the Slayers, while Willow attempts to help Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn reveals her allegiances and hits Willow across the room. Then she puts the glove on.

    Everyone stops fighting in time to realize that Gwendolyn is wearing the glove. Using the glove and the bolts of lighting that flow through it, she tries to kill Willow, but Angel gets up and pushes her out of the way, just in time to save her from her death. Buffy asks Faith to distract Gwendolyn while she finds a way to defeat her. Buffy throws a broken piece of glass towards her and cuts off Gwendolyn's arm. Post blows up and the glove detaches itself from her severed arm. At school the next day, Oz and Cordelia are filled in on all of the details of the fight. Everyone is cool with Buffy now, and they all trust her, except Cordelia. Buffy goes to Faith and tries to apologize and tells her that she can trust her, but Faith has given up on trusting others. She says she doesn't need anyone else but herself.


  • And so it begins... with a bang. This is the episode that kicks off Faith's descent into darkness, and the solitary closing shot of Faith at the end of this episode is among one of the best in the show's run.

  • Buffy mentions that it's just 'another Tuesday in Sunnydale.' This is a reference to the fact that the show aired on a Tuesday in the US. She makes a similar remark in Once More, With Feeling.


  • Gwendolyn Post's appearance kicks off a new trend for the Scooby Gang as they begin to suspect the Watcher's Council of evil doings. They suspect Wesley in Bad Girls, and it's not helped by their team apprehending Buffy in Who Are You.

  • Xander notes that Buffy has been 'killing zombies and torching sewer monsters' which refers to the events of Dead Man's Party and Band Candy respectively.

  • The group discover that Angel is alive in this episode and refer to the events of last season. Giles mentions both Jenny, who Angelus killed in Passion and the fact that Angelus tortured him for hours, purely for pleasure in Becoming (Part 2).


  • When Buffy says "Faith we can figure this out," a boom mic can be seen above her head.

  • When Buffy and Faith are fighting at the end of the episode, Faith kicks Buffy but misses her completely, yet Buffy still reacts as if she were hit.

  • When Giles tells Buffy that he'll find whatever he can on Lagos, Willow can be seen standing on the upper level of the library. As Xander goes up the stairs, she is standing further away from where she was stood previously.

  • Willow starts to close her locker door with her right hand, and in the next shot can be seen closing it with her left.


Anne | Dead Man's Party | Faith, Hope and Trick | Beauty and the Beasts | Homecoming

Band Candy | Revelations | Lover's Walk | The Wish | Amends | Gingerbread

Helpless | The Zeppo | Bad Girls | Consequences | Doppelgangland | Enemies

Earshot | Choices | The Prom | Graduation Day (Part 1) | Graduation Day (Part 2)


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