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Season 3, Episode 15

Written by Marti Noxon

Directed by Michael Gershman

Original Airdate: 23 February 1999


"Something made us different. We're warriors. We're built to kill."





  • Amy Powell as TV News Reporter

  • Patricia Place as Woman in Alley


  • Buffy dreams that she is underwater and being held there by Allan. As she breaks away, and reaches the surface, Faith is there and pushes her back under. When Buffy wakes, she finds Joyce is watching the news and they're covering the murder of Allan Finch.

    The next day, Wesley instructs the two Slayers to investigate the murder, which Buffy is fearful about obeying. Cordelia shows up briefly, looking for a book and Wesley ogles at her before he finds out that she's a student. Buffy and Faith go to an empty classroom where Faith wonders if Buffy is going to rat her out; Buffy wants to tell Giles what happened. Buffy tries to talk to Willow but she's still hurt by Buffy spending so much time with Faith and ignoring her. The police inspect a dumpster which a woman saw blood on, as Angel watches from the shadows. Mayor Wilkins shreds Finch's files, and Mr. Trick presents him with information that suggests that Finch was killed by a Slayer with a wooden stake.

    Meanwhile, the Slayers go to Finch's office in search of answers but find all his files are gone. As they try to leave, they spot Mayor Wilkins and Mr. Trick talking, but luckily aren't caught. While walking on the streets later on, they get into an argument over Faith's lack of emotion for her situation. Buffy tries desperately to convince Faith that just because they're Slayers they don't have the right to take the life of a human. They were born with their strengths to fight demons and evil, not humans. Faith still doesn't want to listen, claiming that she's not going to feel remorse for killing a human that maybe deserved to die. The police interview both Slayers and their two stories are pretty similar.

    After confessing what happened to Willow, Buffy goes to Giles and plans to do the same, but finds that Faith has beaten her to it. There's a problem however: Faith has told Giles that Buffy was the one who killed the Deputy Mayor. After Faith leaves, Giles reveals that he knew all along that Faith was the killer, but couldn't let her know that. He and Buffy agree upon bringing the others in to try and fix the problem. What they don't know is that Wesley is standing outside the office listening to every word that they're saying and he later calls Quentin Travers to have Faith taken away to England to be put before the council.

    Mayor Wilkins and Mr. Trick view a security tape of the two Slayers breaking into the office and he instructs Mr. Trick to do something about it. Buffy fills everyone in on the current situation and then they try to find a way to help Faith. Xander suggests that he should talk to her on account of their "connection." He casually reveals that he slept with Faith which is disturbing to both Buffy and Giles and upsetting to Willow. Willow ends up crying in a bathroom stall.

    Xander goes to Faith and tries to talk, but she thinks he's only there for sex. She kisses him for a while and then begins to strangle him. Before she can kill him, Angel bursts in and hits her over the head with a bat and takes her to the mansion. He chains her up, and despite her lack off cooperation, attempts to talk some sense into her. He leaves the room to talk to Buffy and he tells her that he'll keep trying, but if she doesn't want to be helped there's nothing he can do.

    After Angel talks to Faith for a while, and tries to convince her that he knows what it's like, Wesley and several others come in armed with crosses and crow bars. They tie Angel up in a net and beat him while Wesley frees Faith, but quickly handcuffs her in order to take her back to England. In the van, Faith manages to get one of the guards down on the floor and threatens to kill him if Wesley doesn't un-chain her. He does, and she escapes.

    After freeing Angel at the mansion, Buffy goes to the library where the gang discusses how they're going to deal with Faith. Willow mentions that after all that Faith has done maybe she belongs in jail. Wesley shows up and informs them all that Faith got away. They split up in search for her and Buffy is the one who lucks out and finds her at the docks. They argue, but then a bunch of crates are dropped down upon them. Buffy quickly pushes Faith out of the way, taking the fall for her.

    Mr. Trick and several other vampires attack Faith, leaving Buffy to escape on her own. After getting free of the crates, Buffy is attacked by Mr. Trick who wraps a scarf around her neck and throws her around before going in for the bite. But before he can taste the blood of a Slayer, Faith stakes him. Later that night, Buffy tells Giles that she's not going to give up on Faith. Faith goes to Mayor Wilkins and tells him that she's killed Trick and is interested in the position he now has open.


  • Despite his billing as a series regular, Seth Green does not appear in this episode.

  • Is it really so unusual that a Slayer has killed a human being? Vampires look human, so surely this must have happened before? Plus Buffy killed what she thought was a human in Ted. It seems to be Faith's reaction to the murder rather than the murder itself which is the problem. Surely if the Council's policy to deal with a rogue Slayer is to lock her up, this is self-defeating as there is only one Slayer alive at any time.


  • Faith takes Trick's job as Wilkins' assistant, which is quite considerate, considering that she herself just killed Trick.

  • Channel 4 News reports Faith's murder in this episode, and it reports more events in The Harsh Light of Day, Goodbye Iowa and Who Are You.

  • Wesley speaks to Quentin Travers over the telephone in this episode. Travers was seen in Helpless.

  • Willow is devastated after learning that Xander lost his virginity to Faith, which happened in The Zeppo.

  • Willow, off-screen, meets Michael from Gingerbread in this episode, to once again attempt to restore Amy to human form.


  • In the last episode, the day after Finch's murder, Buffy went to Faith's place. This episode begins with Buffy waking up from a nightmare, then she goes to school. This means that it is at least the second day since the murder. But the detective questioning the witness at the scene of the crime says, "You heard the man scream at about what time last night?" Later that night, Buffy says to Faith, "Less than 24 hours ago, you killed a man."

  • Detective Stein questions the witness and asks "You heard the man scream at what time?", but Finch never actually screamed when Faith stabbed him.

  • Giles' calendar is turned to April 1997. This episode aired in 1999.

  • While Buffy is pinned under the crate, and the camera focuses on Faith fighting, you can see Sophia Crawford (Buffy's stunt double) sitting up by the crate, but when the camera shot is on Buffy, you can see that she is still stuck laying down.

  • Where exactly did Wesley get the key to the chains that Angel had Faith in?

  • When Wesley takes the manacles off Faith and puts his own handcuffs on her, you can see that one of the cuffs falls off her wrist and Eliza quickly covers it with her hand.

  • Buffy goes back to the murder scene and we see a blood stain up the wall, yet Finch was slumped on the ground when he was staked.


Anne | Dead Man's Party | Faith, Hope and Trick | Beauty and the Beasts | Homecoming

Band Candy | Revelations | Lover's Walk | The Wish | Amends | Gingerbread

Helpless | The Zeppo | Bad Girls | Consequences | Doppelgangland | Enemies

Earshot | Choices | The Prom | Graduation Day (Part 1) | Graduation Day (Part 2)


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