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Graduation Day (Part 1)

Season 3, Episode 21

Written by Joss Whedon

Directed by Joss Whedon

Original Airdate: 18 May 1999


"What's the matter? All that killing, you afraid to die?"






  • James Lurie as Mr. Miller

  • Hal Robinson as Professor Lester Worth

  • John Rosenfeld as Vampire Lackey #2

  • Adrian Neil as Vampire Lackey #1


  • Xander and Cordelia pick up their gowns for graduation and then discuss how Xander doesn't think he'll live through Graduation. Willow's signing yearbooks, and basking in the happy feeling in the air for all graduating seniors. Buffy just can't get pumped about the whole thing and doubts she'll even attend. Then they find out that Mayor Wilkins is going to be the commencement speaker at graduation. Faith is sent on a mission to kill a Professor Lester Worth, and she does, not even knowing the reason why she was asked to kill him.

    Mayor Wilkins gives Faith a cute pink dress to wear to the ascension and she hopes she doesn't let him down. Percy shows Willow his B- on his History final, and how excited he is to just graduate and forget everything. Oz shows up and Willow's now bummed about the chance of everyone dying so she suggests finding a spell to stop it. In class, since finals are over and they're doing nothing but playing Hang Man, Anya attempts to ask Xander on a date but is unsuccessful. He mentions the ascension and she tenses at the word. It turns out she's been through one.

    While Buffy is discussing the recently murdered Professor with Giles and Wesley, Xander brings Anya in and she tells them all about the ascension she witnessed. She tells them that Mayor Wilkins will turn into a true demon, not anything like the demons that walk the earth today. A true demon is not tainted by human qualities, and they're much bigger. Snyder shows Mayor Wilkins the setup for Graduation Day, and Mayor Wilkins tells him his great debt to Sunnydale will be repaid in full.

    Mayor Wilkins then visits the Scooby Gang in the library. He tells them he's going to eat Buffy and Giles stabs him with a sword. After pulling it out, he walks away, leaving them all in shock. Anya leaves to get as far away from Sunnydale, knowing that there is nothing that can stop it. At home, Buffy packs her mother's things and after plenty of convincing, Joyce agrees to leave town.

    Willow and Oz look for a spell, but Willow is doubtful she'll find what she wants since she can't even turn Amy back from a rat. Oz continues to be calm and finally, Willow can't take any more of it. She tells him to panic and he does by kissing her. Buffy searches the professor's office and Angel shows up to watch her back at Giles' request. Outside, the two argue but are interrupted when Faith shoots Angel with an arrow. It misses the heart, but as they find out later at the library, the arrow was poisoned. They discover, from material Buffy took from his apartment, that Worth found a body beneath lava rock of a dormant volcano. They realize Mayor Wilkins can be killed once he's in his demon state.

    They move Angel to the mansion while Wesley contacts the Council for the cure to the poison. The phone rings, disturbing Willow and Oz in the peaceful afterglow. The two slept together, but they don't have time to waste when they are needed to help find the cure for Angel. Later, at the mansion, Wesley informs Buffy that the council won't help a vampire. Fed up with the Council, she tells him she's no longer working for them. Mayor Wilkins reveals he has to eat some of the spiders from the Box of Gavrok and he sends Faith home to wait for the ascension. Anya, packed and ready to go, tries to convince Xander to come with her, but he refuses to leave his friends.

    At school, Oz finds a cure for Angel: draining the blood of a Slayer. Buffy goes to Faith, armed with Faith's knife, with the intention of bringing her to Angel, dead or alive. The two fight for quite a while before Buffy pulls out the knife and stabs Faith in the stomach. Standing on the ledge of her apartment building, Faith congratulates Buffy on actually killing her, then drops off and lands onto the bed of a truck as it's driving by. Buffy just stands there and watches in horror with the bloody knife still in her hands.


  • Cordelia complains that she wanted the graduation robes to be teal and not maroon in colour. In the original script, she wanted the red but the school went with the blue.

  • The first trailer for Angel aired during this episode. It showed Angel against a red background with the words: 'Angel: This Fall.'


  • Willow and Oz finally consummate their relationship in this episode, after Willow tried to seduce him in Amends.

  • Wilkins calls Faith a 'firecracker' in this episode, a nickname that her mother used, and one the First uses in Touched.

  • When Joyce catches Buffy packing, she asks if she's running away again, which happened in Becoming (Part 2).

  • Percy thanks Willow for not kicking his ass, which he believes she did in Doppelgangland.

  • Willow mentions a spell that communicates with shrimp. Anya mentions a world of shrimp in Superstar, as well as a world devoid of shrimp. Tara finds that a pleasant thought (she's allergic) in Triangle, while Illyria visits the world full of shrimp at point, which she tells Wesley in Underneath.

  • Buffy says that Angel will be her last 'office romance,' although she contradicts this later with both Riley and Spike.


  • The boom mic is visible twice in this episode: once when Joyce announces "Buffy, I'm home" and once when Angel enters the apartment.

  • When Angel is talking to Buffy, he holds a box in two hands which changes to one hand in the next shot.

  • Willow says, "Oh trusty soda machine...I push you for root beer. You give me Coke." She actually hit the Pepsi button, not root beer.

  • When Faith and Buffy are fighting on the balcony, Faith falls on some cement and gets quite a bit of white dust on her bottom but it's gone when she breaks out of her handcuffs.

  • When Angel is in the library, we see his face is sweaty, but from the side it looks dry.


Anne | Dead Man's Party | Faith, Hope and Trick | Beauty and the Beasts | Homecoming

Band Candy | Revelations | Lover's Walk | The Wish | Amends | Gingerbread

Helpless | The Zeppo | Bad Girls | Consequences | Doppelgangland | Enemies

Earshot | Choices | The Prom | Graduation Day (Part 1) | Graduation Day (Part 2)


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