Vow Of Silence

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The Linkage

I think this page is pretty self-explanatory. However, for the internet-illiterate sect, this is where you'll find links to other sites! Now then, was that so hard?

Checkout some awesome graphics.

The Unlikely Heros
Wicked-arse band from Leduc, Alberta (Braydon's former hometown).

I tried putting one of their songs,"Chronological Order", on here but no no, Geocities won't play mp3's cuz that would just be too nice of them!! No, it has to be a .wav file, and those are ridiculously huge, so in putting those on instead of mp3's, one loses one's sanity and also one's (LIMITED, I might add!) storage space!! One cannot win.

Sally's Krackers
A band that Julie knows, not sure where they're from; it doesn't actually say anywhere that I can see on the site. But check 'em out anyway!


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