To A Child Gone

I thought I was ahead of you in line.
You would take your turn
After I took mine,
Like we did before.

I guess you don't need new shoes
For starting Heaven,
Or a light left on against the dark
The way I always did.

But I'm so used to parenting.
I wanted just to be there--
To do whatever needed to be done.
But you went first.

And now, my little one,
Suddenly you are my senior.
Morning, I know, will come.
But bring close your light--

This time it is I who fear the night.

*~Author Unknown*~

It's Hard to Say Goodbye

Through the mist of heartfelt sorrow
One can catch a glimpse of hopeful promise
That tomorrow the pain will be a little less.

And though a void will remain,
We must learn to fill it with joyful memories
Of the one who has blessed our lives
But whose time to leave this world has come.

To those of us left behind,
it seems their time was much too short.
And we feel robbed and angry,
and maybe even a little guilty
That we never did enough for them while they were here.

But in their heart,
they knew we loved them;
And we will always carry a part of them with us,
For they are a part of who we are.

*~Author Unknown~*


Song ~ Tears In Heaven ~ Eric Clapton.


<BGSOUND SRC="ericclaptontearsinheaven.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
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