Remember Me

Remember me in quiet days
While raindrops whisper on your pane.
But in your memories have no grief,
Let just the joy we knew remain.

Remember me when evening stars
Look down on you with steadfast eyes.
Remember if once you wake
To catch a glimpse of red sunrise.

And when your thoughts do turn to me,
Know that I would not have you cry.
But live for me and laugh for me,
When you are happy, so am I.

Remember an old joke we shared;
Remember me when spring walks by.
Think once of me when you are glad
And while you live, I shall not die.

*~Author Unknown~*

Sweet dreams

Sweet dreams are all I have of you, they're all you left behind,
Those cherished, lovely memories, never again to find.
On earth you were so wonderful, no child could I compare
To all the love you gave to me, you were so meek, so rare.
Sweet dreams they keep me going through the long and lonely night,
How I wish that I could hug you here and squeeze you oh so tight.
If I could walk to Heaven dear, to see you every day,
Just know I'd never want to leave, I know I'd long to stay.
We parted here on earth my child, but God's will shall be done,
Then dreams will be reality for once more we'll be one.
I love you for eternity, forever and some more,
Because you were the sweetest child, the kindest and most pure.
If Heaven's full of Angels, like you were here on earth,
I thank the Lord for lending you, for giving me your birth,
One day my child I'll see you there, so please look out for me,
You'll see my smile so wide before you see my spirit free.
God takes the sweetest Angels first, this we know is true,
For He came here and looked around, my darling, He chose you!

By Dawn Glenton (c 2002



Song ~ I Will Remember You ~ Sarah Mclaclhan.


<BGSOUND SRC="sarahmclachlaniwillrememberyou.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
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