Pictures of Kaylee's baby shower
This picture is of Darlene (r) and I (l). Darlene is the one that throw my baby shower. She is one of my dearest friends.
Picture of the table with everything ready for the baby shower to begin.
Here is a close up shot of the cake. A good friend from my church Angel made this cake herself.
Here I am opening gifts from all my friends.
Pictures of Kaylee's nursery all done.
This is a full view of her nursery. Kaylee's room is done in Pottery Barn Kids Moons & Stars. Her daddy picked it out.
Here is a close up of her crib. It all ready for her arrival.
Kaylee's dresser filled with all her clothes.
Picture of Kaylee's glider.
Please do not duplicate anything off these pages. These pictures & items are very special to us.
This is a my mother & I on the day of my baby shower. I am 25wks pregnant in this picture.
Click the arrow button to see our new bundle of joy Kaylee Marie.
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