“What did Macavity want?” Rumpelteazer asked, startling Mungojerrie. He was so deep in thought that he hadn’t even realized that he had already reached their den- the empty trunk of an old Cadillac.

“Recon on Kumori. One week.” Mungo replied. He looked over at Rumpelteazer. She was trying so hard to hold in her tears. Though she never let anyone know, Rumpelteazer had become quite fond of Kumori.

“Shhhh. It’ll be ok, Teaz. You and I both know that she’s a fighter. Most cats that have no fighting experience, like Kumori, don’t even survive one of Macavity’s attacks. We’ll figure something out. She won’t die while we’re on the watch!” Mungojerrie said encouragingly.

“That’s not what I’m afraid of. Her relationship with Plato had just blossomed... and... and now...” Rumpelteazer couldn’t finish her sentence as a new wave of tears came spilling out.

“Relax... we already know everything there is to know about Kumori, so we have a week to figure this stuff out.”

“But she’s so much younger than Demeter was!” Rumpelteazer sobbed. Mungojerrie froze. He hadn’t even thought of that. Kumori had only just turned 15 a couple weeks ago... Demeter was about 18 when Macavity raped her. “And you know how Macavity gets when he wants to...” Rumpelteazer gulped. She couldn’t believe she was going to say this. “Break in a new queen.” Yet another wave of tears flushed over her face, but she no longer tried to hold them back.

“If anyone asks why we’re crying, it’s because our favourite uncle died, ok Teaz?” Mungo said, knowing that the best thing to do was to move on. Rumpelteazer nodded. Sniffing, she wiped away her tears.

Back at the battlefield, the Jellicles had finally dug out Exotica. She was barely alive. Munkustrap felt that it was his duty to carry Exotica back himself. Likewise, Rum Tum Tugger picked up Kumori, and Mistofelees picked up Plato. Solemnly, the walked back to where the Jellicle Ball was supposed to be held. Once there, Munkustrap looked at Old Deuteronomy sadly.

“I think we should post-pone this year’s ball.” Munku said quietly, but firmly. It was still loud enough for all the Jellicles (at least those who were conscious) to hear. Deuteronomy

“Oh poo.” Etcetera said quietly. She had been looking forward to her first Jellicle Ball. She was quickly silenced by a light slap between the ears from Jennyanydots.

“I think it should be cancelled.” he said in his deep bass voice. “At least, for this year alone.” All the Jellicles breathed a unanimous sigh of relief.

Kumori groaned and opened her eyes. She found herself looking into the dark brown eyes of Rum Tum Tugger, the hottest and most desired tom in all the tribe. Blushing, Kumori quickly looked away. Then all that had happened hit her like an old boot.

“What happened? Where’s Macavity?” She demanded, although in a weak and pained voice. Munkustrap turned to face her, the nearly dead Exotica still in his arms.

“She fought him off.”

Kumori’s eyes grew wide as she realized the extent of the damage Macavity had inflicted on her adoptive mother. She struggled to get to Exotica, by was held firmly by Tugger.

“Your not in much better shape, you know. I’d stay put if I were you.” he said in his rich, velvety voice. The sound of his voice overcame all of Kumori’s wants and desires of getting to Exotica, even though Kumori tried to fight it. In a matter of seconds, Tugger’s rich voice won out, and Kumori relaxed. She hated being so vulnerable to his voice. Now that she wasn’t trying to get to Exotica, Kumori realized how much pain she was in. Spasms of pain constantly coursed through her body, making her whimper quietly. Fatigue was starting to overcome her again, and Kumori’s eyes started to droop.

“We should get these three inside a warm place before they get infections in their wounds.” Misto said, walking over to stand beside Tugger. All fatigue left Kumori as she saw what had happened to Plato. But this time she didn’t bother trying to get to him. Munkustrap and The Rum Tum Tugger nodded at Misto’s suggestion.

“There’s that old abandoned Volkswagen, you know, the one with the trunk that doesn’t close all the way.” Alonzo suggested. “We could find an old blanket and cover up the opening so that there’s fresh air without a draft.” Silently the three brothers agreed.

“Show us the way, Alonzo.” Munkustrap said.

“And that’s all that I heard, sir.” one of the few non-mutated workers said to Macavity. He had been knocked out early on in the battle, and had recovered in time to hear Mungojerrie talking to Rumpelteazer.

“Hm... so, Mungojerrie and his sister think they can outsmart me.” Macavity laughed. “Excellent. I’ll give them a warning. This will be even more fun than I originally anticipated.”

“Um, sir, what would you like me to do?” the cat asked.

“Die!” Macavity laughed insanely.

“Excu-” the cat was saying, but was dead before he could finish. Macavity didn’t approve of his workers being late, no matter what they brought him or their excuses. He snapped his fingers. Immediately, two mutant henchman entered the room. They saluted Macavity.

“I want you to bring me the clumsiest, loudest cat in my horde. Oh...and take this one away. He’ll be today’s lunch.”

About five minutes later, the cat Macavity requested came stumbling in. He was fat, had short stubby legs on a long body, and looked like an idiot. He was perfect. Tripping over his own feet, he landed at Macavity’s.

“You wanted my sir?” he said in a nasally, reedy, high pitched voice that reverberated around the room. Macavity knelt down beside him.

“I want you to spy on Mungojerrie and his sister. Report back to me just before dawn one week from now. There may be a promotion for you, if you’re successful.” Macavity could tell this cat was greedy.

When Kumori awoke, she found herself in absolute darkness. She could smell that she was between Exotica and Plato. Trying to stand up, Kumori was dismayed to find that even a twitch of her whiskers caused her extreme pain. Ignoring the pain, Kumori rolled over so that she was laying on her stomach, rather than her side. Demeter’s head poked in, and Kumori caught a glimpse of the night sky.

“Oh good; you’re awake. Munkustrap wants to see you; he’s been getting impatient.” She said. Kumori smiled.

“If you don’t mind me saying, I can’t, because I can’t move. How long have I been asleep, anyway?”

“Just over a day. Skimbleshanks volunteered to carry you to Munkustrap, so you’re going.” Demeter chuckled. As if on cue, Skimble’s head appeared next to Demeter’s.

“Welcome to the Skimble Express. Please fasten your seatbelts, and enjoy the ride.” He said jokingly. The Jellicles could always count on him to cheer them up. With a gentleness that surprised Kumori, Skimbleshanks picked her up. Kumori was riding piggy-back, something she had always enjoyed as a 6 or 7 year old. They made their way quickly across the Junkyard. Soon, they entered an area that Kumori was unfamiliar with. Stopping at a small grassy clearing, Skimbleshanks carefully put Kumori down. Her legs weren’t able to support her weight, and Kumori collapsed. She was caught on one side by Skimble, and Munkustrap appeared from nowhere and caught her other side.

“Thanks.” Kumori said embarrassedly. “But I think I’ll lay down.” Gently, Munkustrap and Skimbleshanks set Kumori down.

Once satisfied that Kumori was comfortable, Skimbleshanks left the two to their conference. As Munkustrap paced in front of Kumori, she could sense his anger and worry. Finally, he stopped.

“So, what were your reasons?” he asked coldly. Kumori had no idea what Munkustrap was talking about.

“Plato came around not too long before you just did. I asked him how you two were caught in the first place. He said that you rushed out to go after Macavity, and he had to trip you. He said that ‘you had your reasons’ for going after the deadliest maniac in the world. So, what were they?”

Kumori was dumbfounded. She was not expecting this. The only person she’d ever confided in was Exotica.

“Well?” Munkustrap demanded. “Your actions almost got the entire tribe killed- specifically Exotica, who might still die if her condition doesn’t improve in the next day or two. I have been put in charge of the safety and well-being of the Jellicles. I need an explanation!”

Kumori broke down, crying. She hid her face under her paws and curled up into a ball. Munkustrap’s expression quickly softened from anger to sympathy. He had figured it was just another glory seeker, someone who did stupid things just to impress people.

Demeter, who had been watching from the top of a junk pile, ran over and held Kumori in her arms, trying to soothe her. After a few minutes, Kumori looked at Munkustrap.

“What was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes?” she asked between sobs.

Munkustrap felt so guilty over making her cry that he answered without thinking. “I saw Old Deuteronomy, and a bright blue sky.”

“I saw my parents smiling down at me.” Demeter added, wondering what this had to do with anything.

“Lucky you.” Kumori spat. “I saw my parents, brothers, and sisters being slaughtered by Macavity.” her eyes welled up with more tears, and she started crying into Demeter’s fur again. It was Munkustrap’s turn to be dumbfounded.

“I- I’m so sorry, I had no idea.” he went over and sat next to Demeter. Stroking Kumori like any other distressed kitten, Munkustrap tried to help her calm down. His paw eventually started scratching Kumori’s chin, and he could feel a purr rising in her throat. Inwardly, Munkustrap smiled. He had found Kumori’s purr-spot. It was the one place where she would always purr, no matter what. And a cat can’t cry and purr at the same time. In only a few minutes, Kumori had stopped crying and was purring loudly in Munkustrap’s and Demeter’s laps. After a few more minutes, she was asleep, still purring.

“Poor kit.” Demeter said quietly.

“I messed this one up big time.” Munkustrap said, berating himself for making her cry in the first place. Demeter looked into his eyes.

“No. It’s not your fault. You had no idea about her past. Now that it’s all in the open, we can prepare for her future.”

“It’s hard to think that Kumori has been living with this all her life. Demeter nodded. They just sat there quietly, each with their won thoughts. After a while, Munkustrap broke the silence.

“Kumori will always have to have an adult with her.”

“Why’s that?” Demeter asked. She, still being paranoid about Macavity, arrived only after Macavity had left the Junkyard. Silently, Munkustrap pointed to Kumori’s right shoulder. Gasping, Demeter’s paw shot to her right shoulder. There was an M gashed into Kumori’s shoulder. Demeter’s had healed by now, but there would always be an obvious scar in the same shape. It was the mark of Macavity. Specifically, one of Macavity’s queens. Remembering her days trapped at Macavity’s lair, Demeter shuddered. Each one of Macavity’s queens had the same marking, along with a nick-name. Demeter’s was Friday.

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