Demeter started to cry, silently. Kumori was about to go through the same thing she had five years ago. Sensing her distress, Munkustrap held her close.

“It’ll be okay, Demy. Me and Alonzo will keep a sharp eye on her, and I’ll go talk to Mungojerrie. He’d tell us when Macavity plan’s to strike, and we’ll be ready.”

Demeter nodded, but still was not convinced. She know how Macavity thought. He would find someway to get Kumori alone and unguarded. Consoling herself, Demeter reminded herself that for now, Kumori was too weak to get anywhere without assistance.

Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer watched from their hiding place. They pretended that they were writing down information on Kumori. Behind them, the clumsy ‘spy’ slipped on a rubber mat and fell noisily. Acting oblivious, Mungo passed the old spiral notebook and crayon they were using over to Teazer, who read the note he had written. They were planning how to get past Macavity and help Kumori. The cat following them prevented anything from actually getting done. After reading Teazer’s note, Mungo sighed.

Teaz, we gotta give this up. You and I both know that Macavity knows what we’re doing. We may as well figure out a way to beg for our lives when we report. - Mj

Why? - Rt.

Teaz, why else would Macavity send a buffoon? It’s a warning. -Mj

Then why don’t we just kill him? -Rt

Macavity would kill us for murdering a fellow spy. -Mj

What if Macavity wanted us to kill him? This guy’s a real idiot. -Rt

You know that’s not true. -Mj

Rumpelteazer nodded. She knew that they couldn’t help Kumori if they were dead. Quietly, she shredded their notes, so that the ‘spy’ couldn’t read them. They counted themselves lucky they had received a warning. Macavity usually killed those he suspected of treason. Moving quickly, quietly, and stealthily, Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer soon lost the bumbling idiot. They arrived back at their home, and started discussing how to save their own skins.

Back at the clearing, Munkustrap and Demeter were still discussing about Kumori’s safety. Then Kumori awoke. She yawned and stretched as much as her sore body would allow.

“Boy am I hu-” but Kumori’s stomach finished her sentence for her. Munku and Demy chuckled, but their eyes were sad. “Can we um...keep know...” Kumori stammered. Demeter answered her question before she had to finish saying it.

“Of course, it’ll be our little secret. Now, let’s get something for that tummy of yours.”

Kumori could tell they were just putting on a show for her benefit. Nonetheless, she was still very hungry, and appreciated the fact that they were willing to go hunting for her. And she did feel better after telling them. Munkustrap picked up Kumori (she was really getting tired of this, and wished she could walk on her own.). He led them to where the Jellicle feast was held only yesterday. Finding nothing worth eating, Munku left Kumori with Demeter so he catch mice or rats. Demeter knew Munkustrap better than anyone; she knew that he was really going to talk to Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer. He would then catch only a few mice, saying that they were getting scarce. She sighed and shook her head. Munku would sacrifice his life before he lit anything happen to the Jellicles.

“Um, Demeter, can I ask you a personal question?” Kumori nervously asked.

“Of course, what is it?” Demeter replied, after a moments hesitation.

“What did Macavity do to you?”

Demeter was blown away. She thought only Munkustrap had known that Macavity kitnaped her. And Munku would never, ever tell anyone about it.

“Well, it’s just that, you always know when he shows up, and you’re a lot more scared of him when he shows up than the others. No offense intended.” Kumori finished. Demeter took several deep breaths and gulped. Kumori had to know what could happen to her if Macavity got to her.

“He kitnaped me, raped me, and severely beat me for weeks, before Munkustrap came and rescued me.” She said slowly, but firmly. Kumori was silent. “Look Kumori, that was years ago. Now he’s after you.” Demeter added, and Kumori gasped in surprise. Their eyes met. “But I want to know exactly what he said to you when you were fighting.”

Kumori could have hit herself. It was so obvious what Macavity had meant. She though that he was going to hold her hostage or something like that. “He called me a pretty kitty, and that he would take me home with him.” she said, and started to tear up. Demeter quickly moved over to her and hugged her.

“There there, Kumori. Munkustrap and Alonzo will make sure you stay with us.” she said soothingly. “In times like this, we must be strong!”

Kumori’s head was on Demeter’s shoulder, and she saw the M shaped scar.

“What’s that?” she asked, tracing the scar with her paw. Once again, Demeter’s hand shot right to her shoulder. Her breathing quickened, and she fought to keep it under control. There was a long, awkward pause before Demeter finally answered.

“It’s the mark of Macavity.” she said quietly.

“What?” Kumori asked, puzzled.

“Macavity considers his... captives as property. The M is, how should I say, his mark of ownership. You have one too.” she slowly said the last part. Kumori’s eyes flashed with denial. Ignoring the pain, she twisted around to try and get a look, but fell from her sitting position onto her side. Giving up actually being able to see the healing scar, Kumori put her paw on her shoulder to try and feel it. Her usually glossy black fur turned a dull grey, and her eyes widened with fright as she found it. Kumori’s mouth hung open in shock, and her eyes, still wide with fright, stared into space. Demeter picked up Kumori, but the only thing she could think of to say was an old war saying.

“Forewarned is forearmed” This seemed to break Kumori out of her trance.

“So I... and he... like you?” was all she could say. Demeter nodded, knowing what the young queen was trying to say.

“Yes, just like me. Now listen Kumori. I won’t kid you. Macavity will separate you from the Jellicles. He always, always finds a way to get what he wants. That is just how he works. So promise me, promise to Bast, that you will not go anywhere without one of the toms watching.” Demeter knew that she had just contradicted herself, but she still hoped the kit would listen to her. Kumori had recovered sufficiently from the shock by the time Munkustrap came back. He complained loudly that mice were getting scarce, just as Demeter had predicted. Nonetheless, there were still enough for each of them to have two.

Dawn was just breaking over the horizon when the three cats finished eating. Other cats were starting to stir, sore from the previous battle. Munkustrap returned Kumori to the trunk of the old Volkswagen, signaling to Alonzo to keep watch. Alonzo nodded, and sat down on the roof of the car. Soon, the junkyard was bustling with cats, all trying to find things to help heal their mate’s wounds.

Six Days Later

Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer anxiously stood where Macavity last spoke to them. They knew the drill well. Somebody would come and blindfold them, so that they had no idea where they were going. Rumpelteazer thought this ridiculous, since Macavity changed hideouts weekly, sometimes even daily. Once they reached the hideout, they would remove the blindfolds and find themselves in the presence of Macavity. Mungo was extremely apprehensive. Macavity knew that he and Teaz had been plotting against him. Depending on what the clumsy spy had told Macavity, the mat or may not be killed for mutiny.

Mungojerrie was relieved to have the blindfold pulled over his eyes. His relief was short lived, as both he and Rumpelteazer were knocked unconscious.

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