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My Cicely - Buying Online


The Northern Exposure BookGee, I'd never have thought about looking for The Northern Exposure Book! But on a whim, I went to Best Book Buys and found it! -- BUT THEN I FOUND IT AT  BN.COM for $4.89 ! -- Whatever you do, before you look anywhere... go to BEST BOOK BUYS and query "Northern Exposure!" You'll find anything you're looking for, I bet!

Letters from CicelyLetters from Cicely: I just saw this one go for $20+ on a top auction site where the sellers noted that this had been unavailable from even Amazon for many years. LIES! Glad I look before I buy. BTW, it was a good read, and reminded me of NX, but it wasn't as true to the characters as I'd have like. But it's better than nothing.

Photographs: MorrowNorthern Exposure: Photographs by Rob Morrow - Another bidder's item that's going for double and triple the asking price for a used copy. Again, you can still get this online at places like Amazon (I really like Amazon, but try Barnes and Noble or Borders, if you like.)

CookbookNorthern Exposure Cookbook is still available at Amazon, and probably elsewhere. Try the retail stores before paying top dollar for a bad used item at e-bay or other auction sites!


Infamous AngelInfamous Angel is the debut album by Iris DeMent that features the final song of the NX series, OUR TOWN. Amazon has it, but so does CDNOW. Check out other music sites, you may do better that these. (Amazon usually is cheapest, I've found)

Music from NXAmazon again, has the original soundtrack, Northern Exposure: Music From The Television Series as well as the second and last soundtrack, More Music From Northern Exposure More Music from NX

REEL.COM has a few VHS tapes of the shows, but at $12 plus a pop, they're a bit pricey (but not as unreasonable as A&E). They seem also to have copies of the last soundtrack CD "More Music from Northern Exposure." Again, this has gone for high dollars at auctions (under ten bucks, here!), but if you know about this place, you can have your cake and eat it, too (or, like Chris Stevens, you can have your piano and fling it, too).

Shops, etc.:

The Brick - Merchandise with logos of Holling's Tavern by the owners of real place.

The "General Store" in Northern Exposure At this site, you can purchase Roslyn and Northern ExposureŽ merchandise.

e-bay seems to have a never-ending supply of NX memorabilia and NX related "stuff"

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