Abating Hysteria

Chapter Fourteen: A Last Stand of Odd Sorts

(A relatively good amount of time has passed since Merry and Pippin�s tour of Middle-earth. Since that time things have been relatively uneventful. Though this may seem dull and unadventurous, this is Middle-earth adjusting to a dark lord-free lifestyle. Along with that there have been the minor adjustments of there actually being a King of Gondor for the first time in a few hundred years, all of the children of the royal house of Dol Amroth are happily married off, Rohan actually has monarchs that are alive and kicking and that aren�t having their minds controlled by the forces of evil. Thus, life is good. Speaking of the happily married kids of Dol Amroth, Amrothos and Kit had recently received a letter from a certain Mr. Baggins of the Shire.)

Amrothos: A letter from Frodo? What does it say, love?

Kit: I don�t know. Hold on. (opens the letter) Do you want me to read aloud?

Amrothos: You don�t need to. I know you and Frodo were very close for a time. It may be personal.

Kit: (smiles at him) You can be so sweet sometimes.

Amrothos: (smirks) Don�t you think I know that?

Kit: (pokes him) I only tell you that all the time. I�ll read it out loud for you. It�s not like I have anything to hide.

Amrothos: Well, in that case, read on!

Kit: Okay. (reading letter) To my dearest Kit and to you, Amrothos, I extend my greetings. I am terribly sorry that I was unable to visit you in Dol Amroth along with Pippin and Merry, but I fear my health has been quite poor of late. In all actuality, that is part of the reason I am writing to you now. It has been for a relatively good time that I have been thinking about leaving Middle-earth. A while back an offer was made for me that I might sail across the sea with the last of the Ringbearers. To this I have finally consented, and by the time you receive this letter I shall have departed.

Amrothos: So he�s finally done it, eh?

Kit: I guess he has. I�ve been waiting for this one for a while.

Amrothos: Are you alright?

Kit: Oh I�m fine! Stop fussing.

Amrothos: I�m not fussing. Read on, woman.

Kit: (giggles) Yes, my lord. (continues reading) Now, when Pippin and Merry returned to the Shire, they asked Sam and me to go down to the inn for some ale. I was in relatively good spirits that day, so I agreed. Now, those two have forever been plotting. They started from the moment they first met and they shall continue to make mischief until the day they die. With that said, I would like you to know that they did in fact try to do as you asked of them.

Amrothos: Oh no, they did try to get Frodo and Sam wasted!

Kit: I wonder if they danced on the table and sang.

Amrothos: Maybe we�ll find out.

Kit: (reading) I wasn�t entirely unaware of the fact that they were trying to get us both drunk, I just wasn�t entirely certain as to why. Now, normally I would have protested, but then I realized that since returning home I had become some kind of a recluse stiff that maybe it couldn�t hurt. So, Sam and I got very drunk. Pippin guided us up onto tables and, they themselves being a tad tipsy, got up on the one next to ours and we all started singing the most ridiculous drinking song.

Amrothos: (laughing) I can see that, really I can.

Kit: (laughing too) An entire inn filled with drunk, dancing, singing, hobbits. Wow.

Amrothos: Here, give me that. Let me read the rest. (takes letter from Kit and reads) I don�t recall much else of that night, but when I awoke the next afternoon and the ache in my head dissipated, Merry and Pippin came to visit. They told me that they had gotten us to perform this silly act at your request. I do not presume to understand the way you think Kit, and I cannot begin to conceive how you, Amrothos, deal with it day in and day out. But, I know, that however random and ridiculous the request you made was, I know you sought to do something for my benefit.

Kit: Actually, I just thought it�d be funny, really. But, I guess maybe that�s okay that he thinks that.

Amrothos: Shush. (reads) When we first met I thought you were just another silly girl, and to some extent you were, but you were compatible with my relatively innocent nature at the time. The love we had was platonic, in all reality, a more laid back approach on the affection Sam has always shown towards me. You were there for me when the things we went through got too difficult for me, and I will always be grateful for your helping hand. I am sorry I could not say all of this to you in person. I have extended letters to our other friends so that they might know of my departure. Thank you for everything. Sincerely and ever yours, Frodo.

Kit: He was always such an adorable little guy. I�ll miss him.

Amrothos: I know, as will we all. But we mustn�t dwell, not today. We can�t. It�s�

Kit: Rex Manning Day?

Amrothos: (incredibly confused) What?

Kit: (giggles) Rex Manning Day! Sorry. You said that and you sounded like Mark and�

Amrothos: What are you talking about? I am so confused!

Kit: Never mind! I want to do something.

Amrothos: We could go for a walk on the beach.

Kit: Last time we did that you threw me in the water.

Amrothos: (tries looking innocent) Who, me? I would never do such a thing.

Kit: Never my butt. You did.

Amrothos: What, I thought you looked kind of cute sloshing through the streets of Dol Amroth with seaweed in your hair.

Kit: You are a sick and twisted little man.

Amrothos: Eh, what do you expect? You�re rubbing off on me.

Kit: Oh, well at least I know I�ve done one thing right in the whole time I�ve been here.

Amrothos: So, am I like your success story?

Kit: (smirks) No, you�re my insanity story.

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