Abating Hysteria

Chapter Fifteen: That Really Infamous Epilogue

(This day we find ourselves in the still-familiar Voids of Space and Time. We see Dawdle sitting in his lime green bean bag chair and Spry sitting in her orange one. Still behind them is the blue lava lamp sitting on the yellow stool.)

Spry: (waves) Hey everyone. I know it�s been a good while since last you saw us. Actually, it�s been a lot longer than you realize.

Dawdle: Yeah, you see, while you were away a lot of time passed by here. So much time in fact, that our tale is now over.

Spry: Now this may come as a shock, but you knew it had to end eventually. So, since I created this mess and introduced you into it, I figured I�d put a close on it as well.

Dawdle: So, we�ve decided to recap the events that took place since you left us.

Spry: Exactly. A lot of things happened, some for good and some for bad. Stevie and Aragorn lived a relatively uneventful life. Under Aragorn�s kingship, Gondor prospered and grew tremendously, and in the growing peace the royal family did as well. After Eldarion, Stevie bore three more children, all daughters, who would grow to have such stubbornness that all could tell who had spawned them. Eventually they were all be married off and Aragorn and Stevie had settled down into the final stages of their lives. Sadly, though not unexpectedly, Stevie passed away many years later, and Aragorn not long after that. All of Gondor mourned the passing of their King and Queen, and dutifully Eldarion took the throne.

Dawdle: On Tolfalas, Boromir and Harper continued with their sheep project, which was also very successful. Tolfalas became inhabited by a plethora of new people and it flourished. The Lord and Lady of Tolfalas did fulfill their dream of producing a wagonload of children. After Wynna they had eight more, five lads and three more girls, and were nothing short of their father�s pride and joy. Boromir and Harper lived a long and happy life, and died side by side. After this, Hallas, their eldest son, took over the household and continued in his father�s footsteps.

Spry: In Dol Amroth, Kit and Amrothos were quite happy. They lived wonderfully in the house of Imrahil with his other sons. They had four children, three boys and a girl, though their youngest son, little Adrahil, was lost to the fever during this third winter. The loss was grave and unfortunate, and Kit took it terribly, but eventually they moved on. After that they were faced with the passing on of their lord and father, Imrahil, which set all of Dol Amroth into mourning. People mourned his loss in Gondor and in Rohan and remembered the Good Prince of the City by the Sea. His eldest son, Elphir, took over his position. For many years things remained uneventful, until in his old age, Amrothos fell ill and passed away. Another fifteen years would pass before Dol Amroth lost their beloved Lady Kit.

Dawdle: Far up in the north at Fornost, Van and Halbarad lived a more simplistic life than that of their friends. Their only children were their twins, a boy and a girl. They started up a small farm of sorts and lead a happy family life. By family tradition, their son, Mallor, learned to be a Ranger of the North, while their daughter, Ivorwen, was eagerly married off to another ranger�s son as soon as she was of age. Halbarad passed on of old age and soon thereafter did Van. Despite their simple living they were very happy, even until the end.

Spry: Now Frodo sailed across the Sea with Bilbo, Gandalf, and some Elfy people, more commonly referred to as the Ringbearers. He was not to be seen or heard from again.

Dawdle: And Samwise the Brave lived in the Shire with Rosie and sired thirteen children while also serving seven terms as Mayor of the Shire. Shortly after having ended his seventh term Rosie passed on and Samwise left the Shire, sailing across the Sea. Thus was the last departure of the Ringbearers from Middle-earth.

Spry: Pippin would go on and marry Diamond of Long Cleeve and become Thain. They had one son, Faramir Took I, who would go on and marry Sam�s daughter Goldilocks. Merry went on and married Estella Bolger and had no children, and served as the Master of Buckland. After some time a message from Rohan was sent to the Shire, for Eomer requested that he see Merry one last time. The two collaborated and headed south to Rohan. They stayed there for the rest of their days and when they passed it is said that they were laid to rest near to Aragorn after he died.

Dawdle: Upon Aragorn�s death, Legolas built a boat and sailed across the sea with Gimli as they had agreed long before. Their passing ended the days of the Fellowship of the Ring in Middle-earth.

Spry: As for the lovebirds Faramir and Eowyn, they were unquestionably happy. They made wonders out of Ithilien and did wonders to help the people of Middle-earth get back on their feet after the war. They had one son, named Elboron, who would do amazing things after his father was gone. Faramir and Eowyn eventually passed on, but they did it happily and together.

Dawdle: Eomer and Lothiriel were equally as happy together in the Halls of Meduseld. So happy, in fact, that Lord Elfhelm, a good friend and soldierly companion of Eomer�s, accused Eomer of being some sort of an imposter and kidnapping the King to replace him with a love-sick puppy dog. It was a jest and a ridiculous accusation, but really wasn�t that far from true. Regardless, Eomer stood Rohan back up on its feet and returned it to being the proud and strong nation it once was. He and Lothiriel had one son, Elfwine, whom they loved dearly. Eomer died a happy man and Lothiriel lived out the last three years of her life seeing Elfwine adjusting to becoming a king.

Spry: Now who are we forgetting?

Dawdle: The two wee ones and our contentedly bonded brat.

Spry: Ah yes! Some of you may be curious what ever happened to little Eothain and Freda. Eothain became a member of the Rohirrim, a Rider of the Mark, and one of very good standing at that. Freda would grow up to be a kind hearted girl and eventually ended up as Prince Elfwine�s nurse. As for our contentedly bonded brat, brother?

Dawdle: As for her, we mean Arcane. She got hitched, or �bonded�, as the Elves like to call it, to our dear pal Haldir. To the best of our knowledge they never spawned, thank goodness, and sailed across the Sea, probably never to be seen again.

Spry: And us? Well, we�ve played our part here. We created a mess and now it is all finished. I guess we�ll have to go and try something else, won�t we, brother?

Dawdle: Aye. The first story was properly titled, but this one we lied on. The hysteria abated for our friends, but not for us. We�re insane and always will be, though we�re sad to inform you that you may never see our works of craziness again.

Spry: So with that said, thank you, all of you, for your time, love, hate, tears, and laughter, in the one and only place where our delightful chaos reigns supreme.

Both: (waving) Goodbye!

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