Abating Hysteria

Chapter Two: Swimming in a Sea of Electric Flowers

(Three days has it been since Stevie and Aragorn had their wedding. Three days since the killer reception. Three days and now Boromir and Harper are finally getting married, just as they�ve planned for so long. And now the two stand atop that one grassy mound in a field of daisies saying their vows to one another, whilst the crowd actually stands in the flowers. With vows said they kiss as newlyweds are wont to do and they turn to greet their crowed. The cheers are muffled by the sound of thunder nearing. The rain begins to fall and Harper jumps up and down clutching at Boromir�s hands.)

Harper: (excited) Thunderstorm! Spring thunderstorm! Boromir! (jumps on him) I love you!

Boromir: (smiling as he sets her back down) And I love you. This is what you�ve always wanted isn�t it?

Harper: It�s even better! I was right too! It�s scaring away all our random guests!

Boromir: (smirks) Would you look at that. I�m assuming that you want us all to stay out here and get struck by lightning, right?

Harper: (mock pouts) Well, you don�t have too. I can always do it all by myself.

Boromir: Well, that�d be hard. You see, I honestly have no intentions of letting go of you today, so I do suppose that means you are stuck with me.

Harper: Goodie! I mean, dude, I didn�t marry you so I could tell you to go away and invoke the �Don�t Touch Me� rule, now did I?

Boromir: Of course not. Come here.

(So the two, still standing on the grassy mound in the middle of a spring thunderstorm surrounded by a field of daisies, hold each other. They stand there like that, in the familiar position of Harper�s head on Boromir�s chest and his chin resting atop her head.)

Harper: I�m going to miss this when we leave, you know.

Boromir: We can always plant daisies all over Tolfalas for you. Goodness knows we had over a hundred volunteers to do all of this.

Harper: It just isn�t that. I mean�..everyone will be here and we�ll be so far away.

Boromir: Well, if things go as we think they shall than Kit will be in Dol Amroth, and that isn�t too terribly far away. Van will be moving up North with Halbarad. She should be the farthest away. But don�t you fret over it. We�ll come to visit when ever you want to.

Harper: Thank you, that means to much to me. But does that mean we have to take boats?

Boromir: Yes, it�s the only way to travel.

Harper: Doesn�t that take a while?

Boromir: Aye, but at least you won�t hurt after that like you do when you have to ride a horse.

Harper: Good point.

Boromir: Come on. Everyone is soaked. Let�s go back into the city. Have a nice quiet day with just the few of us?

Harper: (pulls away and smirks, starts to run towards the city) Race you!

Boromir: (runs after) You�re on!

(And so our two overly adorable newlyweds race back to Minas Tirith to enjoy the rest of their nice quiet wedding day.)


(Back inside the warm and dry rooms of Minas Tirith is where we find our friends. They are currently sitting inside one such room talking. In one chair near the fire we find Boromir sitting with Harper perched on his lap, Aragorn and Stevie seated similarly on the other side of the fireplace. To Boromir�s right is seated Faramir, next to Faramir is Eowyn. The four hobbits sit next to Eowyn in the order of Merry, Pippin, Sam, and Frodo, then is Van, Kit, Halbarad, three Sprites, and a certain Marchwarden of Lothlorien. They are more or less just loafing around drinking tea and talking, which is fine because Harper would have it no other way.)

Faramir: Eowyn, where is your brother now?

Eowyn: Oh, I must extend my apologies, Harper, for Eomer decided to seek out the company of a certain young lady of Dol Amroth.

Harper: Fine by me! I hope the two hit it off alright.

Stevie: Of course they will! Heck, with our matchmaking, how can they not?

Kit: Too true. Has it stopped raining yet?

Aragorn: Of course it hasn�t. It can�t stop until tomorrow!

Faramir: Brother, you have married such a queer young lady. I never thought you�d be wed in the first place, but certainly not to a girl who would pray so fervently for a thunderstorm on the day of her outdoor wedding.

Boromir: Eh, Hannah has her quirks, but we all do. I love her all the more for it. Besides, Faramir, if she weren�t utterly insane she wouldn�t make a very suitable Mrs. Of Gondor, would she?

Harper: Did you just call me �Mrs. Of Gondor�?

Boromir: I did.

Stevie: Wow. You�ve been rubbing of on him too much, Harper.

Aragorn: (yawns) Well, I do apologize, but I must get some sleep or I�ll never make it through that official babble they throw at me all day long.

Stevie: Yeah, come on Your Royal Highnessness. Bedtime!

Eowyn: Aye, I think it is time we left the newlyweds to themselves.

Faramir: Is it that time already?

Harper: Yes! Get out! I want to spend some time alone with my hubby!

Pippin: (hopping out of his chair) Fine, but I want hugs first!

(And so, in order to finally be alone after a long and wonderful day Harper must give a goodnight hug and kiss to each of the hobbits and then send them on their way. Eventually she and Boromir make it to their room where Harper plops on the bed and begins a countdown.)

Harper: Three�..Two�..One�..BOOOOOOM!

Boromir: And lo and behold, she can predict thunder crashes.

Harper: Well, duh, Cap�n Crunch. Look at the lightning.

Boromir: And to think that only in October I wanted to kill you.

Harper: And now you love me?

Boromir: More than anything.

Harper: And I love you. (raises voice) Hobbits get away from the bedroom door!

Sam: I told you she�d hear us!

Merry: Sam, shut up.

Pippin: I�m hungry.

Frodo: Can we run before she kills us?

Harper: Goodnight boys!

Boromir: Goodnight wee ones.

Hobbits: We�re not wee!

Pippin: Let�s go get food.

(So the hobbits leave, presumably for the kitchens, judging by the fact that Pippin was hungry, but then again, Pippin is always hungry. Anyway, Boromir sighs and plops down on the bed besides Harper.)

Boromir: Happy Wedding Day, love.

Harper: Happy Wedding Day to you too, dearest.

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