Abating Hysteria

Chapter Three: Moving and Planning and Going Nuts

(It has been two days since Boromir and Harper�s wedding, and now they find themselves doing the inevitable: packing. It�s really just packing Boromir�s stuff because Harper doesn�t really have too much of her own stuff considering it was just last October that she and her best friends were thrown into a dimension of fictitious characters and sent on mission to save the world. So, yeah, they�re packing up mainly Boromir�s stuff for the big more to Tolfalas.)

Boromir: I feel so terrible about this. You don�t even have things of your own to pack!

Harper: And so I shall be a dutiful wife and pack your things instead. Don�t worry about it. I could be one of those creepy knick-knacky wives who have crap all over the place.

Boromir: Well, once we�re settled you are going to turn into a knick-knacky wife.

Harper: (groans) Do I have to? Where are we going to live, anyway? Last time I checked there weren�t any actual buildings on Tolfalas.

Boromir: (smiles) They�re building us a grand home for us even as we speak. I have gotten word that a section is already completed and we will be fine to stay there.

Harper: (arches an eyebrow) A section? Don�t tell me this place is going to be huge.

Boromir: (shrugs) Fine, I won�t.

Harper: (sighs) Now I�m going to get lost.

Boromir: Of course you will! But that�s what Boromir�s are for. To find missing Hannah�s.

Harper: (nods) So that�s what they�re for!

Boromir: Aye. Grab the end of this trunk and help me carry it out, love?

Harper: Sure.

(So the two grab this big heavy trunk and move it outside where it is loaded onto the back of a wagon. From the wagon it�ll be stored safely on the ship taking them both to Tolfalas and then to the �palace�. Upon loading up the trunk they are greeted by Van.)

Van: How are things going along?

Boromir: They�re getting along very well. How are you doing?

Van: I�m okay. Are you two sure you�ll be back in time?

Harper: Van, we�ve talked about this! We�ll be back in time for your wedding. We have five weeks to go already!

Van: Oh I know, but I�m nervous already and I couldn�t bear it if you weren�t there!

Boromir: We shall return in plenty of time to see you married off.

Stevie: (from out of nowhere) Yeah! I didn�t threaten Halbarad with castration so I could have these two miss the wedding in the long run.

Van: Your Queenlyness?

Stevie: Oh shut up.

Boromir: How are you enjoying your queenly duties?

Stevie: Queenly duties? All I get to do is loaf around, look fancy, and love my husband. But then again, that�s all that women do in this world. After this the four of us girls are going up to loaf alone somewhere spiffy and we�re leaving all you boring old dudes behind.

Boromir: (wrapping his arms around Harper) Nope, you can�t have her.

Stevie: What do you mean I can�t have her? I�m the Queen of Gondor!

Boromir: And I�m insecure! Nope, not happening.

Van: You really have been letting Harper rub off on you too much.

Harper: He can�t help it. Besides, I�m so awesome who wouldn�t want me to rub off on them?

Stevie: (laughs) Whoa ego!

Harper: (smirks) Look who�s talking!

Boromir: Well, you three, I hate to put a stopper on the goodbyes, but if we don�t leave now the ship is leaving without us. Are you ready, my dear?

Harper: Yeah, I�m good to go. I�ll see you all in five weeks. Give the others my regards.

Van: We will!

Stevie: Aye, and Aragorn regrets that he could not be here, but you know how it is.

Boromir: Assure him that we understand. We shall see you in a short while then.

Van: Take care!

Harper: We will, you do the same!


(And so after finally reaching the docks and then finally reaching Tolfalas and then finally reaching the rather large palace-like structure that Harper had affectionately nicknamed �Dinky�, the recently newlyweds were home. Upon waking around Harper was pleased to discover that her husband had made good on his promise for Daisies. She was also surprised to see lots and lots of white fluffy things walking around. What was up with that?)

Harper: Boromir?

Boromir: Aye, my beloved?

Harper: What�s up with the billions of sheep all over the place?

Boromir: (grins) We�re raising sheep.

Harper: Sheep?

Boromir: Yes, sheep. I�ve always respected shepherds for now they care for there sheep. I thought it would be a good idea to make use of all this space out here other than just allowing people to settle.

Harper: So we�re raising sheep?

Boromir: (frowns) You think it�s stupid, don�t you?

Harper: No, no! I think it�s wonderful, I�m just surprised. (looks down to see a lamb chewing on her boot laces) Aww! It�s so cute!

Boromir: (smiles) Never seen a lamb before, eh?

Harper: (shrugs) Well, I have, but I�ve never owned anything so cute! (looks at him seriously for a moment) You are the most random man I have ever met. One minute you�re all noble and lordly and then the next you reveal your adorable and genuine love for things that are cute and peaceful and cuddly!

Boromir: (shrugs) Well, you�re stuck with me and my eccentricities forever now. Let�s go inspect the house.

Harper: Okie. (looks at lamb still eating boot laces and then bleats at her) Shut up and go away! (pauses, then picks up lamb) That�s it! I�ll name you Shutupandgoaway! But Shutty for short. Or I might randomly call you Squishy or Shmoo on alternating occasions!

Boromir: You scare me sometimes. Let�s go.

Harper: Okie.

Boromir: Don�t bring the sheep into the house.

Harper: But Boromir, he�s cute! Look! (holds Shutty face to face with Boromir and Shutty bleats) Lookie at the widdle Shutty! Isn�t he a cute widdle Shutty?

Boromir: (sternly, though trying not to smile) I said no, Hannah, and I mean it.

Harper: (pouts adorably, still holding Shutty) Please?

(Boromir looks between his wife and the little lamb now dubbed Shutupandgoaway and feels the walls of stringency breaking down inside of him at there obscene adorableness. He sighs and nods.)

Boromir: Fine, but that thing is not sleeping in our room.

Harper: Yes he his.

Boromir. (sighs) Fine, but not on the bed. I draw the line there. I am man of the house and you are not letting that adorable farm creature on my bed, do I make myself clear?

Harper: Yes!

(Harper jumps excitedly and kisses Boromir and hands him Shutty. Shutty randomly decides to nibble on a strand of Boromir�s hair while Harper runs off inside. He pulls the lamb away from his hair and stares at him.)

Boromir: Why do I feel as though you�re more trouble than you�re worth?

Shutty: Maaaaa!

Boromir: Yeah, that�s what I though. (sighs) The things I do for love!

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